Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

APRIL 8 (and after) could be significant! Let's Review this event!

We live in the spiritual realm (in our consciousness) and this means that spiritual phenomena have meaning in the NOW. The total solar eclipse on April 8 could be significant as a SIGN of what is coming to our planet. The total eclipse of 2017 traversed a path through seven cities named SALEM (a short for Jerusalem). Was this significant? I think so! Look what's happened over in that area since 2017.

The October 7 attack by Hamas was a significant event as were all the prior political events over in Jerusalem and the Middle East. This war is a spiritual war between tribes which hate each other. This spiritual war goes all the way back to Abraham (who fathered Ishmael and Issac). The hatred started some 3800 years prior and Jerusalem has been part of the venue since King David's time. This spiritual war has no end until the Kingdom Age arrives.

The next total solar eclipse on April 8 traverses a path through seven cities named Nineveh. The path goes from southern Texas up to Maine (crossing the path of the 2017 eclipse in the area of Carbondale, Illinois). Is this significant or not? My sense is that this is a SIGN that our Creator God is starting some new event for our planet. Could it be the JUDGEMENT of Revelation? This is possible. Judgement is scheduled to start in the near future. April 8 could be this start! Only God knows!

Since the path of this eclipse goes through precisely seven cities named Nineveh (a biblical city which repented after being warned by the prophet Jonah) is significant. Is America scheduled for repentance given our spiritual condition? If repentance does not happen could JUDGEMENT emerge for America (and the world)? This is possible! My sense is that this is precisely what will happen. America is in DIRE shape and some type of event must happen so that repentance emerges. Could this start on April 8?

We live in a VIRTUAL world today with our financial system. All our currencies are mostly virtual (also called digital) and this means that these currencies LIVE within our consciousness. Consciousness is part of the spiritual realm (few comprehend). We live in the spiritual realm mostly unknowingly. The invisible realm of the spirit is real and most people have no idea that this is reality. Our ideas, thoughts, mental concepts, and our visualizations are spiritual events. But our materialist thinkers are totally unaware of this reality.

My sense is that April 8 is a clear SIGN from our Creator that something significant is going to happen. Some type of intervention could happen on or after this total solar eclipse. The 2017 eclipse traversed through seven cities named SALEM and the 2024 eclipse will traverse through seven cities named NINEVEH. The words seem significant to me. I sense that some significant events will start on or after this date, April 8, 2024. But only God knows! I am merely a philosopher who thinks on these events.

Have a great day and let's see what happens on or after April 8. I am: Donald B. Swenson, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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