Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In Theory our Markets could go to INFINITY! Why?

Few people are aware that our money units today are 'imaginary'. The so-called 'dollar' is merely a NUMBER in the computer screen. This 'number' has no tie to physical reality. A 'number' is part of our 'imaginary' mental regime. All this happened with the advent of Digital/Virtual money (mostly after the 2008 financial crisis). Today, some 95% of all money transactions are 'digital/virtual'.

Biden is aware that America's debt can (theoretically) go to INFINITY. The new monetary theory of Biden is called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). This theory says that mere 'numbers' make up our debt and deficits and this means there is no limit to these debt/deficit accumulations. In theory these debt/deficit numbers are mere 'imaginary' units of the human mind (our consciousness). This means that Biden is not concerned about our debt/deficits (so it seems)!

Since 2008 our markets have transitioned to high speed computer algorithms. Algorithms are computer codes (mere numbers) which can increase to INFINITY if allowed (by our computer/digital/virtual system). Where do 'numbers' derive from? In today's market they derive (mostly) from our Central Bank computers. There are no 'paper' notes that our Central Bank uses today. All money units are computer 'numbers'. These 'numbers' derive from the THINKING of our central bankers who have the authority to increase/decrease these computer 'numbers'. We call this system digital/virtual!

The most powerful money unit manipulator today is our Central Bank Chairman, Jerome Powell. This one policy maker (who acts independently from our Congress and Executive) can increase/decrease these money unit 'numbers' to INFINITY and/or ZERO (if the market allows). Money today is so flexible that there is no LIMIT to the degree of manipulation which can occur. It's all a matter of investor acceptance of this fake SYSTEM. I call this system official counterfeiting. Others call this QE or QT. 

Have you noticed that our official market indices have increased (with no serious downturn) since 2009? Our DOW index (for example) was around 6,800 in 2009. Today, this index is nearly 40,000. The Japan Neikki index was around 7,000 in 2009 and it has increased to today's number of 41,841. Both Japan and the USA have allowed their stock market indexes to increase some 500+ % these past 15+ years. This is unheard of for a business cycle. All this happens because of our Central Bank manipulations and our digital/virtual/number money unit system. So far it is working but the END GAME is built into the system.

Many financial experts (including myself) have been warning that a market crash is on the horizon. But so far nothing has happened as these market indices can be PUMPED UP indefinitely by our Central Bank computers (via the actions of select policy makers). No market crash has happened and it will not happen UNTIL investors abandon their beliefs in the stability of this digital/virtual money system. So far our Central Bank manipulators have 'fooled' investors into thinking that the current manipulative system can continue into INFINITY. Amazing!

Few seem to comprehend that our money units today are IMAGINARY (units of the mind). I call these money units...units of our consciousness. A Central Banker (like Jerome Powell and/or the banksters in Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, etc.) can continue this monetary charade indefinitely (as money is now part of our invisible consciousness). Amazing gullibility is happening as few to none comprehend how this FAKE system works in real-time.

Eventually, confidence will crash and our investors will dump their stock investments and GO for GOLD. Gold is the final end point for this FAKE phony financial system. Back in 1929, gold was the physical metal which helped to crash the financial system. Investors lost 'confidence' and then they all clamored for GOLD. Our banks could not honor the mindset of investors and this crashed the system. Will a similar event happen today?

So far our Central Bank manipulators are SUPPRESSING the gold price so that the psychology of GOING for gold is diminished. All this could change in the coming weeks/months, however. GOING for gold could be the FINAL straw that breaks the ability of our Central Planners to manipulate these 'imaginary' markets. My sense is that a few investors are waking up to the FAKE/phony monetary system. But we need more investors to WAKE UP. Will this happen in 2024? Who knows?

Biden likes Modern Monetary Theory as he can then SPEND to infinity as his budget is flexible and expandible under this FAKE system of finance. Amazing. 

Watch and wait is my mantra. Reality will eventually prevail!  The above video fools most thinkers as the presenter does not define a 'bookkeeping entry'. He merely talks about assets and liabilities (these bookkeeping entries) without defining the 'units' used and the source of these units (the human mind). Amazing gullibility. 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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