Understanding Economics and Money

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Biden's America has become a CRIMINAL banking operation! Essentially a COUNTERFEITING machine! Our DOLLAR is now VIRTUAL! What is a 'virtual' DOLLAR?


This politician has it right. The banking system is criminal (a scam)! Currencies are now counterfeited with no awareness of the crime! Why? Listen!

Few thinkers expose our money system as I have done. I do this because I view the whole edifice as a 'criminal' enterprise today. The Evolution of Money (since 1971) has created this criminal enterprise. Money used to be a material item from nature (say gold or silver). Today, our money units are 'virtual'. What is a 'virtual' unit of money (say today's dollar)? It's a unit which derives from a banker's 'consciousness' (spirit phenomena). It's not a 'thing' which exists in space/time!

The unit (dollar) gets created from the 'mind' of a banker as the 'unit' is a mere mental 'symbol' ($$$$$). Look at this video from the bank of England on the explanation of QE (quantitative easing). This video reveals the scam as it operates in real-time:

Notice the money symbols as they 'flow' from computer to computer via our electromagnetic signal system. Where do these computer symbols (actually 'numbers' in the computer screen) come from? What is the 'origin'? The virtual numbers derive from the MIND (consciousness) of a banker. It's the banker who enters the virtual symbols into a computer account. The computer storage system then acts as the 'holder' of the money units. Money emerges (essentially) as 'spiritual' symbols (numbers in a banker's mind) which then are 'typed' into a computer account and called legal tender. Is this criminal or what? It allows politicians and bankers to scam the greater system of commerce for their purposes. The people are enslaved!

Money is suppose to be a 'thing' which our Congress adopts as our legal tender for commerce. A 'thing' means some item from nature. The legal tender unit is then given a numerical 'value' so consumers can calculate prices (value) in the marketplace. Today, we have bankers (commercial bankers and our central bankers) who merely ADD new money units to their computer accounts by DECISION. A decision of a banker creates money units from nothing (the human mind). The virtual units (derived from the 'mind') then get distributed to recipients who have borrowed these units (it's called a 'loan').

Biden's America has developed a Ponzi banking system which allows this politician (the current administration) to spend unlimited money units via the criminal enterprise of creating money units from a central bank computer (out-of-nothing). Debt is created to fund all the Biden spending policies and this DEBT is unlimited in that it never gets paid back. Biden's America has a current National DEBT of over $31.5 trillion as I write. This number grows yearly from spending policies and this (to me) reveals a 'criminal' system underlying the whole enterprise. Annual American debt grows and never gets paid back.

I started watching our debt situation back in Reagan's administration. America had a debt of less than $1 trillion at that time. Today, some 42 years later, out debt has grown to over $31.5 trillion. Annual deficits produce this growth. Today, Biden is continuing the spending as his administration recognizes that debt can grow continually (given that America has the Reserve currency for the planet). It's totally shameful and criminal as America sets a criminal example for all countries on this planet. Is this a BEACON of righteousness? Is America a beacon for the world to follow?

America's deficit is now over $1.5 trillion (as I write) and this number is likely to grow annually given the mindset of our politicians (who must spend and spend). As deficits get added to the National Debt, our DEBT grows continually. The new name for this enterprise is MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). Foreigners own much of our Debt and investors own the remainder. America spends and spends as America has the primary RESERVE currency for our planet. America can buy products from all 200+ countries on our planet (paying with debt that gets created out-of-nothing). Is this criminal or what?

Biden's America has evolved into a BEACON of criminality which has never been witnessed in all of human history. Criminal bankers, criminal politicians, criminal agencies all collude to further this PONZI/SCAM on the American people. It's a system which will bring America to RUIN in a few years. Eventually, the people will discern the SCAM. When this happens, I predict that TRUTH will emerge for everyone. Listen to the following video to discern the criminality within money and banking. Biden is furthering the PONZI with his lack of integrity on this issue. Biden could change his viewpoint if he desired!

The crimes within our secret central banking institutions do not get the light of day. Why? Informed media pundits are not allowed to interview the leaders within this institution. The institution that needs exposure is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, N.Y. The master computer which governs all our virtual/digital money resides on the 10th floor of this building in New York. Why all the secrecy? Why is this institution off limits to scrutiny and to the awareness of the America people? The SCAM and PONZI would end quickly if the America people were AWARE and INFORMED. Ben Bernanke is well aware of the SCAM! Will he help to educate the American people? If not, WHY?

This policymaker can THINK up money 'numbers' in his MIND and then give his assistant at the New York Fed the word to pump in virtual money units (millions, billions, trillions) so as to manipulate the entire American economy. It's all done BEHIND closed doors. Our FED has no real money in their vaults (no gold/silver/copper/paper) because our money unit (the dollar) is now VIRTUAL (a unit within the human mind/consciousness). WHO understands? Who comprehends? Who will act to shut down this criminal enterprise? It's destroying our economy and the world!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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