Understanding Economics and Money

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

A working definition of 'Consciousness'! My philosophical viewpoint!

As I watch our internet world and read my newspapers, I am confronted with the many definitions and descriptions of this concept called 'consciousness'. Scientists and philosophers, differ on what this concept defines and describes. It's very confusing. I agree that any working definition is less than absolute. Consciousness and other mental phenomena are non-observable, invisible, and outside the normal study within our institutions of Higher Learning. But, my working definition (as a philosopher) is the following:

Consciousness: the awareness of a SUBJECTIVE person (self) who is SEPARATE and distinct from that which is OBSERVED and that which is PERCEIVED as reality. 

My sense is that consciousness is beyond the model of science as it can not be observed and/or discovered within our spacetime reality. But my sense is also that my BRAIN is not the origin of this phenomena. My brain is part of matter/science and is observable and within the realm of the material. Consciousness is outside of this material realm. It's non-physical, invisible, and separate (as an experience of self).

Descartes, this philosopher, had it mostly correct IMO in that he separated the mind from the brain. Mental phenomena, he proposed, is beyond the study of science (other than as a separate phenomena that affects science). Descartes had a Dualist philosophy and most of my neuroscience friends want to study consciousness as an emergent result from my brain. This is not a valid view IMO as my brain (unaided by consciousness is not functional). The reality for me is that consciousness is needed so as to ACTIVATE my electrical activity within my brain. In other words, consciousness is a priori. 

Consciousness does not emerge from my brain, but my brain needs my consciousness so as to be activated and functional. This means that consciousness must be SEPARATE from my brain (just as my SELF is separate from my brain). I am a SUBJECT (subjective self/person) at the core. My awareness of my self requires that I view myself as SEPARATE from that which I observe and perceive. All my mental life derives from my consciousness/mind. I view myself as separate and distinct from that which I observe in nature. Also, my various experiences on this planet are within my inner self (awareness/memory).

To conclude, consciousness is mostly a spiritual concept which relates to one's SELF (as a subjective/separate individual). Read my definition above a few times to get the jest of my philosophy. I must view myself as separate and distinct in order to observe and perceive reality. This spiritual view of reality derives from Socrates and Plato (mostly). These philosophers viewed the HIGHER FORMS (ideas) as derived from the spiritual realm. Forms were separate from that which is material. This is also my perception.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday: Why is this GOOD? Let's think!

Today, we live with many deceptions of Satan on all issues, including theological issues. In my view, the Church is deceived on this issue of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. First of all, there are less than two days between Good Friday and Easter Sunday (does Satan deceive us on his math issue)? I think so! The other issue is what really happened at 3 p.m. on this day called Good Friday. Did Yeshua/Jesus really die on Good Friday? Let's think on this!

What really happened IMO is that Yeshua verbally spoke to a thief next to him the following words (my theological assumption): "Today you will be with me in Paradise". Think on this statement of Yeshua while dying on the tree. He was asked by the thief (Dismas or similar), "think of me, said Dismas, when you enter your Kingdom". Yeshua answerd: 'Today (this day), you will be with me in Paradise" (the virtual heavenly realm which we enter when our spirit soul passes from the body).

Immediately (shortly), after saying these words to the thief, Yeshua/Jesus 'gave up the spirit' and died (his virtual soul was then immediately 'glorified' by his God, Yahweh Father). Yes, Yeshua/Jesus did not experience a resurrected flesh body as the Church thinks, but he was 'immediately' glorified at the passing of his virtual soul (spirit). My view. He then ascended to the right-hand side of his God, Yahweh Father. That is my theology. The mangled/blood emptied/distorted body of Yeshua on the tree did not get raised some three days later after being in the tomb for less than two days as our Church theologians espouse (my view). This, to me, is the Church's deception!

Further evidence of this reality is that five disciples (I assume) experienced the 'glorified' Yeshua (not his manged/distorted flesh body). Peter via a vision. James via a vision. Mary via a vision. Paul via a vision. John on Patmos via a vision. The Church's invention of some 500 disciples coming out of their graves to witness this mangled/distorted body in the flesh is INVENTED theology (IMO). The other stories (Jewish in theology) are also deceptions of Satan (IMO). It was Judaism which maintained this fiction that human bodies are physically resurrected after death (at some point). This, to me, is PURE fiction of Satan.

Anyway, that is my theology on this issue of Yeshua's history. This servant of Yahweh Father broke the POWER of DEATH (immediately at his passing) as was enunciated by Yeshua to the Thief, Dismas, when he said: "TODAY (NOW at my passing) you will be with me in Paradise". The thief did not challenge these words from Yeshua. Then in short order, Yeshua did 'give up the spirit' and this is WHEN Yahweh Father 'glorified' this servant who had desired the Kingdom of his Father during his lifetime. Why would Yahweh Father want a mangled/distorted body of matter (flesh) to walk around town? Not realistic!

Yes, Yeshua, is in Paradise as I write (this virtual realm of the spirit) and this is also my vision of what happens at the POINT of death. Why wait to resurrect a prior dead body of flesh (matter) to prove that there is LIFE AFTER DEATH? This makes NO SENSE to me. I am NOT my body (and neither are you IMO). We have a virtual soul (spirit) which lives within us (until our giving up of our spirit at physical death). Then this virtual soul continues to LIVE in this virtual realm (called Paradise). This is why I view GOOD FRIDAY as theologically GOOD (not bad as some assert). 

This servant of Yahweh Father demonstrated that there is LIFE AFTER PHYSICAL DEATH. This happens IMMEDIATELY IMO at the point of physical death (not three days/two days later) after rotting in a tomb made from matter. This, to me, is the Church's theology derived from prior JEWISH theology. It's not valid IMO. Celebrate this concept that LIFE continues (after death) and it continues within a VIRTUAL realm. Near death experiences demonstrate this reality as do out-of-body experiences. That is my theology of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The Bunny story is another invention of Satan IMO. Have a good day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

January 1, 2024: All Depository Banks can Create Deposits (loans) out-of-nothing! Zero Reserve Requirement! Implications!

Digital currencies have no substance/matter/materiality. They are invisible/virtual and derive from a bankers consciousness/spirit. Satan is obviously the author of this type of money!

Digital/Virtual Currencies allow all this money creation out-of-nothing (the human mind)! It's Satan's tool to subjugate mankind and create slaves to his authority (run by his servants/the banksters and select politicians)! It diabolic at the core!

Since the dawn of commercial banking loans could be made AFTER deposits were acquired from customers (their pay checks, and from workers who earned money). All this changed on March 26, 2020 and as of January 1, 2024, every depository institution (in America) has a ZERO reserve requirement when making a loan). No customer deposits are needed. What does this mean for banks and our financial system as a whole? Is money created OUT-OF-NOTHING? Where does money COME FROM in today's world of digital/virtual currencies? Let's think on this!

What are the implications when a few mega banks can control the wealth within a nation? This type of financial system favors the few with wealth and those with authority over wealth (select politicians). This is a diabolic financial system for freedom and global prosperity. It also is totally immoral as it gives unelected bankers control over the masses of consumers. This is not Capitalism nor Socialism. It's tyranny by a cartel of bankers who can counterfeit our money.

Yes, this new policy as of January 1, 2024,  is now the policy of our banks who operate under the auspices of our Federal Reserve Banking System. Check it out for yourself via google. I assume this is now an international policy as well (or soon will be). Money created from NOTHING is the new mantra for our banks and our world financial system (is now under Satan's authority). The Great Counterfeiter (Satan) is now using his invisible signals to create this new financial system Let's think up a couple examples for understanding:

1. Let's assume I am a preferred customer of Citi Bank, New York (I do have an account). Let's assume that I desire an unsecured personal loan of $100,000 (my credit gives me this favor/let's assume). What happens when this personal loan (to me) is structured and my account created? What happens (today) is that Citi will fund my unsecured personal loan with $100,000 (created out-of-nothing/the click of a computer key) and then it gets recorded as a loan...a LIABILITY and also an ASSET (simultaneously). 

The creation of the $100,000 becomes a DEPOSIT (liability on the bookkeeping record) as soon as it enters my banking account and simultaneously an ASSET (loan) for the bank. I can now spend this counterfeit money as I choose. Were new products created to represent this counterfeit money? NO! Nothing was created as my banker just clicked his computer keys and funded by account. This is now allowed for all depository institutions as of January 1, 2024. I say this is diabolic finance. It's immoral and corrupt finance. All this is allowed and few seem to understand its implications.

Citi has accounts in some 160 countries on our planet. They are a global commercial bank. They have millions of preferred customers which desire money for spending, stock buying, etc. They can now bi-pass and reserve requirement (which was part of standard banking for centuries) and the need for customer deposits (prior to making the loan) and just ENTER numbers in a ledger to reflect the money creation (out-of-nothing) and the deposit which enters my personal account. Citi can now create DEPOSITS (in the billions) by making personal loans to select customers (with no new deposits as in prior history). All depository institutions can do likewise as of January 1, 2024. Who gives the banks this authority and prerogative? Did our Congress approve this policy? I don't think so! Our Federal Reserve is INDEPENDENT and acts to favor its member banks.

2. Our Central Bank has been doing this type of official counterfeiting for years. It has been called QE (quantitative easing). What a 'name' to fool most thinkers. In 2008 (during the prior financial crisis Ben Bernanke started this policy of official counterfeiting (calling it QE). Digital dollars were first created for the FED account (in the billions) and then these dollars were used to buy Treasuries, Mortgages, and Equities. Money creation from the FED'S mental decision-making (consciousness) was the operation. Bernanke was the banker who used his consciousness (mind) to THINK UP dollars (for his computer account) and to counterfeit for the greater marketplace. Money from NOTHING emerged in the computer screen of the FED'S account. Amazing what Satan's financial system allows (in today's market).

Is it any wonder that our financial markets go UP and UP with no pause for a recession (as was typical every five-six years). The Dow Index was some 6,900 back in March 2009 and today we are nearly at 40,000 (a 600% increase in the past 15 years). Money from heaven (now digital/virtual) enters the financial marketplace via bankers who can fund accounts with the click of a computer key. Their bookkeeping ledger allows this trickery/corruption as they THINK (falsely) that our digital dollar is a physical object/thing. In reality, a digital/virtual dollar is NOTHING and this unit ($1) is created from the MIND (consciousness) of these BANKSTERS). Is this moral corruption or what?

Is this a criminal financial system? Who gets to create money out-of-nothing and call the numbers real things (which exist in spacetime)? Yes, this is working (as of today) for creating financial bubbles in our world financial system (now under the control of Satan). But is it sustainable and moral? My sense is NO. It's pure trickery and gimmickry and corruption 101. This policy favors the select few (those in control and those with prior wealth) and those who can get favored treatment because of their wealth and authority (say the 1%). 

Donald Trump probably is one person who gets favored. Jeff Bezos (Amazon) certainly gets favored. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and the Koch brothers certainly get favored. George Soros is another and many of our politicians would qualify (as they desire more spending). America's total debt is now nearly $100 trillion (when all debt is included). Our National Debt is now $34.6 trillion. Personal debt is over $25 trillion and credit card debt is over $1.3 trillion. Unfunded liabilities are over $200 trillion. It this a moral financial system for our children? Not in my view!

How long can this Satanic financial system survive? My sense is that it can survive until masses of voting citizens catch on to this trickery. I say it's Satan's trickery. Nearly everyone is fooled and tricked as few understand money and its history. We have abandoned SOUND money for trickery and casino finance. Few comprehend the trickery and the favors which our new CENTRAL PLANNERS provide to the FEW. I call this Satan's financial system as it is destined to work until this culprit/criminal is removed from his invisible AUTHORITY. It's destined to happen eventually...but not for a few more years. 

Enslavement to a few unelected banksters is our destiny (so it seems). Our politicians call this Capitalism. I call it corruption 101. A Banking cartel controls the people and nothing gets done by our leaders in Congress. I tried to inform a few Congressional leaders back in 2008 but their response was that my concern is unwarranted. Even President Obama was unconcerned. The banking committee's were unconcerned. And now a new policy of official counterfeiting is being allowed. Is this Satan's financial system or not?

That is my viewpoint! Give it some consideration at your leisure.

This video shows us the basic NATURE of virtual/digital currencies (as viewed by banksters). They emerge from our Central Bank computers (at the speed of light). They enter the financial marketplace and pump up financial bubbles. Today, we have real estate bubbles, stock market bubbles, bond market bubbles and consumer credit card bubbles. Our central planners (working behind closed doors) refuse to allow any transparency on this corrupt system. It all must end with a silent BANG (when the time is appropriate)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Satan's financial system! Very Tricky! Why?


Get prepared for Satan's financial system (the CBDC)!

Personally, I am convinced that Satan rules planet Earth (for now). His invisible forces send messages to human beings (especially those in authority) so that his agenda can be furthered. What is his agenda? Since money rules this planet, money is key to the agenda of Satan. The financial system has evolved to favor this invisible culprit. We now have digital currencies (money) for some 95% of all money transactions (maybe more). Digital currencies are 'virtual' items which live as invisible symbols within our 'consciousness' (spirit).

Yes, our financial system is now mostly invisible and without any tangible substance. This type of financial system favors this culprit who desires to rule the world and impose a digital/virtual financial system upon the planet.  Few people on our planet recognize the NATURE of a digital/virtual financial system. In reality, this system of mental symbols/numbers is ideal for Satan and his subservient political followers. I have been writing about this financial system for years. It's a system which LIVES within our 'consciousness' (mind). It's diabolical!

Yes, we now live with a financial system that is non-physical/invisible/immaterial and which fools the many consumers and investors who use this intangible/invisible system. Who looks within themselves for a currency unit (say the dollar)? Most people think that this image $1 is tangible and trades as a physical item. But this in not valid thinking. In reality, a symbol/number ($1) is part of my/your inner 'consciousness' (mind). It is mental at the core and this allows Satan and his servants (the Central Bankers and our deceived Politicians) to fool most of the entire marketplace.

Biden (and Trump) now know that our new financial system is called MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). This new financial system is nothing. It has no substance or existence in material/observable reality. Money was originally invented to be a physical item (say like a silver/minted dollar). Thomas Jefferson invented the American minted dollar and this currency unit was physical and contained 'matter' (substance). It had a weight and the dollar was defined as 371.25 grains of pure silver (and it was minted). Today this is not reality.

Today, America has an invisible/non-material/non-physical currency which our Bankers create out of nothing (their mental consciousness). It's totally corrupt but fully in compliance with SATAN'S mindset of deception and trickery. Most consumers (I talk to many) have NO IDEA that our financial system is now IMAGINARY (part of our mental/consciousness). They are fooled and tricked (unknowingly). Look all around yourself (right now). Can you locate/find/discover a digital/virtual dollar? A digital/virtual krona? A digital/virtual euro? Try it. There is no such THING in our material universe. It's all a TRICK of Satan!

Amazing trickery that this culprit displays in the bright lights of human observation. It's all an illusion of our mind but fully operational for Satan's financial system (now heading for a global CBDC (Central Bank Digtal currency) for the entire planet. Amazing that so few can discern these realities. I have written about these realities for years. My deceived friends at the clubhouse (75 - 85 years of age) still are mostly deceived on the NATURE of our financial system (a few discern, however). The history of money can be described in a few words:

1. Money is invented (by you and I) to serve as a proxy for market value.

2. Money is then defined (by a government) so the people can exchange value in the marketplace.

3. Money is composed of 'matter' and it has weight and volume (it's not merely a $1). 

4. Money is created by a MINT (not out-of-nothing by the consciousness of Bankers).

5. Today's money (our digital/virtual currencies) are units of our mind (consciousness).

6. We live in a world where our financial 'consciousness' determines value (now subjective and illusionary).

7. All is destined to vanish/collapse/disappear eventually (Satan's financial system will perish).

Think on these concepts as you continue to VOTE for Satan's Bankers and Satan's Politicians. When will all this END? At the appropriate TIME. That is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

The American $1 started out as a silver coin. After the Great Depression of 1929, this dollar was eliminated by FDR and his political machine. Today, our $1 is merely a mental symbol (circulated via an electronic computer system). 'Cyber dollar' is another name for this financial unit. It has no tangible existence!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Mindset of our Leaders is our Problem! My view! Let's Review!

Let's think about our progress since the last Great War, World War II. Our leaders formed the United Nations so that peace could emerge and so no more major wars would ensue. This was in 1945 (some 79 years prior). Prior to this set of events we had WW I and another attempt was made to solve the war issue with a group think body of leaders. Nothing positive emerged. For the past 100 plus years our political leaders have none nothing to solve our world problems. All gets worse and more worse! Why? Will this change going forward?

As I read the Wall Street Journal I witness countless pundits who advocate more of the same. More MIGHT (military muscle) and more spending (economic debt/deficits). The few who desire to get to the bottom of our military and economic problems are ostracised for trying to focus on the core problems. Our media paints these people as conspiracy persons with a negative mindset. In other words, trying to SOLVE a key economic or military problem is not viewed as wise (given our current situation).

As I write, America's debt situation is beyond any meaningful solution. The mindset of 'kicking the can down the road' has been the mindset of our leaders for over 80 years. All leaders (West and East) have pursued this same mindset. Biden now wants to create the mindset of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). This mindset says IGNORE the spending and debt and just continue the past mindset of kicking the can down the road (indefinitely). Let the numbers increase forever (our kids will deal with it)! Witness the numbers here:


With respect to our military situation all Nations (especially the big ones) desire more military hardware (MIGHT) so they can avoid an attack from their enemy. Look at what is now happening in Ukraine and Gaza. Zelenskyy wants more weapons to attack Russia. Putin wants more weapons so as to avoid an attack from NATO (he wants security/so he says). Zelenskyy wants to retake all the annexed territory using MIGHT as the tool. None of this mindset works in real-time and it all must eventually lead to WW III. World War II did not solve anything and WW III also will not solve anything.

Netanyahu and the leaders of Hamas are no better. These leaders want more negative results for the other so their situation is bettered. But none of this mindset works in real-time. NATO and the West wants Russia to perish and Russia/China want the West to perish. Military might is the solution so it seems to these leaders. This mindset has been continuing since the origin of man. Might and economic means (money) have been the TOOLS used by these leaders who govern over us.

Our leaders are barking down the wrong path with their THINKING IMO. China wants to rule the world. Russia wants to expand their security over their enemies. America wants to rule the planet via a UNI-POLAR mindset (a rules based mindset which favors America and their friends). China/Russia/Iran and the BRICS want to rule their Nations via a MULTI-POLAR mindset (contrary to that of the WEST). All this thinking is detrimental to progress, peace, and happiness for the masses. Who might be BEHIND all this thinking? Is man the sole CAUSE?

My sense is that our world works via INVISIBLE forces/sources. Some invisible AUTHORITY must be behind all this thinking (which of our political leaders follow). Who might this be? Who might be the primary invisible SOURCE behind our world system? Could it be Satan? Is our planet governed (invisibly) by this arch enemy of mankind (Satan). Think about mankind's HISTORY. Has peace, happiness, justice, and freedom ever been made meaningful for the masses? When? I find no real progress from all the decision-making of our leaders! It all seems to lead to death/destruction!

It seems like our world system is controlled by sinister forces/sources. Our citizens (now some 8.5 billion) vote for new leaders continually. Yet nothing positive seems to happen over time. Our world system continues to deteriorate over time. MIGHT does not make RIGHT and DEBT does not bring us economic prosperity for the planet. Could it be that we need NEW THINKING at the TOP? My sense is absolutely. It's our THINKING which creates all these problems. Decision-making is key to what happens in real-time!

All this kicking the can down the road along with more military weapons does not seem to bring us any of the ideals which we all want. It appears that mankind is heading for Armageddon (this end point that is prophesied). Is Satan the real culprit? This seems likely. Are our political leaders bowing to this invisible power which works through our mental faculties (unknowingly)? Do we need NEW LEADERS with a different mindset? My sense is that something MAJOR is brewing behind the scenes. What do you THINK?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Jewish farm boy gets exalted to God (after Golgotha)! Who created this theology? Why?

The 2,000 year history of Christianity centers around the idea that a nice/intelligent Jewish farm boy (from Nazareth) died to SAVE mankind and this later earned Yeshua (after glorification) the title of God. He was God in the flesh (say Catholics) prior to Golgotha via this concept called the Hypostatic Union and then after Golgotha he was gradually exalted to an equal with the God of Israel (Yahweh) at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Catholic theology (this religion) then cemented this idea with their concept called The Trinity (three God persons within one Godhead). Amazing theology and history!

Prior to Golgotha this Jewish farm boy (from Nazareth) desired to promote the Kingdom of HIS GOD (Yahweh) for the people of Israel (mostly). Gentiles were not his primary concern. Yeshua gathered around him some 12 to 70 disciples who would preach the Kingdom message. This message of the coming Kingdom was apparently preached for some three years. Yeshua was viewed as a Jewish Messiah by his followers during this time span. Did Yeshua also think he was Messiah?

But all this Messianic fever ended after Palm Sunday (say 31 A.D.) when he was heralded as Messiah of Israel (by his followers) for one to three days. Yeshua flipped the money tables at the Temple in Jerusalem (say on Tuesday of the passion week) and then he was betrayed (by Judas) and tried by the Sanhedrin and then Pontius Pilate (by Thursday). His demise was swift and by Friday of this passion week Yeshua was crucified and he died (bodily). His death was clear to the Romans who watched this event and also by select followers. Was he actually KING of the JEWS?

But this death at Golgotha was short lived. His virtual body (spirit) was exalted by his God (Yahweh Father) so it seems. He was apparently 'glorified' at the point of death (when his spirit separated from his body). His spirit was virtual (an eternal soul within) and this soul does not die (like our flesh body). Death creates a 'passing' from bodily (fleshly) life to this eternal realm called the realm of the spirit (which is virtual). All this happened (I propose) directly after his death at Golgotha. He met Mary Magdalene (probably soon after his glorification) and then he later ascended to his God (Yahweh Father). He apparently was given a position of authority (under his God).

The God of Yeshua was this God we call Yahweh (the I AM that I AM God). This God is also called the Ancient of Days (in Daniel) and the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in our holy scripture. Many call this God Jehovah and others (mostly Jews call this God HaShem). I call this God my Father and also the Creator God of our planet/universe. This God can also be envisioned in Revelation 4 and in the books of the Tanakh (like Genesis, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel). This God will provide us with a total SOLAR eclipse on April 8, 2024. It's all amazing and instructive for those who desire wisdom and understanding.

Today, some 2,000 years after Golgotha Christians (mostly via the Catholic hierarchy) have developed a body of text which exalts this Jewish farm boy to the highest level of reality (God Almighty and/or the 2nd person of this Trinity). Many say that this Jewish farm boy is now our Creator and also the God of our universe. Many quotes (some 365) from the Old Testament are used to support this theology. The key text is Isaiah 53 and the Gospel of John 1. Yeshua is portrayed as The Word (logos) and thus God Almighty. It's now being debunked by many biblical scholars and spiritual thinkers  (however).

An Evangelist, called Paul of Tarsus, emerged some three years after Golgotha to create a new religion for the Gentiles (mostly). Paul developed a body of text (some say 13 epistles) which support the idea that the glorified Yeshua died for mankind's sin (fully/completely) as he was PERFECT in soul and character during his brief lifetime on planet Earth. His life on our planet (including his circumcision, dedication, and ministry promoting the Kingdom of his God) is mostly replaced by Paul's Gospel of BLOOD sacrifice for mankind's sin problem. Yeshua is proclaimed as the PERFECT lamb whose BLOOD saves mankind.

Under Paul's theology BLOOD = LIFE. My life and yours is in the BLOOD (this 'matter' which makes up much of our flesh). BLOOD is equivalent to LIFE and the blood of this dead Jewish farm boy from Nazareth is our sacrifice for all our sins (past/future). Paul's theology ignores the reality that my virtual self is actually spirit (not blood). My virtual consciousness is spirit not blood. My virtual SOUL is spirit not blood. Is LIFE in my blood or is it in my virtual/spirit self? I must disagree with Paul's theology and also the Catholic/Protestant theology which ignores my spirit self. LIFE = SPIRIT (not blood)! My philosophy!

We are soon entering the END of the Church Age (both Catholic and Protestant) IMO. The real God of history is emerging for this time period called the End Times. On April 8, 2024, this God will bring us a total SOLAR eclipse for us to observe and think about. Will this eclipse bring us the start of God's Judgement? The first total solar eclipse was in August of 2017 (6666) is the exact time period from this eclipse to the April 8 eclipse. Seven years might mean that Joseph's dream message is repeating for today's citizens. We have had seven years of plenty and if this is valid we may soon have seven years of famine (or similar). I hope not!

Anyway, it's time to conclude with this message. The Jewish farm boy from Nazareth may not be God (in the flesh) as portrayed via Catholic/Protestant theology. If this is valid, then we all need to seek the real God (the I AM that I AM God) for today's real theology. This God is invisible and he/she has NO IMAGE. If our farm boy from Nazareth can be visualized (with an image) then this can not be our God/Creator. We all need to seek the truth in our own way and if my philosophy is invalid then develop your own theology/philosophy. Personally, I will stick with my philosophy as it seem valid to me. 

Yeshua/Jesus grew up in a small farming village called Nazareth. He was partly a farm boy. He later was baptised  by his cousin, John, and started a ministry called seeking the coming Kingdom Age. His Gospel ended with his death. A new Gospel emerged under the leadership of this Evangelist, Paul of Tarsus. Later four Gospels were written and then a huge religion evolved after 325 A.D. Today, it's all starting to crumble as we enter the Days of Jacob's Trouble!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Christianity's BIGGEST theological Blunder! Revealed!

This human Jew from Nazareth thought he was the Messiah (prior to his death). After his death (at Golgotha) he viewed himself as the 'right-hand' servant (mediator/High Priest) of Yahweh God.

Biblical scholars are now revealing the biggest theological blunder within this religion called Christianity. This blunder was obvious, to me, some 50 years prior. My out-of-body experience (in 1977) included an epiphany of the real God of Israel (Father Yahweh on the throne). This made it clear to me that Jesus/Yeshua was not God and also that his life on our planet was as a Messiah person (with a traditional Hebrew definition). Messiah meant the 'anointed one' favored by Yahweh God. Christianity has redefined the title 'Messiah' and 'Christ' to mean God in the flesh (a huge theological blunder).

Yeshua came riding on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (say 31 A.D.). He was heralded as the Messiah of Israel (by his followers) for one day. Then all hell broke loose. He then was betrayed by Judas and tried by the Sanhedrin and then by Pontius Pilate for claiming to be King of the Jews (meaning King of Israel). His death occurred (because of his claims) and nearly everyone abandoned him as being the real Messiah when he subsequently died (Messiah meant the anointed one of Yahweh God in Hebrew). But what then happened 'after' Golgotha?

Shorting after his death (probably weeks) after Golgotha, this dead Jew was seen (I say visualized) in one's consciousness/mind. This so-called 'appearance' experience within one's consciousness (Mary Magdalene was probably the first to visualize this glorified 'appearance') resulted in a NEW concept and definition of this word Messiah. The prior belief was that Messiah meant the 'anointed' one of God (the favored one) who would bring Israel freedom from Rome. With hindsight, however, a few disciples (who witnessed this virtual image of Yeshua in their consciousness) created a NEW definition of the word Messiah. What was this NEW definition? Let's think on this!

Gradually, over time, this NEW definition of Messiah was created to mean (God in the flesh). A NEW theology gradually emerged around the concept of a suffering Messiah who was suppose to SAVE followers from their sins. To maintain this NEW definition it required that this NEW definition must mean that this Messiah was 'God in the flesh' (and also perfect in character). To SAVE followers this concept of Messiah had to mean that this person was God (in the flesh) and without any SIN (a perfect lamb). The new definition had to create a theological logic which everyone could view as valid (theologically).

Over time, this new religion grew (within Greek circles and by Greek theologians mostly) to assume that God had visited planet Earth and SAVED mankind via the vicarious atonement of this glorified Yeshua). The prior Hebrew definition of Messiah (which meant the 'anointed' one of Yahweh) was abandoned and this NEW definition grew into this 2.6 billion religion called Christianity. Jesus/Yeshua was now Almighty God (and this new concept of Trinity emerged to cement this idea within Christianity). This dead Jew from Nazareth was now God (in the flesh) and Gentile Christians flocked to this new religion.

Paul of Tarsus claimed that he had a vicarious experience (an image/voice within one's consciousness) and this Jew became the primary Evangelist for marketing this new religion called Christianity. Paul who Jesus never knew became the primary marketing man for a NEW religion. Paul wrote 7 or more letters (some say 13) and these letters were viewed as God inspired scripture. Later four Greek theologians wrote the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John (all were written by anonymous Greek theologians). A new reconstruction of scripture evolved over time into a frozen canon (by the 4th century after Yeshua's death).

Today, biblical scholars are gradually becoming AWARE that the definition of the title MESSIAH was a huge theological BLUNDER (a false doctrine of Christianity). Our Hebrew Bible (scripture) reveals that the real definition of Messiah (see Isaiah 2) means a human person who is favored and anointed for a special role for mankind. Messiah does NOT mean God (in the flesh) and the entire theology of Christianity is thus revealed as corrupt and false. The Church Age is now in apostasy (failing) and those who think (with blinders) using this false definition of Messiah assume they will be Raptured (into the clouds above) so as to ESCAPE the coming JUDGEMENT of the real God of Israel. Amazing deception IMO!

We are living in interesting times and people need to develop discerning minds for this age of deception which is upon us. Christianity is obviously false as it's core doctrine (that Jesus/Yeshua is God) is false. Jesus was a human Jew (from Nazareth) who wanted the Kingdom of his Father God for the people. He thought he was the Messiah (prior to his death) as envisioned within the Hebrew scriptures but this was not what Yahweh God desired (so it seems). The whole edifice of Messiah crumbled at Golgotha and the only event which saved his disciples from abandoning him was his 'glorification' at the point of his DEATH. His Father God, apparently, raised him so he could ascend to his God (and be at God's right-hand side).

This glorification event (not a bodily resurrection) was what created a NEW belief (religion) within select disciples as they witnessed this dead Jew (now glorified) in their consciousness (mind). Mary Magdalene was probably the first disciple who experience this mental 'appearance'. Read about it in John 20: 16-18. The glorified Yeshua said to Mary (do not touch me) as I have not yet ascended to Father God, to my God and your God. This is clear that the glorified Yeshua did not view himself as God (in the flesh). Christianity IMO has it all wrong and their theology is the PROBLEM. Think for yourself to discern reality!

My assumption is the Mary Magdalene had a visualization (in her mind) and this resulted in her assumption that Yeshua was now alive and that he had been raised from death!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

During lifetime of Jesus/Yeshua what did 'Messiah' mean? Let's review!

This video is crucial to understanding the history and meaning of this title, Messiah IMO. The presentation of Bart Ehrman (on this issue) is totally valid and I agree with his viewpoint fully. Listen carefully for the meaning and the history as you listen to this video. Christianity has it all WRONG (when it comes to this Messiah person who they call JESUS). Maybe this is why the Church Age is soon Ending!

The title Messiah derives from the Hebrew language. In Greek the title becomes Christ. In my Swedish language the title becomes Kristus. What does this title mean in real-time for you and I (today)? It means an 'anointed one' of God (Yahweh) who is favored for a special role/mission. It does NOT mean that this anointed one is God Almighty. It means that God has chosen this human being for a special role/mission. Was Jesus/Yeshua a Messiah person (a favored one of God)?

It appears that Jesus/Yeshua did view himself as a Messiah person, chosen by his God (Yahweh) to announce the coming KINGDOM of God for planet Earth. Jesus/Yeshua did seem to view himself during his three year ministry as a Messiah person. He thought that God (Yahweh) was going to set up a Kingdom on Earth that would replace the Roman regime/kingdom and God would rule (from heaven through him). Jesus/Yeshua would serve as God's chosen 'king' (small k) under the overall rule of King Yahweh/Father.

Jesus/Yeshua would then select his 12 servants/disciples who would assist him during his period of rule (here on planet Earth). This can be deciphered from reading the Gospels discerningly (recognizing that much of these so-called Gospels were NOT written during the historical time period of Jesus/Yeshua). They were written decades later and then by Greek speaking theologians who had no eye witness understanding of this historical person (called Jesus/Yeshua). These writers used oral history/testimony to reconstruct a narrative called the Gospels.

Keep in mind that AFTER the death of Jesus/Yeshua the entire concept of Messiah changed (under Christian thinking). This change in thinking happened when select disciples THOUGHT that Yeshua/Jesus had been raised (glorified) after his passing. This glorification created NEW thinking and later NEW theology about this Messiah person (forgetting much of his historical ministry). Gradually, over time, a NEW exaltation of Jesus/Yeshua emerged. A New Christology emerged. All this happened decades AFTER his death and mostly after Nicaea in 325 A.D.

So what did Jesus/Yeshua think with regard to the words 'son' of God and 'son' of man. Did he think that he was the divine SON of Yahweh (during his lifetime)? Did he think he was God in the flesh? I don't think so! He actually thought that he was an 'anointed' one and also a favored 'son' of his Father God (Yahweh). He did NOT think he was a divine SON  of Yahweh God (as Christians later assumed) and he did not think he was God in the flesh (as Christians later assumed). He viewed his role as that of a messenger of Yahweh (God) and also as one who was chosen to 'rule' (under God) on Earth (as a favored one of God so the KINGDOM could be realized).

The historical Jesus/Yeshua had the viewpoint that he would be a 'ruler' (on Earth) but under the heavenly rule of his God (Yahweh/Father). His 12 disciples would assist him with this rule (on Earth) as each would govern select venues during this Kingdom Age which God was bringing. So YES Jesus/Yeshua did think he was a Messiah person chosen by his God (Yahweh). He did not view himself as a suffering Messiah and/or one who would sacrifice himself for the sins of mankind. Daniel 7 gives some details on this concept called the 'son of man' coming in the clouds of heaven.

So, in conclusion, Jesus/Yeshua did view himself as a Messiah person (during his historical lifetime). He also viewed himself as a son of God (in the Hebrew sense of being a favored one of God). He viewed the 'son of man' as this COSMIC person who would announce the Kingdom at the appropriate time. Daniel 7 gives us some details and I would also say that Revelation 4 and 5 gives us further details. It is clear, to me, that Yahweh/Father is God (on the Throne) and the glorified Jesus/Yeshua (today) acts as a 'son of man' and/or the Lion of Judah during the end-time period.

We need to differentiate between the HISTORICAL Jesus/Yeshua and the Jesus of Christianity (a distortion/corruption) of the real Jew from Nazareth. Catholic and Protestant theology has distorted the real viewpoint of this Messiah person and created a corruption of his real message/mission. Christianity has derived the view that Yeshua/Jesus (after his death) was a suffering Messiah (and also God). This theology is now being debunked (by scholars) as invalid and I, personally, fully agree with Bart in the video presentation above.

Think for yourself and read between the lines when you read the corrupted Gospels. Some words are valid and some are obviously made-up/invented to create a theology which Jesus/Yeshua would reject (if here today in person). Tribulation is coming for all of Christianity because of these corruptions in doctrine and dogma. When you listen to so-called experts on the internet BEWARE of their biases and assumptions. Read, think, and derive your own assumptions using the NOW as your reference point for reality! That is my viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

APRIL 8 (and after) could be significant! Let's Review this event!

We live in the spiritual realm (in our consciousness) and this means that spiritual phenomena have meaning in the NOW. The total solar eclipse on April 8 could be significant as a SIGN of what is coming to our planet. The total eclipse of 2017 traversed a path through seven cities named SALEM (a short for Jerusalem). Was this significant? I think so! Look what's happened over in that area since 2017.

The October 7 attack by Hamas was a significant event as were all the prior political events over in Jerusalem and the Middle East. This war is a spiritual war between tribes which hate each other. This spiritual war goes all the way back to Abraham (who fathered Ishmael and Issac). The hatred started some 3800 years prior and Jerusalem has been part of the venue since King David's time. This spiritual war has no end until the Kingdom Age arrives.

The next total solar eclipse on April 8 traverses a path through seven cities named Nineveh. The path goes from southern Texas up to Maine (crossing the path of the 2017 eclipse in the area of Carbondale, Illinois). Is this significant or not? My sense is that this is a SIGN that our Creator God is starting some new event for our planet. Could it be the JUDGEMENT of Revelation? This is possible. Judgement is scheduled to start in the near future. April 8 could be this start! Only God knows!

Since the path of this eclipse goes through precisely seven cities named Nineveh (a biblical city which repented after being warned by the prophet Jonah) is significant. Is America scheduled for repentance given our spiritual condition? If repentance does not happen could JUDGEMENT emerge for America (and the world)? This is possible! My sense is that this is precisely what will happen. America is in DIRE shape and some type of event must happen so that repentance emerges. Could this start on April 8?

We live in a VIRTUAL world today with our financial system. All our currencies are mostly virtual (also called digital) and this means that these currencies LIVE within our consciousness. Consciousness is part of the spiritual realm (few comprehend). We live in the spiritual realm mostly unknowingly. The invisible realm of the spirit is real and most people have no idea that this is reality. Our ideas, thoughts, mental concepts, and our visualizations are spiritual events. But our materialist thinkers are totally unaware of this reality.

My sense is that April 8 is a clear SIGN from our Creator that something significant is going to happen. Some type of intervention could happen on or after this total solar eclipse. The 2017 eclipse traversed through seven cities named SALEM and the 2024 eclipse will traverse through seven cities named NINEVEH. The words seem significant to me. I sense that some significant events will start on or after this date, April 8, 2024. But only God knows! I am merely a philosopher who thinks on these events.

Have a great day and let's see what happens on or after April 8. I am: Donald B. Swenson, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Believers are obviously FEARFUL of the real God! Idols are chosen in lieu of God! Amazing!

This image is meant to mean that our Creator God is ONE Lord (singular). This was the Jewish concept in the Torah/Tanahk/Old Testament. Yahweh was this God who created mankind and who intervened so the Israelites could escape the slavery within Egypt. Yahweh was also the God of Yeshua (during his lifetime)! Yeshua was Jewish and his God was the God of the Torah!

Few believers seek the God of Israel as their King, Leader, Source. Christians avoid this God by exalting Yeshua as an equal to this God of Israel. They even claim that Yeshua is Yahweh God (when he lived on our planet). They simultaneously claim that Yeshua/Jesus was a Messiah (anointed by God) and also God. This contradiction is ignored when they are confronted with the idea that a Messiah person is not God. They further claim that Yeshua was totally perfect in his character while living on our planet. This idea is foreign to believers who accept the Torah as final truth. 

This idea that Yeshua/Jesus was perfect in his character is ignored when this person seeks baptism (repentance) from his cousin John. A perfect Jew, Rabbi, Messiah person would not seek baptism from a mentor who desired repentance for sin. How can a non-perfect Jew (Yeshua/Jesus) be God in the flesh when he was less than perfect? This is totally unscriptural when one reads the Torah/Tanakh. A man (born under the Law) is viewed as unworthy to be God in the flesh. Numbers 23:19. Read the Hebrew Torah!

"God is not a man, that he should lie. Neither the son of man, that he should repent". This scripture disqualifies Yeshua/Jesus from being God in the flesh. So why do Christians desire that the risen Yeshua/Jesus be God or an equal with the God of Israel? This idea emerged much later...AFTER the death of Yeshua/Jesus. A Messiah person was supposed to bring salvation to the Jews/Israel and since this did not happen with Yeshua/Jesus, a new theology emerged (after his death) which gradually exalted this Messiah person to God Almighty. Amazing!

A false theology emerged AFTER the death of Yeshua/Jesus and this false theology was then embedded in concrete at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. A Trinity emerged to replace the prior God of Israel (Yahweh) as the sole/only God. This Trinity concept was proclaimed as real and this allowed Christian believers to claim that Yeshua/Jesus was equal with the Father/Yahweh. Essentially, the Father/Yahweh was relegated to a less important role (theologically) while Jesus/Yeshua (now glorified) was exalted and worshiped. Gradually, over time, Yeshua (the historical Jew from Nazareth) was viewed as God by most Christian believers.

Today, many scholars recognize that this Jew from Nazareth never claimed to be God and that he actually worshiped the God of Israel during his lifetime. He went to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship his God (Abba Father) and he prayed daily to this God of Israel. A Jew came running to Yeshua with the question: Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Yeshua said: Why do you call me GOOD? There is none that is GOOD except God (Yeshua meant the Father/Yahweh). This implies (clearly) that Yeshua/Jesus did view himself as God. His mindset was that the Father was 'greater' and that he could do 'nothing' without the Father's input. Mark 13: 17 - 20. 

Jesus/Yeshua also said (apparently): Ye have heard how I said unto you; if you loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father, for my Father (Yahweh) is greater than I (Yeshua). John 14:28 - 29. These words were proclaimed (orally) so it seems and they might have been said by Yeshua/Jesus as the words seem valid (to me). Keep in mind that NOTHING in the New Testament (the words) were written down during the life of Yeshua/Jesus. Jesus/Yeshua had ONLY the TORAH/TANAKH for his reference point (what Christians call the Old Testament) for his Bible. He did not write any words down for believers to read (during his lifetime).

Oral testimony is what emerged AFTER the death of Yeshua. This oral testimony varied from believer to believer. Many sects emerged after the death of Yeshua and gradually an orthodox group attempted to confirm what this Messiah person said and did (while living). This orthodox group eventually became the Catholic church with a Pope (and bishops) to confirm what was real and what was heresy. Today, we know that this Catholic body of theology is full of contradictions and mistakes. Protestants are no better. There are now some 4,500 Protestant denominations. 

Listen to Pope Francis for his theology (which changes from day to day). He has said that Catholic theology needs a paradigm shift and must conform to contemporary science, culture, and peoples lived experiences. Today, all the orthodox theology is changing as biblical scholars rethink all the dogma's and doctrines of the church (both Catholic and Protestant). My sense is that believers may need to update their thinking on issues of WHO IS GOD (the God of Israel) and many other doctrines.

The widespread desire (of believers) to ESCAPE the coming wrath of God (via a rapture) provides me with strong evidence that Christian believers are out of touch with biblical reality. God is no respecter of persons and this is evident throughout scripture. Read Revelation 5: 1-4. Is anyone on this planet 'worthy'? It appears NO. None are worthy. This means that only God can choose someone to act as being 'worthy' so salvation can occur. Given this scripture my sense is that mankind will have the option of salvation (at least those chosen for this event). Mankind's destiny is totally in the hands of our Creator God (so it seems).

Is it time to recognize that Yahweh/Father is the God of Israel (and also the God of mankind)? My sense is YES. Recognizing who is our Creator God is absolutely necessary if the Kingdom is to arrive. And it is the KINGDOM which saves mankind from themselves. God rules and man acts as a SERVANT. This mindset allows a new paradigm for planet Earth. This new paradigm gives mankind peace, justice, happiness, and eternal life. That is my viewpoint/theology. You will need to think for yourself on all these issues. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

All our political systems operate with a NEGATIVE psychology! Consequences are dire (over time)?

 I watch the American political system as it operates in Washington D.C. This political system operates with a polarized group of decision-makers who use NEGATIVE means to secure their 
desires. This mindset produces a counter NEGATIVE psychology and all this leads to conflict and decline. Our military complex also works with a negative psychology to obtain its desires (goals). This mindset produces a counter negative psychology by those who are affected. Witness the conflicts in Ukraine/Russia, Middle East, and Venezuela. Negative action leads to a counter negative action.

Since our political systems on this planet operate with this negative mindset as they rule over the masses, this leads eventually to a destruction of the system. The term Armageddon is logical when we think of where all this negativity leads. Our world works with the principle of action/counter action. Positive agreements produce positive results. Negative actions produce counter negative actions. Few thinkers seems to realize this reality. Our political leaders do not seem to act so as to produce positive outcomes.

We live in a world of politics where man rules over the system. Each political leader wants THEIR viewpoint to prevail. Witness the mindset of Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. Witness the mindset of Biden and Putin. Witness the mindset of Maduro and those who desire a different set of policies in Venezuela. Each leader will IMPOSE his/her mindset (psychology) upon the masses. All this produces counter negative mindsets (psychology) by the opposition. It's tit for tat and/or action/reaction. 

The end result of this mindset leads to a negative outcome for the masses. There is no real UNITY on issues for the entire planet. We live as a collective diverse group on this planet. A positive mindset for the whole is needed if progress is to prevail. We need a SYSTEM which allows this outcome. There is only ONE system which can produce this positive outcome. It's the Kingdom of our Creator God. God's political system would produce a POSITIVE outcome for the planet (all peoples). Nothing less can work!

The current political system of man produces NEGATIVE outcomes (over time). This is why most discerning thinkers now think that our world political system is heading for destruction. Our political leaders have used their negative psychology to create this collective decline for the planet. Nothing can SAVE our planet until people recognize that the SYSTEM is heading for destruction. We need a NEW SYSTEM (model) which gives us UNITY (for the whole planet). The KINGDOM AGE is the ONLY hope for planet Earth IMO. Think on this as you watch events going forward! Are we heading for unity or disunity?

This video is amazing as it reveals history which has already happened plus future history which is yet to occur. God is the source of this dream and its interpretation. This means that what is determined will happen precisely as God has determined. Eventually, the negative psychology of man's political systems will be replaced by the Kingdom Age for planet Earth!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Biden's Viewpoint: Economy (the best ever), Union (strong), Inflation (down), Democracy (the goal)!

Biden's State of the Union was 75% positive. He thinks the State of the Union is strong as ever. He thinks that our economy is the best ever (15 million new jobs). He says that inflation is down to 3% and dropping (but gas prices just went up 20% this past month). He claims that democracy is his goal and this means more money is needed for Ukraine. Putin (this dictator) must be stopped and this means America must continue to provide more weapons for Ukraine. Is any of this reality or is this pure DECEPTION. Here are my rebuttals. 

1. The economy 'appears' sound on the surface but underneath it is crumbling fast. Biden does not want to talk about the collapsing commercial real estate market or the unaffordability of the residential housing market. Interest rates (up for 16 months) are slowing the economy rapidly.

2. His view on inflation is strictly based on the Fed's concepts which exclude energy and food. Bread has increased to $6 a loaf and gas prices were just raised to $3.59/gallon in my area (Arizona). These prices reflect continuing inflation as of today. Inflation is a huge problem for now.

3. Biden wants more money funneled to Ukraine so this war can escalate. Russia is not about to change their military policy IMO and this means more needless killing of Ukrainians and Russians. Biden thinks that Ukraine will be another democracy (this is deception 101 IMO).

4. With respect to Gaza he wants to build a temporary pier so boats can unload needed products for the staving Palestinians. This is planned for this next month. This concept does not change the status quo and Israel will continue to kill more innocent civilians as the IDF tries to eliminate Hamas forces in Gaza. A cease fire does not seem to be in the cards (as of today).

5. Biden says his BIG goal is to promote DEMOCRACY for America and the world. Does he understand what this means? It means more MOB RULE for all these nations (Ukraine included). Democracy does not create real FREEDOM for the common man. It creates political leaders who desire to IMPOSE their corrupt policies on the masses (irrespective of what the masses want). Biden is fearful of Trump as he thinks Trump will impose a dictatorship on America. This is total deception IMO. Trump can not change the American mindset of wanting individual freedom. Impossible!

What deception this man holds in his mindset. None of his items above are realistic IMO and ALL are destined to fail. His State of the Union ignored all our DEBT issues and the continuing deficits which he has created since he became President. Trump is no better. Both do not understand our dollar history and what is now emerging with the BRICS alliance. 

The BRICS are creating a new payment system for their group of nations and they are working on a NEW currency for trade between themselves. This means the American dollar is destined to decline (big time) and this has already started. The American dollar is destined to become a national currency as its RESERVE status fails. This means that Americans must live within their means (consumption wise) and this means an economic depression down the road.

American's have consumed much more than they have produced since 1976. The evidence is our Trade Deficit (it has grown every year since 1976). Selling new Treasury bonds so Americans can continue consuming more than they produce is OVER. This means America's DEBT situation will eventually force serious change in America's economic behavior. All this was not mentioned by Biden in his State of the Union address (last night). He is living a total DECEPTION on most issues of reality. It's all shameful!

Think for yourself on these issues. Listen to Biden's speech and then compare his viewpoint to that which is happening in real-time in our markets. I think you will discover that Biden is totally DECEIVED on most issues. His Democracy concept is totally invalid. Political democracy does not bring the masses freedom. It brings the masses enslavement to MOB RULE. That is precisely what we have today in America! We need new leaders who desire to promote the Kingdom Age!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The ORIGIN of a government Currency! Say the Dollar! Who understands? It's key to coming events!

All official currencies (dollar, yen, pound, krona, etc.) starts out as 'virtual' names (then a 'number' is added). For example the 'dollar' was merely a 'virtual' name during our Revolutionary War period (this unit was totally virtual/inner). It was Thomas Jefferson (his thinking) who chose this virtual name (the 'dollar') for our American currency. Thomas was America's leader (at our founding) who understood money better than most. Prior to choosing any currency unit all governments must think up a virtual 'name' for their currency. Then 'numbers' are added to this virtual name. Numbers are also 'virtual' units derived from our virtual consciousness. Numbers have no 'thingness' (which few seem to understand).

Mr. Jefferson rejected the idea that a 'virtual' name (dollar) could act as a viable official currency (on its own merit). He recognized that a virtual name (like 'dollar') is 'subjective' and without any material substance. So what did Jefferson choose so that our American currency (the dollar) would have substance/value? He chose to 'tie' the virtual currency to a physical commodity which the people viewed as having some intrinsic 'value'. He noticed that people in the marketplace liked SILVER and GOLD as commodities which had perceived intrinsic 'value'. Most nations did similar when they started their official currency.

All official currencies on this planet started out in a similar manner. A virtual 'name' (and 'number') were chosen (by someone) and then this virtual name/number was 'tied' to some item which people perceived as having intrinsic value. Silver and gold have been the people's choice (historically) for thousands of years. Rome chose silver, Britain chose silver. Sweden chose silver, and America chose silver. Gold was also chosen as this metal was perceived as equal in intrinsic value to silver. Both are commodities which the marketplace have viewed as having intrinsic value.

The American dollar (a virtual unit) was given a definition by Thomas Jefferson (in 1785) so that this definition could serve as a reference point for value. Thomas chose 371.25 grains of silver as the definition for the American dollar. This definition was then agreed to by our Congress in 1792 and the first silver coin was minted in Philadelphia as America's official currency. America now had a currency which was viewed as having 'intrinsic' value. Thomas understood that a 'virtual' name (dollar) attached to a mere virtual 'number' did not have any substance and/or intrinsic value.

All this worked great for some 143 years. In 1929 America had a great economic depression and then Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as President. FDR changed everything so as to gain CONTROL of the dollar (which the people had converted to gold during this time of economic collapse). FDR called in all the people's hoarding of gold and gave them in return a paper dollar managed by the Federal Reserve System. This paper dollar (with a 'number') was then called a 'fiat' unit of value (based totally on the credibility of the official government). Since 1934, America has had merely a 'fiat' dollar (now it has become totally virtual).

With the advent of our COMPUTER technology, our 'fiat' dollar (now 95% virtual), has become a digital dollar (circulating in cyberspace). This digital/virtual dollar is managed by our Federal Reserve System (today Jerome Power, et al.). Jerome and his chosen administrators manage this virtual/digital dollar with the click of a COMPUTER key. Our dollar is increased in supply by a decision of the FED (all operating behind closed doors). This process is often called creating 'money/currency' out of NOTHING (thin air). I call it official 'counterfeiting' of our virtual/digital dollar (as no intrinsic value is associated with this operation).

Today, all the prior 'fiat' currencies (which were viewed as paper currencies) have transitioned to COMPUTER currencies (all are digital/virtual) and they circulate within CYBERSPACE. Cyberspace is an artificial (invisible) space which only a NETWORK of computers produce. Today, our currency system (globally) is mostly digital/virtual/computer operated. The administration of this digital system is by select Central Banks (our Fed is the key Central Bank) along with the British central bank, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of International Settlements, and a few others. Money is now virtual/digital (a cashless world has emerged). None of these virtual currencies are 'tied' to a material/physical commodity.

What is now emerging is a global digital/virtual system of money (currencies) that is 'tied' to the decision-making consciousness of our Central Bankers. These decision makers operate behind closed doors and they inject/reject currency units for the global marketplace. All this is totally corrupt as the select RICH get richer (under this system) and so-called 'WEALTH' gets funneled to a few select entities (like Amazon, Google, Tesla, Microsoft, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc.). A few select billionaires are now ruling over our global marketplace. This is similar in most nations (China, Britain, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil, and even Argentina). A few select billionaires (and their contacts) rule our global marketplace. It's a corrupt/criminal and destined for collapse at some point down the road.

Understanding the ORIGIN of a currency should help with your understanding of monetary history and also what is likely to happen as these VIRTUAL currencies collapse as the markets get DISTORTED and corrupted. The entire monetary SYSTEM is now a criminal enterprise as a few select administrators CONTROL the entire system on planet Earth. The election of Mr. Trump will not help us as this leader does not understand reality as it is administered. Neither does Biden, Sunak, Kristersson, Ingves, Jerome Powell, or Andrew Bailey. All these so-called monetary experts lack a philosophical understanding of the above history. Today, most THINK that a digital/virtual currency is a REAL thing of substance (this is illusion)!

At some point REALITY will surface and all these digital/virtual currencies will collapse (as none have ANY intrinsic value). All are created by the click of a computer key and this 'click' is administered by a leader who operates BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. When the virtual system collapses then everyone will become AWARE of these realities. Today, most have no understanding of what a virtual/digital currency actually IS. My sense is that this is because these decision makers THINK that a digital dollar (etc.) has 'thingness' and 'substance'. It reality this is delusion and ignorance. There is ZERO 'thingness' to any virtual currency (even if operating in a cyberspace network). Watch Argentina for evidence!

Understanding the ORIGIN of a currency is KEY to understanding monetary reality. America's origin of the dollar started in 1785 with the thinking of our leader, Thomas Jefferson. He was instrumental in getting our dollar defined (as 371.25 grains of silver) and then approved by our First Congress via the Coinage Act of 1792. His leadership created our First Mint in Philadelphia and America's First official dollar coin emerged in 1794. It was called the Jefferson Liberty Dollar. It was viewed as having intrinsic value in the marketplace. See the image here:

The origin of a currency provides the evidence of why our current monetary system is criminal/corrupt. We now have a few select (unelected) leaders administering our entire global money system. Prices are manipulated, values are distorted, and the wealthy get favored. Wealth disparity is at 
historical levels where a few billionaires rule over the entire marketplace. You can witness some of this distortion and corruption by viewing this website: 


This video gives some history that few comprehend. It explains how money evolved from barter to commodity money. Then how money was corrupted by our central bank system. It's worth listening to and thinking about! History tends to repeat over time!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Who Are The 'SONS of NOAH'? Details!

After visiting the Grand Canyon some four times and thinking about the history of this grand environment, I am now convinced that a rapid volcanic/upheaval was part of the process which produced this Grand Canyon. All happened quickly and suddenly after the GREAT FLOOD of Noah (some 4,200 years prior). All this change to our landscape and environment happened suddenly (not over millions of years as some propose who reject the Great Flood reality). 

Since I am convinced that Noah was a real person and his wife and sons (with their wives) actually lived after this Great Flood, this means that everyone on this planet (NOW) descended from these persons. Population growth (over time) supports the idea of growth to today's 8 billion. We are all 'Sons of Noah' (male and female). This is a fact in my philosophy and this means that our Creator God was the SOURCE which produced this GREAT FLOOD.

Visualize our planet as an ocean of water after this Great Flood. All land was covered by water (similar to an ocean) and one boat was floating on this water with Noah and his family on board. How many animals were on board is not so important other than there must have been animals of all types (on board) if life was to continue after the flood. Visualize the water receding over time and then LAND appearing (some 30% of the planet). Water remained for some 70% of the planet. All this seems plausible and real to me.

Yes, there was a Great Flood in our past and our landscape (plus the fossils which we now find) give us evidence of this reality. Soft tissues have been discovered from various animals (fossils) which give me evidence that MILLIONS of years is a fake theory. All happened suddenly and quickly just as is proposed in our scriptural history (text). Many cultures propose this theory of Noah's flood and all this means that YOU and I are descendants of Noah's family (we are 'Sons of Noah). 

The God of Noah is now understood to be Yahweh/Father (the God which whispered to Abraham and later Moses). God created Adam originally and then all the family on planet Earth (there might have been some billion persons prior to the flood). No-one knows precisely. But all died (along with the animals/life) and then a reconstruction started with Noah and his family. Nimrod emerged to built the Great Tower of Babel. God then confused the 'thoughts' of these people and their languages were changed. This seems plausible and real to me. Languages emerges after the Tower of Babel. 

So all this means that the people on planet Earth (today) are actual descendants of Noah's family. The God of Noah gave us a 'rainbow' in the SKY to serve as a symbol of this Great Flood. I observe this 'rainbow' whenever a serious thunder storm arrives. The rainbow was produced by our Creator God (Noah's God). This God is still alive and well (on his Throne). His plan is now to END the rule of man on planet Earth. All this will happen gradually and relentlessly until the Kingdom of God arrives for planet Earth. That is my premise. You can agree and/or disagree. My philosophy is REAL to me.

All the prophets of God from Adam to Muhammad have given us EVIDENCE of this reality. Yeshua also provided us evidence with his ministry and his ascension to the Throne room of Yahweh/Father. Millions of citizens on planet Earth have recognized this evidence (my mother and sister being two). I have visualized this evidence and experienced my own 'out of body' event back in the 1970's. It is obvious, to me, that my CONSCIOUSNESS is spirit phenomena (as is yours) and our BODIES are matter/flesh/material. We live in a DUAL universe of spirit and matter. This philosophy is REAL to me. Think for yourself.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

500,000 Gazans could die from starvation (given current actions of IDF)! Is this Genocide?


Biden provides some 38,000 bags of food via an air drop! Will this solve anything?

The behavior of the IDF military does not allow the Gazan people clear options to survive. As I write, America dropped some 38,000 food bags from the air for starving Gazans. This is insufficient as some 500,000 are starving as I write. There are some 2.3 million Gazans living in southern Gaza with no real shelter and with no food/water/electricity.

The international community continues to watch the military actions by Israel (the IDF) and do little to change the outcome. Israel wants to totally eliminate Hamas from power (by killing all those who support Hamas). This philosophy is unlikely to change unless the international community forces Israel to change their military policies. Netanyahu says his military will not change their actions.

Where is all this leading? Personally, I see no clear program that will settle this conflict between Hamas and the Zionist Israel. There are some 5 million Palestinians living within the boundaries of Israel. Will these people change their attitude towards Israel AFTER this conflict ends? I don't think so! Most will desire their freedom and justice and this mindset will conflict with the mindset of Zionist Israel. There is no solution!

The Middle East is in conflict as this is really a spiritual war between opposing believers. Iran, Syria, Yemen and all the other Arabs are unlikely to change their spiritual beliefs with regard to Zionist Israel. The history shows that this conflict started much prior to 1948 (the start of Zionist Israel). Palestinians and Jews have been in conflict since the dawn of these two people. It all goes back to Abraham and his descendants. A spiritual conflict is what we witness over in the Middle East.

People need to wake-up to the REAL issues which create these conflicts between different people. Man's rule over man is the core issue. Nothing can improve until people wake-up to the core issues. The Middle East is merely a reference point for man's human nature (under man's rule). We need a NEW MODEL for this planet. Is this model the Kingdom Age? That is my viewpoint!

The real problem is that conflict is a spiritual conflict which is based upon diametrically different beliefs. It all goes back to Abraham when these tribes originated. There is no military solution to this conflict. We need to wake-up to the REAL issues (differing spiritual beliefs)!

We all need to wake-up to the core issues which create all these conflicts. It's man's rule over man. The issues are systemic and nothing will improve until masses of people reject the current mindset of our political leaders. MIGHT does not BRING us peace! The solution is spiritual!

This man desired the Kingdom of God as the real solution to man's conflicts. He died for his beliefs. We now need a new awareness of the REAL issues at the core of conflict...man's rule over man!

America's military is promoted as the solution to our world's conflicts! Peace through Military Might is the mindset. Can this work? I don't think so! Might makes Right is a false mindset! It will lead to Armageddon. People need to wake-up to the spiritual nature of these conflicts!

When will the masses of people on planet Earth wake-up to the real issues which create all these world conflicts? Nothing can improve until this happens!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com