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Monday, July 15, 2024

Evil Events: is there an 'invisible' cause? Let's Review!

The recent attempt to assassinate Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania brings attention to this concept we call EVIL. Is there evil on planet Earth? Who might be behind this mindset/thinking which has prevailed since the dawn of mankind? Many believers and some atheists think that there is some evil entity which operates behind the scenes. I was introduced to this concept in my youth when my parents and relatives claimed that the God of this World/Planet is this invisible entity whom we call SATAN.

The idea is that Satan (this evil entity) runs planet Earth from behind the scenes via his hoard of demon spirits. Evil started with Cain killing Able and this problem (of evil) has prevailed for the past 6,000 years (give or take). If Satan is really the God of this World, then this implies that Satan is a power SUPERIOR to man. This entity (say a person) can 'influence' me/you via his spirit as it acts upon our 'consciousness'. I (you) are not aware of this 'influence' (generally) as this source is invisible to our five senses.

If this is valid thinking, then there is NO solution to this event called EVIL until this invisible SOURCE is removed from his power of 'influence'. Some counter SOURCE must remove Satan and his hoard of demons from their ability to 'influence' the 'consciousness' of mankind. Who might this counter SOURCE be? According to prophecy this counter SOURCE is a Messiah person who arrives to nullify the ability of Satan to continue his RULE. Do we now need a Messiah person to arrive so that mankind can rid this EVIL force from planet Earth (at least for a season)?

My sense is absolutely! You and I cannot rid the planet from this evil force/source via our own effort. Since this force/source is invisible we need another invisible source (more powerful) to eliminate evil from planet Earth. The obvious SOURCE which is more powerful is God Almighty. Father God is this SOURCE IMO which can eliminate evil (the influence) from our invisible 'consciousness'. That is my philosophy/worldview. Satan is obviously the TEMPORARY God of this World and there is only ONE source which can eliminate this EVIL influence from planet Earth.

God Almighty must send his chosen Messiah to rid the world of this evil 'influence'. Satan must be dethroned from his RULE over planet Earth. This can only happen with the 'intervention' of our HIGHER POWER (God Almighty). Satan has 'temporary' permission to rule this planet. This 'temporary' permission can END if God Almighty chooses to end this rule. Evil (the influence) could END if Father God intervenes (via his Messiah) and ends Satan's rule. According to my reading of Prophecy, this event WILL happen. My sense is that if could happen rather SOON.

If Prophecy is valid (I think it is) then we could witness the coming of a new Messiah with the authority to remove Satan as the ruler of planet Earth. The real Authority over planet Earth is Father God. Both Trump and Biden are appealing to this higher authority with their current rhetoric. Biden says that ONLY the Lord Almighty can remove his desire to seek a second term as our President. Trump claims that it was God (whoever this is in his mind) that saved him from the assassination attempt. So both our candidates for President imply that there is a HIGHER AUTHORITY governing this planet.

I personally agree with both Biden and Trump. This Higher Authority is God Almighty...also called Father God/Yahweh/Jehovah...the I AM that I AM. This I AM source is real and ruling planet Earth as I write this missive. I am not God. You are not God. No person on our planet (now some 8.1 billion) can assume the role of GOD. Our politicians can PLAY GOD with their actions and thinking. But this is far from BEING GOD. We have only ONE God for planet Earth. This SOURCE is invisible and without an IMAGE. We recognize this invisible source as we reflect inward via our consciousness.

As I write some 80% of mankind seems to recognize some invisible source as their God. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others all recognize some SOURCE as greater than themselves. This means that you and I are not in CONTROL of events on this planet. We are mere AGENTS of a Higher Authority. I call this authority our POTTER. This makes us 'the clay'...without any power to act as GOD. I did not choose to be born on this planet and I assume you also did not choose to be born. This means we are acting out our program given to us by our POTTER (unknowingly). Amazing!

Yes, there is EVIL on this planet as I write. This EVIL, however, is 'temporary' as Father God plans to eliminate this evil at some point (my view). Precisely when is unknown to mankind. But my sense is that prophecy is valid and this gives us a 'clue' to what is coming down the road. A Messiah person is coming to planet Earth (chosen by God Almighty) to rid the planet of SATAN (at least for a season). When this happens, our world citizens will become morally more righteous...with desires that promote justice and freedom for everyone. 

That is my perspective/worldview on the issue of EVIL and its elimination. Think for yourself to discern your own perspective! The attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks to assassinate Donald Trump, a Presidential candidate, is obviously an EVIL event. Evil is ruling this planet for now. But if Satan is removed, then a NEW WORLD will emerge! I call this NEW WORLD the Kingdom of Father God! Give these ideas some reflection at your leisure. 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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