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Friday, February 17, 2023

Planet's PRINCE of Darkness making progress! World Government Summit, et al! It's Happening NOW!

This political leader gives us a worldview which is typical of man's core desire to rule this planet!

At the moment there is a World Government Summit over in the Middle East (now). There is also a Munich Security Conference happening in Germany (with some 96 Western nations) and then Russia is also starting a major offensive in the Ukraine War. All is leading to the final event for this planet called Armageddon. Amazing events are happening and FEW comprehend Why???

Some 700 speakers will present their viewpoints at this World Government Summit (day 2 is now in progress). The mindset of the leaders reveals the agenda. The existing model for our planet which emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 must be replaced with a UNI-POLAR world system. America, under Biden, calls this Build Back America.

Russia, China, and a host of nations who are non-aligned (at the moment) are considering the consequences of this UNI-POLAR world system for our planet. Elon Musk says he does not support this concept for the world. I agree! But the majority of speakers, with Klaus Schwab, at the helm think differently. The WEST wants this global hierarchy (a centralized monstrosity). Biden calls this 'Build Back America'.

Others call this Agenda 2030 and/or One World Government. But who is BEHIND all this darkness for our planet? Is there an INVISIBLE source which influences these leaders so that this outcome is ACHIEVED? My sense is absolutely. We have a PRINCE of DARKNESS who rules this planet (invisibly). The evidence are WORDS emerging from those in control. WORDS rule over leaders (words are 'invisible').

Artificial Intelligence is now assuming control over all the planet's COMPUTERS. A single COMPUTER can rule the world system from a centralized venue...much like that which is happening within finance. One Central Bank with a Master Computer operating (behind the scenes) can over-ride all subservient computers so that everyone is controlled by an 'identity code'. AI can then rule this planet for the benefit of this invisible PRINCE OF DARKNESS (who I call Satan). Amazing!

There will be NO VOTE of the planetary citizens on what will emerge. We are not allowed to participate. The mantra is now HUMANITY must UNITE to save the planet. Billionaires and select political leaders are being CHOSEN to set up this RESET for the planet. I can discern the key players as I watch the speakers at the Summit and also the speakers at the Munich Security Conference (Schwab, Macron, Zelenskyy, Bremer, Johnson, Gates, Soros, and the American military leaders are part of the Darkness). 

It is obvious, to me, that the Ukraine War is central in the thinking of the WEST. Their GOAL is a Global Government for the planet (under their philosophy...called a Uni-polar world system). American's are part of the philosophy (under Biden/Obama/Soros/Blinken/Milley/Gates/etc.). A new Pandemic could be in the agenda (says Gates) so that this GOAL is achieved for the planet (all must happen by 2030)!

Prophecy says that the PRINCE of DARKNESS will achieve this result (for a season). The ultimate LEADER (under Satan) will be a political person (flesh/blood) who can communicate the NEED for this event to unify the planet. Big thinkers want the following for the planet:

1. One military for the planet so no-one can challenge the rule (at the top) is key.

2. One currency for the planet so AI can control buying/selling via 'identity codes' is key.

3. One overall religion which promotes man's rule (some type of apostate Christianity might work) is key.

4. God must be MADE (philosophically) in the image of Man is the mantra. This allows Man to rule the planet. The idea of a invisible SOURCE (transcendent to man) will be rejected by the core leaders. Leaders will not bow to a transcendent God who rules with 'no image'!

5. The philosophical label of our MEDIA will be Democracy. Political Democracy for everyone will be promoted as ultimate FREEDOM, PEACE, JUSTICE, UNITY. Build back America under Biden's concept of Democracy will be viewed as ultimate reality for the America. America controls the planet as of today!

6. A political Messiah will emerge soon to promote and establish this KINGDOM of MAN for the planet. I call this political rhetorician the Anti-Christ. A political leader, somewhat like Klaus Schwab (but a stronger rhetorician), will emerge to create the GOAL. Transformation is the key word of these leaders. Will you bow to the MANTRA? Will the majority of mankind bow to the coming RESET?

7. The Prince of Darkness does rule this planet IMO. This SOURCE is destined to WIN (for a season). You can read all about this Prince in scripture (Daniel, Revelation, Joel, Ezekiel, Matthew, etc.). Our world is fragmented and those in power want the RULE of MAN'S LAW to prevail for the planet.

Conclusion: Prepare for BIG events going forward. The Prince of Darkness is winning support (as of now) and those who reject this PRINCE will lose (for a season). Eventually, people will wake-up to all this insanity and REJECT the whole premise/philosophy (so says Revelation). People will desire real FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and PEACE. But this will not happen (for now). For now, we will enter this RESET mode where the Prince of Darkness rules over this planet.

Revelation 13:7 is relevant as of today:

And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation (for a season).

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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