Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Human Sentiment Ignored by our Manipulated Markets! Why?

Today, our markets are manipulated daily by a select few elites within our Central Bank system. The markets are manipulated by Algorithms and Source Codes which determine the prices of key stocks and commodities. We live with digital money which our Central Bank computers can manipulate at will with trading money that is created out-of-nothing (the Bankster's consciousness/decisions originate this manipulation). All this allows our markets to go UP and UP indefinitely (even while investor/voter sentiment declines).

As I write the political situation is chaotic and destructive. Biden has chosen to step down for a second term. Kamala Harris is viewed as weak and less than Presidential in her character (by a majority of citizens). Within our economy real estate is crashing in many cities and states. Bankruptcies are increasing, layoffs continue in our retail sector, inflation continues (even as demand is now declining), and our institutions are fragile and without voter confidence. Why is investor sentiment not represented in our stock/market indices?

What we need to know is that our stock/bond and commodity markets are all being artificially manipulated by select computers which can change prices and trends with the click of a computer key. The key decision-makers today operate BEHIND closed doors as they continually MANIPULATE these algorithmic markets via their computers. We have not had a serious downturn in these algorithmic markets since 2009 (now over 15 years of continuing manipulation). Today, our Dow index is over 40,000. It was 6,469 in March of 2009 (over a 600% increase these past 15+ years).

Our elites at the FED and the Exchange Stabilization Fund can manipulate these markets daily with their master computers (using algo's to do the manipulation). Prices of KEY commodities such as Silver/Gold can be SUPPRESSED so as to give investors the impression that all is positive (even as the OPPOSITE is reality). Why suppress silver/gold? This is necessary as these commodities represent REAL money (historically). Sentiment in the FAKE money of our FED can be maintained if they continually SUPPRESS our real money. It's all working as of today (to some degree).

All this manipulation and price suppression of silver/gold even while other prices of select stocks are PUMPED up and up...so that the indexes go UP and UP. Our Bubble stocks can gain value even as our GENERAL economy declines (over time). It's all a game of PRICE manipulation (both UP and DOWN) so that investor SENTIMENT is maintained as positive. Wars and political chaos do not affect these digital markets which get manipulated with algo's and source codes. Investor sentiment is maintained (as positive) even as sectors within our overall economy decline. What a SHAM and Ponzi Scheme that we live with today! It's not really noticed by many as MONEY is the elixir that people desire (psychologically). 

There has been no real recession these past 15+ years as the measure of a recession is our Stock/Bond/Commodity indices. All this will change, however, as our REAL ESTATE sector crashes in the coming months/years. As I write, this sector is starting its decline and my sense is that this will CONTINUE for the next five/seven years. We are heading for a BIG crash in real estate and it all started with our FED and the high interest rates (generated over time). Today, few can afford these prices and first time buyers are now priced out of this market completely. Consequences will follow eventually!

Debt is increasing to unsustainable levels as consumer debt, government debt, and commercial debt grows exponentially. The END GAME is arriving but our central planners (who operate behind closed doors) will continue the manipulation as long as humanly possible. My sense is that all this will come to a culmination point prior to the election of November 5, 2024. Our political elites must eventually deal with our economy and all its problems. Digital money is allowing all this computer manipulation to continue...even as our general economy is starting its DECLINE. My sense is that the end game will arrive some time in 2024. 2025 could start our real recession which will eventually become a serious depression. Our last real depression was 1929 (nearly 95 years prior). Business cycles will eventually PREVAIL IMO.

Think on these ideas as you watch the political SOAP OPERA via Biden/Harris/Trump. It's all eventually going to END. A New Model is needed for our planet and I propose that this is the KINGDOM MODEL. Money will be eliminated and prosperity will bring WEALTH to everyone on this planet. It's all part of the greater plan of our Creator King. That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself on all these issues of life. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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