Understanding Economics and Money

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Global Currencies are: 'Units of Consciousness'! Danger!

Never in the history of money have we used mere 'units of consciousness' as our proxy for value (money). All these 'units of consciousness' (dollars, yen, pounds, etc.) have been defined (historically) in terms of some THING which exists in the marketplace (say silver/gold/paper). Today, however, 95% of all money transactions are digital/virtual (within our consciousness) and these digital money units should be called 'units of our consciousness'. Technically, these 'units' do not EXIST as material things. They are MENTAL (within us).

This mental money system is working as I write (at the micro level) but at the MACRO level distortions are appearing daily. The problem with mere 'numbers' and 'names' as our currency (say the number/name...$1.00) is that this system gives total control to the issuer of these 'units of consciousness'. The issuer is a commercial BANK and/or a Central Bank and the administrators working within these BANKS control the issuance. A personal loan to me results in new 'digits' into my account but when mere 'digits' are our money units this leads to over issuance (generally) and also value distortions in the marketplace result over time.

Money units are supposed to be a 'proxy' (substitute) for VALUE. Today, however, this concept called 'value' is distorted, subjective, and mostly meaningless. There is no objective 'value' when banksters can create these 'units of consciousness' from their mind (consciousness) at their own discretion. All is subjective and valuations are mostly meaningless in today's marketplace. The marketplace (and prices) get distorted and dysfunctional over time. Witness our situation today. Prices are free floating and without any real logic (as to value).

The lead issuer of these mental 'digits' (units of consciousness) is our Central Bank via their policymakers...who operate behind closed doors. Our Central Bank, called the FED, can decide to input a given number of dollars (let's say one billion) in their computer account so as to increase the overall money supply in the economy. This decision (now a computer decision) provides new money 'digits' in the banking account of the Central Bank and then these 'digits' are used as the CB chooses (say to buy select assets in the marketplace).

Over time, hundreds of Central Banks and their money supply actions create huge distortions of value in the marketplace (often called 'inflation'). These actions create an oversupply of 'digits' for select clients and an undersupply of 'digits' for clients with no real wealth credibility. This leads to 'wealth disparity' in the overall marketplace. The rich get richer and the poor poorer. Today, some 90% of monetary wealth is held by 10% of the banking clients. Money units get distributed to the wealthy and the poor get next to nothing.

Banksters get to administer the money wealth for the entire economy. The private sector (the individuals) are at the MERCY of the banksters who run the system. Today, most money wealth is controlled by our banksters. These policymakers create our 'units of consciousness' (money units) while they operate behind closed doors. They do not get any media or customer scrutiny in real-time. This favors the select few wealthy who have connections with these banksters. This is not real Capitalism and those with discernment can recognize this reality. Our politicians seem to disregard any media or pundits who want to seek details from these elites who run the system.

We live with a 'subjective' monetary system now since our money units are mere 'units of consciousness'. What is a digital/virtual dollar in todays marketplace? What is a digital/virtual yen, pound, euro, etc.? Who comprehends? All our global currencies are mere subjective 'units of consciousness' which get created/destroyed by select banksters (who operate behind closed doors). Is this a fair and stable monetary system for our planet? Is it a fair and stable system for America? When will our economists who are supposed to understand these issues going to reveal the details to the public? Why no transparency?

My sense is that few comprehend what is happening within our MACRO economy (now a global/interconnected economy). Electronic computers operate our monetary system and the control of these computers is within the hands of unelected banksters who operate behind closed doors. Is this a transparent monetary system for our consumers and investors? Is it a monetary system which is fair/stable/just? Would our courts find that these 'units of consciousness' which operate as our money...as viable LEGAL TENDER for goods and services? Is any of this Constitutional?

History reveals that money has always been some object/item/thing from nature. Silver and Gold have been the chosen items for most of our monetary history. Today, all is digital (mostly) and our banksters run the system (behind closed doors). Consumers and investors must accept the system as they have no other options. Control is in the hands of elites who do not desire understanding by the public. Our media is generally unable to interview these elites in real-time. All this produces distortions and distrust over time.

As I write this missive all is calm within the greater marketplace. Money is created and destroyed (behind closed doors) and few comprehend what these banksters are saying/doing. America's Central Bank Chairman, Jerome Powell, reports his viewpoint on the economy at select intervals. But no media is allowed in real-time to observe what these bankster policymakers are doing (behind closed doors). Results seep into the marketplace AFTER decisions are made. Few know what is happening!

Is any of this a viable longterm system for our global marketplace? Units of Consciousness (as our money) is what we live with today. Imaginary currencies are what we live with. A controlled economy (now mostly cashless) is what we live with. Banksters run the global system. And decisions are made continually BEHIND closed doors. Is any of this stable and fair for the people? My sense is absolutely NOT. The system favors a FEW in power and everyone else is a victim of this system. Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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