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Saturday, July 13, 2024

NATO and WEST to escalate WAR with Russia/Ukraine! Danger Ahead!

The NATO Summit has revealed that the WEST is soon to escalate the war with Putin/Russia and allow Zelenskyy to bomb targets deep into Russian territory. The mindset is to allow Kiev/Zelenskyy and his military to start a new campaign of terror for Putin and the Russian military. The mindset of leaders in Germany, Great Britain, and NATO (and soon Biden) is to attempt to WIN the war so that Putin and his cabal LOSE. Is this insanity or what?

This mindset (of NATO and the West) is certain to cause more destruction, killing of innocents, and a greater war for the world. I view these warmongers as promoting an INSANE policy as this mindset will certainly lead to WW III and the destruction of the entire political system on this planet. We will soon be heading directly for Armageddon (the final battle) as Russia and her allies will not back down as Biden and the WEST assumes.

Russia is backed by China (Xi), Iran (their new leader), North Korea (Kim) and many nations in Africa and Asia. There is no chance IMO that this mindset of trying to WIN this war...is valid thinking. Chaos and more conflict is the result of this WAR mindset that has emerged from the recent NATO Summit. In reality, this war is a NO-WIN situation. Neither side can assume that the other will back down. This leads to a LOSE/LOSE outcome (given our nuclear situation) as more killing will prove futile for all these warmongers.

I view these leaders as mentally insane and deranged. Biden is supposedly the leader of the West and Putin is the leader of the East. The mindset of Putin and his allies is a Multi-polar world system and this means that Biden's Uni-polar mindset cannot be accepted. It is now obvious that this escalation of the war (by targeting venues deep within Russian territory) will not bring either side a WIN. The whole strategy is insanity 101. I mostly blame the WEST (Biden and his coalition) as they will start this escalation (with Zelenskyy/Ukraine as the proxy). It's all shameful and a form of politcal insanity.

We need NEW leaders in both the WEST and the EAST. But it is the WEST which is starting this escalation mindset. More weapons will be sent to Ukraine and their leader, Zelenskyy. These weapons will have the capability to TARGET various venues DEEP within Russia (so as to prevent Russian counter attacks). From Putin's point-of-view this is unwarranted escalation and this means a counter escalation by Putin and his allies. China, Iran, and North Korea will come to the aid of Russia (as will many other BRICS countries). This means that the WESTERN mindset of escalation cannot work. There will be NO win for Zelenskyy and/or his backers...is my opinion.

I am sorry to report these findings. We seriously need new leaders with a different mindset for resolving international disputes. As I write, this politician from Hungary, Victor Orban, is traveling to Florida to meet with Donald Trump. Victor has recently met with Xi (in China) and Putin (in Russia). He desires to deescalate this war and I commend him for these efforts. But the core leaders above are ignoring any peaceful negotiation and promoting a NO WIN escalation of military might. This, to me, is insanity 101. The result of the WEST'S mindset is more killing and destruction.

The real battle for this planet is over political control of the planet. The WEST is seeking control via their Agenda 2030 program and their concept of a Uni-polar world system (under the control of the WEST). The EAST has a different political worldview. Their mindset is to promote a Multi-polar world system with the USA as merely one nation of many. The America Empire is disliked as it has forced many nations to bow to the 'rules based' ideas of the WEST.

This 'rules based' idea is nothing but a metaphor for Biden (and his coalition) to dictate policies to the entire planet. Rules will originate with the leaders of the WEST and then be IMPOSED upon the entire planet (all nations). The American Empire will become the Babylon of the world (this is what seems to be developing). Babylon the Great (as recorded in Revelation) is precisely what America wants for the planet. Father God is warning us that this mindset is destined for total DESTRUCTION. That's why I call the mindset of escalation a form of political 'insanity'.

As people of the planet, with no control over these issues (now emerging), we need to become informed and find ways to reject this thinking of our warmonger leaders. By becoming informed and knowledgable we can gradually elect NEW leaders with a peaceful mindset...who reject war as the solution to political differences. Freedom should be the mindset of our leaders (not democracy or autocracy). What I witness is more political MOB RULE by our politicians who refuse to bow to the peaceful mindset of voting citizens...who desire recognition of ALL peoples as equals.

Our world system is heading for collapse and it is now time to reject leaders who promote this Lose/Lose mindset of WAR. Our enemies have nuclear weapons and they will protect their sovereignty to the last missile. Might makes Right is a losing worldview and this has been proven by our 6,000 years of human civilization. We need peacemakers to prevail and warmongers to fail. This is my view of our situation. Think for yourself on all these issues of reality.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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