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Friday, March 1, 2024

In the Istanbul meeting, March 1922, Ukraine/Russia agreed that Ukraine would not join NATO! Neutrality was the agreement!

It appears that the peace conference in Istanbul in late March of 2022 was positive until the West ended this process with the words of Mr. Johnson of the United Kingdom. My sense is that the WEST (under Biden) was the problem as America wanted a PROXY war with Russia. Ukraine would not join NATO (was the core issue) but they could join the European Union if they desired. Russia also wanted Ukraine to agree that Crimea was part of Russia. The border territories were up for agreement at this conference. Why did this peace process END?

It appears that Mr. Johnson of the United Kingdom appeared and convinced Ukraine that no peace should be pursued as the West wanted Ukraine to continue the military option of removing Russia from all of Ukraine (Johnson now denies this word). The other motivation (so it seems) was that the WEST wanted to punish Russia by using Ukraine as a proxy for the West's military desire to further this war of attrition indefinitely. Punishing Russia via this PROXY of using Ukraine was part of the goals of the WEST.

We now know that Biden, UK, Germany, France, and NATO all desired that Ukraine try to win back all the territory which Russia was occupying. After this March, 2022, conference ended, Russia continued to assert its goal of annexing select boundary territories via a vote process. A vote process was started and the people (so it seems) overwhelmingly approved joining Russia. All this history is now settled in the mind of Russia's leaders. If a new peace conference is to start it is unlikely that Russia would return any territories that were annexed.

Ukraine has not voted (recently) on their goals for their future. Zelenskyy has bowed to the WEST'S goal of using Ukraine as a PROXY for the WEST"S desire to punish Russia. Today, this goal is fruitless as Russia has mobilized its military and its nation to protect its perceived INTERESTS. Russia will not bow to NATO or the USA on issues of their sovereignty. Russia perceives that the 18% of old Ukraine which they have annexed are NOW part of Russia. Russia will defend its interests to the very END (if necessary).

What we need today is education on all the issues which CREATED this war. It all goes back to 2008 and after. The WEST has allowed NATO to grow and challenge the sovereignty of Russia. Today, some 32 nations make up NATO. Back in 2008 at the Bucarest Summit the West agreed (so it seems) that Ukraine would eventually become a member of NATO. Russia started to reject all this push for NATO expansion at this point. Today, Russia says that they want a Sovereign Nation separate from NATO. Will the WEST force a military solution (via this Ukraine/Russian war)?

It is obvious, to me, that the WEST is part of the problem (especially Biden and his administration). Germany, United Kingdom, and France are also part of the problem. All these nations seem to desire to punish Russia via a military solution. None of this will work IMO and this will only lead to WW III. We need a new model for Ukraine now that Russia has annexed territories which are mostly Russian in their language. Russia can not survive as a NATION if the West continues to pursue their military goals.

The election of 2024 in America may help end this war in Ukraine. There is a growing trend to drop support for a military solution as America is bankrupt and also has problems much greater that protecting Ukraine from Russia. America will vote in November and this could end support for this war (my hope). If Biden loses (likely) then American's will support a new path for Ukraine. The war mentality will end IMO. Biden is mostly continuing this war mentality as he has convinced himself that this is needed to maintain a UNI-POLAR world (rules based) System. Russia is the problem as they now desire a MULTI-POLAR world system.

The growing trend of the BRICS nations will end the dominance of the American DOLLAR. This could happen in 2025. When the American DOLLAR loses its RESERVE status, AMERICAN hegemony ends. It's all happening NOW and my sense is that the entire American uni-polar world system will END in the next few years. A multi-polar world system is emerging and this is obvious to students of current events. China, Russia, India, Brazil, and the BRICS nations will END the DOLLAR world of America.

We are heading for a serious conflict as the American EMPIRE starts it termination period. Judgement is coming to America and the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (April 8) is a SIGN that JUDGMENT is coming. God, our Creator, is bring this JUDGMENT and nothing can stop this process IMO. It is now to late to repent as the END of America is destined to happen (according to prophecy). Repentance will eventually be needed, however, as the Kingdom Age emerges. That is my view of our SITUATION. Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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