Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Prophetic Events evolving perfectly! Why?

My theory of reality is based upon this idea that God rules this universe/planet (via his 'word') and this Source has a prophetic calendar which reveals his plans (to those with wisdom). None of us can discern (perfectly) these prophetic plans, but we can discern the general outline. Here is my general outline of what seems likely in 2024 and 2025. All, however, is 'tentative'!

1. I think Trump will prevail over Biden in November. Trump is a big backer of the 'dollar' as playing a continuing role in international commerce. He does not view the 'digital' dollar as being FAKE (as I do). This means he will likely advance this 'digital' dollar when necessary so as to advance the prophetic agenda. Trump is not God and this means he must act to advance the real agenda of our Higher Source.

2. Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi also want to advance their 'digital' currencies (the Ruble and the Yuan). Europe also wants to advance their 'digital' Euro as a global currency. Money rules this planet and when 'push comes to shove' (say in early 2025) then these 'digital' money units will be used to advance a GLOBAL system of international commerce. The precursors to this event are happening NOW.

3. It is likely that the USA dollar and its financial house of cards will start to collapse before or soon after the coming election (in 2024). If this happens and Trump is elected as our President (as I now assume), he is likely to advance the 'digital' dollar so that some type of GLOBAL currency system can develop for our planet. This is precisely in line with God's prophetic calendar. Trump will do what God desires!

4. God the Father is setting up the world system so that these END TIME events can happen as prophesied (my assumption). It now appears (to me) that Trump is the selected puppet to advance America's 'digital' dollar in conjunction with Russia, China, and Europe. All this is likely in 2025. This would advance the GLOBAL system so that a ONE World System emerges for our planet. Keep in mind that MONEY (under man's rule) is key to all politics and economics. 

5. Today, we live with FAKE money but few comprehend this reality. My sense is that Trump, Putin, Xi, and Europe's leaders will ALL buy into a GLOBAL 'digital' money system (once this becomes necessary to SAVE the international system of commerce). All this is emerging NOW but FEW comprehend that it is God's agenda that is actually being advanced. The Kingdom Agenda is emerging/evolving but FEW comprehend this reality. Amazing!

6. The times are interesting (for me) and for those who recognize that God (the Father) is advancing his AGENDA via his 'word' and his 'influence'. Satan will do what he is programmed to do to help with this AGENDA. The story of mankind is a soap opera which only the SELECT can discern (so it seems). This is my personal viewpoint.

7. Yes, we are living in the END TIMES (of man's rule) and this seems obvious to me. God (the Father) rules this universe/planet and this SOURCE works invisibly to advance the REAL agenda. His servants/agents work 'invisibly' to advance this agenda (most unknowingly). Few comprehend as thinkers cannot discern their own inner consciousness. My view is that God works via the inner 'consciousness' of people (all people) and his invisible 'word' accomplishes his goals and objectives (even as I/you cannot discern this reality in realtime). Amazing!

It is the WORD of this invisible Source (God Almighty) which rules our universe/planet. That is my perspective. All my personal philosophy is based on this assumption. The WORD of our Creator rules and man operates AT EFFECT. Few, however, comprehend this reality. Human nature wants to think that reality is 'material' and 'observable' to the human eye. Most desire to assume that THEY are in control of events. This, to me, is an ILLUSION. The invisible forces actually RULE this planet. This has been our situation since the DAWN of mankind.

Temporarily, Satan, is the 'god of this world'. Satan uses the official political system to assist our Creator God in accomplishing the REAl agenda of our Creator God. Nothing happens which is not approved/controlled by our invisible KING, God Almighty. The book of JOB is a good reference source for understanding this reality. JOB was likely the first scriptural text of our Holy Book. This story in JOB gives me the view that ALL is under the control and providence of our Creator God (the ultimate Source). Read Job for yourself to discern this reality.

What is now emerging in America and other parts of our planet, is part of the STORY which must be fulfilled. I now think that God will use Trump to bring America into the END TIMES (this tribulation period) which is prophesied. America, for me, is Babylon the Great (prophetically). America will assist Russia, China, and Europe to trend towards this GLOBAL world system which is prophesied. All is under the control of these INVISIBLE forces which rule our universe and our planet. That is my premise. 

Keep in mind that (for me) the LORD is the I AM GOD. This I AM God is 'not' the historical Jesus or the glorified lion of Judah (as mentioned in Revelation 5). This LORD is our Creator God/Yahweh/Father/Jehovah/Ancient of Days. The God of Israel is often referred to as HaShem (the 'name'). When to listen to the videos above and below this assumption is contradicted by the presenters. I cannot agree with these assumptions even as I do agree with much of their general worldview. Listen and think for yourself on all these theological issues!

Think for yourself to discern your own worldview. All is Amazing and Beyond the ken of me or anyone else. Wow! Am I deceived? 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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