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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Believers are obviously FEARFUL of the real God! Idols are chosen in lieu of God! Amazing!

This image is meant to mean that our Creator God is ONE Lord (singular). This was the Jewish concept in the Torah/Tanahk/Old Testament. Yahweh was this God who created mankind and who intervened so the Israelites could escape the slavery within Egypt. Yahweh was also the God of Yeshua (during his lifetime)! Yeshua was Jewish and his God was the God of the Torah!

Few believers seek the God of Israel as their King, Leader, Source. Christians avoid this God by exalting Yeshua as an equal to this God of Israel. They even claim that Yeshua is Yahweh God (when he lived on our planet). They simultaneously claim that Yeshua/Jesus was a Messiah (anointed by God) and also God. This contradiction is ignored when they are confronted with the idea that a Messiah person is not God. They further claim that Yeshua was totally perfect in his character while living on our planet. This idea is foreign to believers who accept the Torah as final truth. 

This idea that Yeshua/Jesus was perfect in his character is ignored when this person seeks baptism (repentance) from his cousin John. A perfect Jew, Rabbi, Messiah person would not seek baptism from a mentor who desired repentance for sin. How can a non-perfect Jew (Yeshua/Jesus) be God in the flesh when he was less than perfect? This is totally unscriptural when one reads the Torah/Tanakh. A man (born under the Law) is viewed as unworthy to be God in the flesh. Numbers 23:19. Read the Hebrew Torah!

"God is not a man, that he should lie. Neither the son of man, that he should repent". This scripture disqualifies Yeshua/Jesus from being God in the flesh. So why do Christians desire that the risen Yeshua/Jesus be God or an equal with the God of Israel? This idea emerged much later...AFTER the death of Yeshua/Jesus. A Messiah person was supposed to bring salvation to the Jews/Israel and since this did not happen with Yeshua/Jesus, a new theology emerged (after his death) which gradually exalted this Messiah person to God Almighty. Amazing!

A false theology emerged AFTER the death of Yeshua/Jesus and this false theology was then embedded in concrete at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. A Trinity emerged to replace the prior God of Israel (Yahweh) as the sole/only God. This Trinity concept was proclaimed as real and this allowed Christian believers to claim that Yeshua/Jesus was equal with the Father/Yahweh. Essentially, the Father/Yahweh was relegated to a less important role (theologically) while Jesus/Yeshua (now glorified) was exalted and worshiped. Gradually, over time, Yeshua (the historical Jew from Nazareth) was viewed as God by most Christian believers.

Today, many scholars recognize that this Jew from Nazareth never claimed to be God and that he actually worshiped the God of Israel during his lifetime. He went to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship his God (Abba Father) and he prayed daily to this God of Israel. A Jew came running to Yeshua with the question: Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Yeshua said: Why do you call me GOOD? There is none that is GOOD except God (Yeshua meant the Father/Yahweh). This implies (clearly) that Yeshua/Jesus did view himself as God. His mindset was that the Father was 'greater' and that he could do 'nothing' without the Father's input. Mark 13: 17 - 20. 

Jesus/Yeshua also said (apparently): Ye have heard how I said unto you; if you loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father, for my Father (Yahweh) is greater than I (Yeshua). John 14:28 - 29. These words were proclaimed (orally) so it seems and they might have been said by Yeshua/Jesus as the words seem valid (to me). Keep in mind that NOTHING in the New Testament (the words) were written down during the life of Yeshua/Jesus. Jesus/Yeshua had ONLY the TORAH/TANAKH for his reference point (what Christians call the Old Testament) for his Bible. He did not write any words down for believers to read (during his lifetime).

Oral testimony is what emerged AFTER the death of Yeshua. This oral testimony varied from believer to believer. Many sects emerged after the death of Yeshua and gradually an orthodox group attempted to confirm what this Messiah person said and did (while living). This orthodox group eventually became the Catholic church with a Pope (and bishops) to confirm what was real and what was heresy. Today, we know that this Catholic body of theology is full of contradictions and mistakes. Protestants are no better. There are now some 4,500 Protestant denominations. 

Listen to Pope Francis for his theology (which changes from day to day). He has said that Catholic theology needs a paradigm shift and must conform to contemporary science, culture, and peoples lived experiences. Today, all the orthodox theology is changing as biblical scholars rethink all the dogma's and doctrines of the church (both Catholic and Protestant). My sense is that believers may need to update their thinking on issues of WHO IS GOD (the God of Israel) and many other doctrines.

The widespread desire (of believers) to ESCAPE the coming wrath of God (via a rapture) provides me with strong evidence that Christian believers are out of touch with biblical reality. God is no respecter of persons and this is evident throughout scripture. Read Revelation 5: 1-4. Is anyone on this planet 'worthy'? It appears NO. None are worthy. This means that only God can choose someone to act as being 'worthy' so salvation can occur. Given this scripture my sense is that mankind will have the option of salvation (at least those chosen for this event). Mankind's destiny is totally in the hands of our Creator God (so it seems).

Is it time to recognize that Yahweh/Father is the God of Israel (and also the God of mankind)? My sense is YES. Recognizing who is our Creator God is absolutely necessary if the Kingdom is to arrive. And it is the KINGDOM which saves mankind from themselves. God rules and man acts as a SERVANT. This mindset allows a new paradigm for planet Earth. This new paradigm gives mankind peace, justice, happiness, and eternal life. That is my viewpoint/theology. You will need to think for yourself on all these issues. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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