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Friday, July 19, 2024

Divine Intervention: was this what happened with Trump on July 13?

The Reputlican National Convention, Milwaukee, is now over. I listened to dozens of speakers who viewed the assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump as a miracle from God Almighty. The viewpoint of many was that Divine intervention saved Donald from the assassin's bullet. And when Donald gave his acceptance speach last night, he also viewed God as having intervened to save his life. Why?

If this is valid logic, then it must mean that God's intervention (via an angel) will also determine who will govern America come November 5. Many speakers at the podium seemed to think that God is not finished with Trump and this is why they think that Divine intervention happened on July 13, at Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was shot in the ear (missing his skull by a millimeter). All this is assumed to be because there was Divine intervention. Amazing!

If this logic is valid, then I would assume that Donald Trump is destined to be our next (47th) President in November. Biden cannot overcome the WILL of God Almighty (can he?). If Trump is selected by God to be our next President, then this must happen (as God is our real Sovereign over planet Earth). The election of 2024 in America must be determined (given these assumptions). Trump will win and Biden will lose. Why? Because it is God's WILL. This logic seems to follow IF there was actual DIVINE intervention. What do I believe?

My belief is that the consensus view that Trump's life was saved by Divine intervention is valid thinking. God rules this universe/planet and his WILL is Sovereign over all other wills. Trump may be destined to win this election on November 5 and then continue to implement his policies for America (so that God's plan is advanced). So what are the core policies of The Donald (as espoused in his acceptance speech last night)? The core policies are the following:

1. Cancel most of the executive orders of Biden and implement new orders. Finish the WALL on our Southern border is key to stopping illegal immigration. This will be a first day order for Trump.

2. Cancel the order of Biden to advance electric vehicles over gas fired vehicles. Trump wants to promote all vehicle types for Americans to choose from. He claims Biden has restricted choice with his climate change policies.

3. Start a motion so as to LOWER taxes for Americans. Then start a policy of 'drill baby drill' so America can be energy independent. This will lower gas prices and create a new growth for the American economy (so Trump thinks). America will produce more growth and then start to pay-off the National Debt (now nearly $36 trillion). 

4. Trump will implement the biggest 'deportation' policy in US history. Millions of illegals (now residing in America) will be found and then 'deported'. This policy will start on day one and continue until all illegals are deported.

5. Discord and division in America must be healed quickly. Our fate involves a shared destiny (says Trump). Trump said we must not criminalise dissent and/or demonize disagreements. He now wants to broaden the appeal of Republicans so that a huge majority supports his administration.

6. America must not promote war as their main policy (inferring that this is what the Biden administration is doing). Trump thinks he can end the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza. America will punch back (against their enemies) only if seriously threatened. This means growing the military and building a DOME over America.

7. Trump will start to build a DOME system over all of America so that enemies cannot destroy our nation with missiles. Wisconsin (and other states) will participate in the building of this DOME security system for the nation. He indicated that President Reagan proposed this concept during his administration but now is the time to start this DOME as we have the technologies for this event to happen.

Basically, Trump will attempt to change the Biden polices in many areas and he thinks this can happen QUICKLY. My view is that Trump is totally deceived on his viewpoint on economic issues. His policies will actually create more inflation and a growth in government DEBT (much beyond the current unsustainable levels). 

His ideas about deporting millions of illegals is unlikely to promote unity or agreement within our nation. The process will be impossible to implement as there will be push-back from the democrats and from the illegals. I understand his motivation, but to attempt to implement this policy will be next to impossible (given the nature of the problem).

His idea that he can end the Ukraine war in days is also unrealistic. Russia has shown that they will not give up the territory that they think is now part of greater Russia. His strong arm tactics will not work in today's world IMO. Wars are likely to continue as our world is polarized over all these issues. Also prophecy points to more wars until a final end happens at Armageddon.

The mindset of Trump and his supporters does suggest that there was DIVINE intervention during the attempt at his assassination. God Almighty did step in an prevent his death on July 13, 2024. All this is because Trump is meant to serve as our next President and implement ideas that will lead to Armageddon (eventually). God rules this planet and Trump is merely an AGENT/SERVANT of this Higher Power. That is my review of our situation. Think for yourself on all these issues. My viewpoint is always 'tentative'...as I try to learn from real events as they happen. 

The entire 93 minute speech of Trump can be viewed via the internet. It was much longer then I had expected. My summary above is only partial. 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


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