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Friday, July 26, 2024

SELF righteousness: a dangerous mindset/character! Why?


Most thinkers desire to derive their own view of a situation. If I impose my view as being 'absolute' then I am acting in a SELF righteous manner. I am behaving as if my view is the ONLY correct viewpoint and everyone else is deceived (their viewpoint is not valid). This mindset is a prevalent attitude especially within religious organizations, political organizations, and also within scientific/educational organizations. Select elites will act as if their viewpoint is ABSOLUTE and final TRUTH. Is this wise given today's internet world?

I just read the letter of Paul to the Galatians. The Galatians were a group of believers who mostly viewed Paul as their authority on matters of belief. Paul (apparently) had started this church (around 49 A.D.) and he wanted these believers to think precisely as He (Paul) believed. He assumed that HIS truth was absolute and final for all his members (let's say hundreds). He presented his personal history as being an apostle of the crucified historical Yeshua (now glorified). He assumed that his gospel was a message DIRECTLY from the glorified Yeshua/Jesus. He had received this gospel (he said) via a VISION on the road to Damascus. 

The essential message of Paul to the Galatians was that his viewpoint needed to be accepted as absolute and final truth. Those in the church with DIFFERENT viewpoints would divide the church and promote a mindset of division (untruth). Paul assumed that the LAW (of Moses) was abrogated by the death of Yeshua/Jesus (on the cross). Real freedom (going forward) would not be valid if his gentile church followed the LAW as preached by those within Christian Judaism. Circumcision (for example) was their mindset...and strict adherence to the moral/ritual laws of Moses were their truths. Paul wanted his church to be FREE of these Judaizers who would impose their views of the LAW upon their followers.

Paul compared the covenant (of Moses) inherited by Hagar (via Ishmael) as representative of the Judaizers gospel of Moses. He compared the experiences of Sarah (via Isaac) as the valid viewpoint of freedom. This freedom was derived via FAITH not the LAW. This self-righteous attitude of Paul was prevalent throughout his many letters/ministry. Believers who thought differently were exposed as heretics and impostors. Paul wanted his SELF righteous moral viewpoint to be the FINAL truth for all his believers/members.

Paul, evidently, believed strongly that his viewpoint/theology was derived DIRECTLY from the glorified/risen Yeshua/Jesus. Paul had this VISION on the road to Damascus which totally CHANGED his viewpoint on the Jewish religion. In lieu of believing that the LAW (of Moses) was a set of codes which could be lived out in reality. Paul viewed the LAW as that which exposed each person as a SINNER. By imposing this LAW upon the Gentiles, freedom was legalized and made ridged. Paul wanted FREEDOM for his believers (from this LAW) even as they accepted the LAW as valid spiritually/subjectively. 

The mindset of Paul was/is viewed as SELF righteousness as he desired to impose his TRUTH upon everyone (his church/followers). He would not ALLOW disagreement with his interpretations of reality as he thought his interpretations were final and absolute TRUTH. This is similar to many PASTORS within Christendom (today) who preach every Sunday from their pulpit on issues of scripture and IMPLY to the listener that their viewpoint is TRUTH (capital T). I think of preachers like Benny Hinn, David Jeremiah, John MacArthur, Jimmy Swaggart, Billy Graham, etc. All assume that their self-righteous viewpoint is final for all their members/believers. 

This SELF righteous mindset is a character trait of those who THINK they have the final TRUTH on a given issue of reality. I witness this in Politics with those who desire to impose their idea of 'democracy' upon the many (say Biden and/or Trump). I assume Kamala Harris will also demonstrate this mindset as she tries to gain favor with her followers. It's a mindset/character which cannot prevail in today's world of relativism. The idea that any one person has FINAL truth on any issue of reality is not valid when human nature is understood as being SUBJECTIVE (at the core). 

Religion needs to change. Science needs to change. Education needs to change. Our world is now a global communication village where counter viewpoints are needed and expressed. Experts do not agree on issues of reality. What is 'democracy' for example? What does this concept mean? Biden wants more 'democracy' for America. He claims that he stepped down as a candidate because of his view on 'democracy'. But what is 'democracy' in reality? Who knows precisely what this concept means? My view says that this concept leads to Mob Rule and Tyranny of the people. Others disagree.

What about this idea within education that TIME is absolute and that we all can imagine a PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE via Macro Evolution? Is this reality? Personally, I would disagree. I view reality as 'living in the NOW'. This means that Macro Evolution is invalid as a theory of reality. The NOW produces NO Macro Evolution. That is my viewpoint. But should I try to IMPOSE this viewpoint upon you/others? I don't think so! My viewpoint is subjective and uncertain (always). I must express my viewpoint as mine alone (but maybe not yours). Hopefully, this will help me AVOID a self-rigtheous attitude/character. 

Self righteousness is obviously a character trait of many in positions of authority. I view all these teachers as flawed in their understanding. This goes for church leaders, political leaders, educational leaders, etc. We live on a planet with some 8.1 billion viewpoints. How can I assume that MY viewpoint is the ONLY valid viewpoint? Is this sound thinking? My experience tells me that viewpoints are all uncertain/subjective to some degree. I witness this daily as I watch TV, listen to podcasts, listen to our church/political pundits, and talk to my friends at the clubhouse. Who KNOWS anything with absolute CERTAINTY? My wife tells me I am wrong daily (on some issue). That is my viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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