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Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Jewish farm boy gets exalted to God (after Golgotha)! Who created this theology? Why?

The 2,000 year history of Christianity centers around the idea that a nice/intelligent Jewish farm boy (from Nazareth) died to SAVE mankind and this later earned Yeshua (after glorification) the title of God. He was God in the flesh (say Catholics) prior to Golgotha via this concept called the Hypostatic Union and then after Golgotha he was gradually exalted to an equal with the God of Israel (Yahweh) at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Catholic theology (this religion) then cemented this idea with their concept called The Trinity (three God persons within one Godhead). Amazing theology and history!

Prior to Golgotha this Jewish farm boy (from Nazareth) desired to promote the Kingdom of HIS GOD (Yahweh) for the people of Israel (mostly). Gentiles were not his primary concern. Yeshua gathered around him some 12 to 70 disciples who would preach the Kingdom message. This message of the coming Kingdom was apparently preached for some three years. Yeshua was viewed as a Jewish Messiah by his followers during this time span. Did Yeshua also think he was Messiah?

But all this Messianic fever ended after Palm Sunday (say 31 A.D.) when he was heralded as Messiah of Israel (by his followers) for one to three days. Yeshua flipped the money tables at the Temple in Jerusalem (say on Tuesday of the passion week) and then he was betrayed (by Judas) and tried by the Sanhedrin and then Pontius Pilate (by Thursday). His demise was swift and by Friday of this passion week Yeshua was crucified and he died (bodily). His death was clear to the Romans who watched this event and also by select followers. Was he actually KING of the JEWS?

But this death at Golgotha was short lived. His virtual body (spirit) was exalted by his God (Yahweh Father) so it seems. He was apparently 'glorified' at the point of death (when his spirit separated from his body). His spirit was virtual (an eternal soul within) and this soul does not die (like our flesh body). Death creates a 'passing' from bodily (fleshly) life to this eternal realm called the realm of the spirit (which is virtual). All this happened (I propose) directly after his death at Golgotha. He met Mary Magdalene (probably soon after his glorification) and then he later ascended to his God (Yahweh Father). He apparently was given a position of authority (under his God).

The God of Yeshua was this God we call Yahweh (the I AM that I AM God). This God is also called the Ancient of Days (in Daniel) and the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in our holy scripture. Many call this God Jehovah and others (mostly Jews call this God HaShem). I call this God my Father and also the Creator God of our planet/universe. This God can also be envisioned in Revelation 4 and in the books of the Tanakh (like Genesis, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel). This God will provide us with a total SOLAR eclipse on April 8, 2024. It's all amazing and instructive for those who desire wisdom and understanding.

Today, some 2,000 years after Golgotha Christians (mostly via the Catholic hierarchy) have developed a body of text which exalts this Jewish farm boy to the highest level of reality (God Almighty and/or the 2nd person of this Trinity). Many say that this Jewish farm boy is now our Creator and also the God of our universe. Many quotes (some 365) from the Old Testament are used to support this theology. The key text is Isaiah 53 and the Gospel of John 1. Yeshua is portrayed as The Word (logos) and thus God Almighty. It's now being debunked by many biblical scholars and spiritual thinkers  (however).

An Evangelist, called Paul of Tarsus, emerged some three years after Golgotha to create a new religion for the Gentiles (mostly). Paul developed a body of text (some say 13 epistles) which support the idea that the glorified Yeshua died for mankind's sin (fully/completely) as he was PERFECT in soul and character during his brief lifetime on planet Earth. His life on our planet (including his circumcision, dedication, and ministry promoting the Kingdom of his God) is mostly replaced by Paul's Gospel of BLOOD sacrifice for mankind's sin problem. Yeshua is proclaimed as the PERFECT lamb whose BLOOD saves mankind.

Under Paul's theology BLOOD = LIFE. My life and yours is in the BLOOD (this 'matter' which makes up much of our flesh). BLOOD is equivalent to LIFE and the blood of this dead Jewish farm boy from Nazareth is our sacrifice for all our sins (past/future). Paul's theology ignores the reality that my virtual self is actually spirit (not blood). My virtual consciousness is spirit not blood. My virtual SOUL is spirit not blood. Is LIFE in my blood or is it in my virtual/spirit self? I must disagree with Paul's theology and also the Catholic/Protestant theology which ignores my spirit self. LIFE = SPIRIT (not blood)! My philosophy!

We are soon entering the END of the Church Age (both Catholic and Protestant) IMO. The real God of history is emerging for this time period called the End Times. On April 8, 2024, this God will bring us a total SOLAR eclipse for us to observe and think about. Will this eclipse bring us the start of God's Judgement? The first total solar eclipse was in August of 2017 (6666) is the exact time period from this eclipse to the April 8 eclipse. Seven years might mean that Joseph's dream message is repeating for today's citizens. We have had seven years of plenty and if this is valid we may soon have seven years of famine (or similar). I hope not!

Anyway, it's time to conclude with this message. The Jewish farm boy from Nazareth may not be God (in the flesh) as portrayed via Catholic/Protestant theology. If this is valid, then we all need to seek the real God (the I AM that I AM God) for today's real theology. This God is invisible and he/she has NO IMAGE. If our farm boy from Nazareth can be visualized (with an image) then this can not be our God/Creator. We all need to seek the truth in our own way and if my philosophy is invalid then develop your own theology/philosophy. Personally, I will stick with my philosophy as it seem valid to me. 

Yeshua/Jesus grew up in a small farming village called Nazareth. He was partly a farm boy. He later was baptised  by his cousin, John, and started a ministry called seeking the coming Kingdom Age. His Gospel ended with his death. A new Gospel emerged under the leadership of this Evangelist, Paul of Tarsus. Later four Gospels were written and then a huge religion evolved after 325 A.D. Today, it's all starting to crumble as we enter the Days of Jacob's Trouble!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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