Understanding Economics and Money

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Surveillance Financial Currency Coming! Is this the Mark of the Beast? What is a CBCD?

Biden's CBDC will advance in 2023. Our Fed is key to this decision. If implemented this means the 'Mark of the Beast' will arrive when all money becomes Virtual/Digital for everyone!
This explanation of a CBDC is excellent. It reveals why this event will produce a surveillance financial system for the nation and eventually the world! View this video completely!

I have been writing about the eventual 'Mark of the Beast Financial System' for some time. It now appears that this BEAST financial system will arrive later in 2023 and/or 2024. Money has become virtual/digital and the next logical step is to centralize this system within our Central Banks. It's happening now!

Our Central Bank, called the FED, will administer this surveillance financial system and everyone will then be forced to accept an identity code (mark) so they can buy/sell/invest. It's prophesied to happen and this means it WILL happen. God will bring us this system as his agent the Prince of Darkness will administer the system. Man currently rules this planet UNDER this diabolic agent.

A centralized financial currency for the planet will eventually emerge if prophecy is valid. You can read all about it in Revelation 13. We are entering the end-times and everything is changing fast so that these end-times can arrive for our planet. Prophecy is a result of what is happening behind the scenes within the INVISIBLE world of spirits. All is invisible until a system is implemented. Then it becomes VISIBLE.

In reality, the Prince of Darkness, has been ruling this planet for nearly 6,000 years. His time is ending and this means his FINAL rule will also end. But this rule has not ended as of today. We have a number of years left where this Prince of Darkness rules over our planet. Money is the KEY to his rule. Political POWER is key. Unelected elites are key. Centralized authority is key. Computers and AI are key.

The game is set up (as of today) so that MONEY is key to our survival. Most people can not survive without this ILLUSION called money ($$$$$$). Barter is not practical as our world must move fast and decisions must be rendered quickly. A virtual/digital money system allows buying/selling/investing in seconds/minutes. A digital wallet is now in our hands as most people have a Smart Phone. This digital wallet is the next evolution in money.

Money used to be silver coins, gold coins, and copper coins and I used to collect these coins for my savings. Then came paper notes (the paper dollar) which made transactions faster. Today, we use mere NUMBERS within a digital wallet/smart card/credit card/or debit card. I swipe my card and a signal sends my 'numbers' to another computer account. It all happens in seconds. Buying/selling is now much faster. All this helps commerce to a degree. Prosperity grows for many. The RICH get richer. Wealth disparity grows.

The advantages of digital money are many but the downside is also crucial. A digital system for commerce gives total control to a Centralized Authority which administers the system. A few elites working behind closed doors can monitor, manipulate, control, shut-off, and/or delete my money account with the click of a computer key. I become a victim of this CENTRALIZED control system. Is this healthy for commerce long-term? I say NOT!

The reason that it is not healthy is because of 'human nature'. Elites in control can force me/you to bow to their dictates on political issues, commerce issues, moral issues, religious issues, and military issues. My financial survival can be compromised by these CENTRAL authorities operating behind closed doors. Freedom is compromised and citizens become victims of the 'control' system.

Most people do not understand this issue called 'human nature'. People in POWER do lie, cheat, and steal. They create laws which favor select groups. They act to enforce their mandates on everyone. We witness this today in America and in every nation on this planet. Most people are enslaved, controlled, and un-free. I, personally, do not desire this Mark of the Beast financial system. Power centers, however, will create this system as it favors those with political/financial POWER!

The only alternative that seems practical as I write this missive is to get educated on the coming system. With education we can create alternatives that work so this system does not continue indefinitely. Barter is one alternative if this system is implemented. Using silver coins and gold coins for commerce is another alternative. Creating hidden venues that are outside of big cities is another alternative. Storage of supplies needed for survival is another alternative.

It now appears that this Uni-polar world of digital commerce will arrive by 2024. A crash in our virtual/digital stock markets would move up this date. Uncertainty is here and we can watch events as they happen on our Smart Phones. Personally, I will do all I can to help educate those who desire education. At some point we all can change the thinking of enough citizens so that a BETTER alternative emerges. That is my view!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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