Understanding Economics and Money

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

My 'living in the NOW' changed my THINKING dramatically!

Back in 1975 I read a book by Carl Frederick, a psychologist, who advocated the concept of NOW (as reality). He asked the reader to lay down on the floor and think, think, think. What emerges? All that emerges is NOW and successive moments of NOW. The NOW is what I witness when I think (within myself). My consciousness is always living in the NOW. This concept is deep but easy to accept.

The idea that Carl advocated was the concept BEING (first), then DOING (next), and then HAVING (the result/the experience).  Carl said that most people think in the opposite. Most say that they desire to Have (first), then Do (next), then Be (the end point). This concept of Be, Do, Have vs. Have, Do, Be is key to thinking differently. Carl called this being at CAUSE...not Effect. Most everyone lives 'at effect' (said Carl) and this is ass backwards (according to him).

I bought into this idea of Carl and it changed my thinking. Later I read the Power of Now, by Echart Tolle. This book cemented my belief that the NOW is all we have (in reality). Both Echart and Carl were influential in changing my thinking and this created new benefits for my BEING. Today, I recognize clearly that I live in the NOW continually. My mantra is NOW and successive moments of NOW. Let's review some changes which develop as a result of this change in my thinking:

1. The so-called Past and/or Future becomes meaningless. There is no Past when I accept the NOW as reality. There is no Future when I accept the NOW as reality. I think in the NOW continually and I recognize that the NOW is all I have. I was born in the NOW. I then started thinking in the NOW. I dream in the NOW. Basically, I live continually in the NOW from birth to death. Most people seem unaware of this reality. Most assume that a PAST is reality...a Future is a reality. Most ignore the NOW! This ignorance produces illusion, confusion, and deception IMO.

2. The concept of Time becomes an 'invented' concept of human origin (not  fixed reality). Time becomes a NOW experience (always/continually). Time becomes an invention of the human mind (consciousness) which I use to give me regularity and order. It becomes imaginary in nature as it has no power over my daily experience. My thinking is that 'time' evolved from prior human thinking (say with the Sumerians or the Egyptians). It's purpose is to give us regularity and order.

3. The idea of Macro Evolution becomes a delusion when I think and live in the NOW. There is no Ape to Man evolution (in the Now). There is no dog to horse evolution (in the Now). There is no fish to frog evolution (in the Now). The entire premise of Macro Evolution is this concept that TIME is real and that the PAST is reality. In reality (when I accept the NOW as reality) the Past and the Future become an illusion/delusion/deception. All my prior Past is really a NOW experience (within my NOW memory). All my prior thinking of a Future is really a NOW experience (within my NOW memory). NOW replaces this idea of a Past/Future. Try to escape NOW (it's totally impossible)!

4. The concept of millions/billions of years of Evolution (to create today's person/human being) becomes ridiculous and meaningless. This idea that LIFE started with a living cell (bacteria) some 4.2 billion years in the past becomes meaningless. Educators who espouse this nonsense become fools and charlatons. Who can accept this idea of a PAST when we all LIVE in the NOW continually (always)? It's delusion/myth/deception. Reality must be interpreted based on a NOW reality as the core concept. My Consciousness/Mind is always living in the NOW. I assume you live in a similar manner. 

5. If this is valid thinking (and I think that it is) then we need to develop our worldview based on a NOW mentality. Can anyone LIVE in the past or the future? I say impossible. I live in the NOW from birth to death. I think you do the same. My consciousness is life and this concept implies that LIFE is eternal. There is NO origin of LIFE. Life is a concept of God's consciousness and I am part of this universal/eternal consciousness. You are also. Who can escape the Now so as to enter some Past that never arrives and is not experienced. 

6. I reflect on my NOW memories (which some call the past) and these memories give me some subjective history to contemplate. But all this is a NOW experience (always). I can also reflect on some anticipated future (in the NOW) but this is merely a subjective anticipation of some event that is uncertain. My LIFE is lived in the NOW and this makes the NOW a reality which affects my thinking and my worldview. This concept is core to my worldview!

7. Finally, I now recognize that living in the NOW gives me a new perception of this Higher Power which I call God. God, for me, is our universal consciousness. God is our Potter. God lives in the NOW as I/You live in the NOW. My perception is that each living person has the same reality. We all live in the NOW and our consciousness lives within this UNIVERSAL consciousness which I call GOD. Our real relationship is with this Higher Power who controls our consciousness...our Being. 

Yes, reality is different when I live and think in the NOW. Fear subsides and Hope emerges. How can I live negatively when the NOW is all I have? Yes, I still have some negative experiences but these experiences are accepted as reality that is meant to b e. I cannot ESCAPE reality (the NOW) and this means that I must accept whatever happens in the NOW. My spin is mostly positive as this allows me to live more productively in the NOW. I accept the negative as that which is meant to be! That is my point-of-view. 

This video may confuse at first. But listen and think about your own experiences to discern the message. Lesson TWO is especially valid. I now view my 'consciousness' as the source of my being (not my brain or mind). My thoughts and concepts originate within my 'consciousness'. Thoughts and concepts are secondary to my consciousness. Consciousness (ultimately) is part of God's Higher eternal Consciousness. This gives our Potter ultimate relevance. 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 


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