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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Philosophy: does God 'Exist'? No (materialism) No (dualism)! Is God a reality? Yes!

When I listen or read about the philosophy of Dawkins or any Atheist, I notice that their core beliefs are based upon 'materialism'. Materialism is based upon this idea that 'matter' is ultimate. The mindset of a 'materialist' is to discover all that EXISTS within our greater Universe. The word 'exist' is key in the thinking of a 'materialist' like Dawkins. But this word 'exist' is really irrelevant for a Dualist. So Yes (I agree) that God does NOT EXIST. But then what?

Dawkins denies the human mind as being separate from the brain (independent from my brain and its functioning). For a 'materialist' my brain produces my 'consciousness/mind'...and all that resides within 'consciousness/mind' is mostly meaningless (as these concepts do 'not EXIST' within the realm of the material/matter). I do not hear much discussion on the ideas that 'consciousness' is fundamental when I listen to Dawkins. This person is obviously a 'materialist' (philosophically). This leads to the idea that God does 'not exist'. 

I, however, am a Dualist (philosophically). For me this word 'exist' is not relevant for a 'dualist' (when speaking about the eternal realm). I would agree with Dawkins that God does 'not exist'. God is not some 'object' or 'thing' which the five senses can discover via the scientific method. God, as Dawkins rightly thinks, does 'not exist' as this person is without an 'image' and or some material matter which one can identify with the five senses. I agree with Dawkins when he espouses his philosophy that God does 'not exist'. 

All those who hold a 'materialist' philosophy will eventually conclude that God does 'not exist' (he cannot be discovered by the five human senses). We need a sixth sense when we talk about God and this philosophy which I call Dualism. We enter the realm of the MIND (consciousness) when we talk about God or this idea which I find fundamental to reality (consciousness). We need to think differently when we talk about the 'invisible' realm (the eternal realm).

What is 'reality'  (in reality)? I would define 'reality' as that which happens in the NOW (that which I experience in the NOW). Reality is more than mere 'matter' and this mindset called 'materialism'. I live in the NOW (continually) and this, for me, makes the study of 'consciousness/mind' fundamental. I 'think' therefore 'I am'. All my observations are done via my MIND (consciousness). For me my MIND (consciousness) is not my 'brain'. My brain is the three pound hunk of 'matter' which lives within my skull. It has no ability to form my 'words' and or my 'concepts'. It merely filters my invisible 'consciousness'.

Words, concepts, mental images, and ideas transcend my 'brain'. I live in the NOW and this means that my 'words' and my 'thinking' are key to my behavior/actions. All this philosophy of 'consciousness' transcends the worldview called 'materialism'. Dawkins and most Atheists have a mindset/philosophy of 'materialism'. Science has this mindset. Materialism is what 'science' uses to form their worldview. At the core of science is this idea 'matter' in motion. Reality, however, is much more than mere 'matter' in motion!

Dualism, however, has a philosophy that 'matter' is only relevant for the 'material' portion of reality (that which I experience/observe in the NOW). The higher reality within 'dualism' is the invisible realm of MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS. God becomes a relevant idea because God is the recognized SOURCE of 'consciousness'. I believe in God (this Higher Divine Intelligence) because my philosophy leads me in this direction. My 'inner' self is part of this divine/invisible realm. I think that you are also part of this divine realm.

So we need to be cognisant of 'words' when we talk philosophy. When a person (say like Dawins) says that God does 'not exist' we should AGREE with him. But we should then suggest to Dawkins that there is another REALM of reality (our 'consciousness' or 'mind') which must also be accepted as PART of real-time reality. How can I reject my 'consciousness/mind' as irrelevant? This is not reality as we live it (in real-time). I live within a 'dualistic' worldview and this means that 'consciousness' and 'mind' are FUNDAMENTAL to this worldview.

Listen to Dawkins as he espouses his worldview of 'materialism'. Understand that his logic is based upon 'materialism' as being reality (truth). Dawkins wants me and you to accept scientific 'truth' as the core of reality. But why do I reject this mindset? Scientic truth is based soley upon a philosophy of 'materialism'. Materialism is now being rejected by a growing body of thinkers (scientists, theologians, and philosophers). Why? I would suggest that the key word is our discovery of our 'consciousness'. 

A philosopher like David Chalmers views 'consciousness' as a fundamental reality. David is some type of 'dualist' even as he also seems to desire 'materialism' as core to his philosophy. My viewpoint is that we need to reject this philosophy called 'materialism' as the sole reality. A better reflection of reality is dualism (two realms of reality). My Dualism involves accepting 'materialism' as a reality for our observations (within our material universe) and also accepting 'virtualism/spiritualism' as that which involves our 'consciousness/mind'.

Yes, God does NOT EXIST (this spirit being is much beyond a materialistic philosophy). God is non-physical, invisible, and non-observable. God is part of the ETERNAL realm which I enter at my physical death. My virtual soul (this inner self) passes away and enters a new realm of reality. I do not DIE (as Dawkins implies) but I PASS (away) from physical life to a new VIRTUAL life. I enter a NEW realm of reality as my 'consciousness' lives on into this NEW realm. This, for me, is OBVIOUS. But an Atheist (like Dawkins) is probably unable to accept this philosophy.

Truth for Dawkins is science. Evolution via natural selection is his mantra. For me this is pure myth and disception. Truth for me is dualism. I live within TWO REALMS (the material realm and the virtual/spiritual realm). My philosophy suggests that YOU also live within these TWO realms. Think on these ideas of philosophy. Remember that Dawkins is a 'Materialist'. I am a 'Dualist'. The word EXIST applies to Dawkins science. God does NOT exist is valid thinking. But we need to think more deeply to comprehend this concept called GOD!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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