Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, March 25, 2024

The Mindset of our Leaders is our Problem! My view! Let's Review!

Let's think about our progress since the last Great War, World War II. Our leaders formed the United Nations so that peace could emerge and so no more major wars would ensue. This was in 1945 (some 79 years prior). Prior to this set of events we had WW I and another attempt was made to solve the war issue with a group think body of leaders. Nothing positive emerged. For the past 100 plus years our political leaders have none nothing to solve our world problems. All gets worse and more worse! Why? Will this change going forward?

As I read the Wall Street Journal I witness countless pundits who advocate more of the same. More MIGHT (military muscle) and more spending (economic debt/deficits). The few who desire to get to the bottom of our military and economic problems are ostracised for trying to focus on the core problems. Our media paints these people as conspiracy persons with a negative mindset. In other words, trying to SOLVE a key economic or military problem is not viewed as wise (given our current situation).

As I write, America's debt situation is beyond any meaningful solution. The mindset of 'kicking the can down the road' has been the mindset of our leaders for over 80 years. All leaders (West and East) have pursued this same mindset. Biden now wants to create the mindset of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). This mindset says IGNORE the spending and debt and just continue the past mindset of kicking the can down the road (indefinitely). Let the numbers increase forever (our kids will deal with it)! Witness the numbers here:


With respect to our military situation all Nations (especially the big ones) desire more military hardware (MIGHT) so they can avoid an attack from their enemy. Look at what is now happening in Ukraine and Gaza. Zelenskyy wants more weapons to attack Russia. Putin wants more weapons so as to avoid an attack from NATO (he wants security/so he says). Zelenskyy wants to retake all the annexed territory using MIGHT as the tool. None of this mindset works in real-time and it all must eventually lead to WW III. World War II did not solve anything and WW III also will not solve anything.

Netanyahu and the leaders of Hamas are no better. These leaders want more negative results for the other so their situation is bettered. But none of this mindset works in real-time. NATO and the West wants Russia to perish and Russia/China want the West to perish. Military might is the solution so it seems to these leaders. This mindset has been continuing since the origin of man. Might and economic means (money) have been the TOOLS used by these leaders who govern over us.

Our leaders are barking down the wrong path with their THINKING IMO. China wants to rule the world. Russia wants to expand their security over their enemies. America wants to rule the planet via a UNI-POLAR mindset (a rules based mindset which favors America and their friends). China/Russia/Iran and the BRICS want to rule their Nations via a MULTI-POLAR mindset (contrary to that of the WEST). All this thinking is detrimental to progress, peace, and happiness for the masses. Who might be BEHIND all this thinking? Is man the sole CAUSE?

My sense is that our world works via INVISIBLE forces/sources. Some invisible AUTHORITY must be behind all this thinking (which of our political leaders follow). Who might this be? Who might be the primary invisible SOURCE behind our world system? Could it be Satan? Is our planet governed (invisibly) by this arch enemy of mankind (Satan). Think about mankind's HISTORY. Has peace, happiness, justice, and freedom ever been made meaningful for the masses? When? I find no real progress from all the decision-making of our leaders! It all seems to lead to death/destruction!

It seems like our world system is controlled by sinister forces/sources. Our citizens (now some 8.5 billion) vote for new leaders continually. Yet nothing positive seems to happen over time. Our world system continues to deteriorate over time. MIGHT does not make RIGHT and DEBT does not bring us economic prosperity for the planet. Could it be that we need NEW THINKING at the TOP? My sense is absolutely. It's our THINKING which creates all these problems. Decision-making is key to what happens in real-time!

All this kicking the can down the road along with more military weapons does not seem to bring us any of the ideals which we all want. It appears that mankind is heading for Armageddon (this end point that is prophesied). Is Satan the real culprit? This seems likely. Are our political leaders bowing to this invisible power which works through our mental faculties (unknowingly)? Do we need NEW LEADERS with a different mindset? My sense is that something MAJOR is brewing behind the scenes. What do you THINK?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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