Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Philosophy: If God is Potter/Sovereign does this Imply 'Universal Salvation'! Let's Think!

This missive will focus on logic and philosophy. The issue: God is our Potter (we being the clay) and the concept that God is Sovereign over his Universe and all of his creation. The idea that God is Sovereign means that all his actions are determined and decreed via his WILL. There is no event (under God's creation) which God did not originate/provide/determine. For example: I was born (with no choice in the matter) because God created my being (personhood) and my destiny from the get-go. I had no input into the situation!

I cannot change what my POTTER designed/created/determined. I am the 'clay' with respect to God's actions. The Potter can do as he/she likes with the 'clay'. He can make a ROSE or a HITLER and no-one can change the outcome. God is Sovereign over every item of his creation (his Universe). All of his creation functions precisely as the FIRST CAUSE desires it to function. Both construction and destruction (good/evil) are under the Sovereign WILL of this First Cause/Source. What does this mean for one's SALVATION?

If I am born with no choice (freewill) in the matter, then it follows that what I become is precisely what my Potter desired for me. I can not change the original start of my destiny/life as I had NO choice in the matter. What follows from birth to death is precisely what my Potter created within me. I am his clay and my output and destiny are determined by this First Cause.This logic is irrefutable to me as a philosopher. If Father God is my Potter and is totally Sovereign, then I am that which is determined by this First Cause. How does this play out with respect to Salvation?

Did Judas have any freewill with respect to his role with Messiah Yeshua? He acted out his program within himself (the words in scripture say 'Satan entered him (Judas) and then he acted to betray his Master'). Judas, his 'clay', was meant to do precisely as he did in real-time. The Potter determined his destiny. Judas had no ability to counter his Potter who programmed him for this destiny. This is merely one example of 'determinism' in action. We can apply this same logic to any person on this planet (from Adam to the final Adam). Life starts at BIRTH and then the program within plays itself out! Who can refute this logic?

My destiny was determined and I propose that yours is identical (philosophically). This is the logic of reality as I see it. It all flows from a SOVEREIGN God who initiates/creates...and controls all outcomes. This is what it means to be SOVERIGN. All that follows from the WILL of this SOVEREIGN source is determined and then played out via some inner program. The inner program is beyond my/your control as we are born without any choice in the matter (I had no input). It's like a computer program which plays out the program of the original programmer. All is determined and the computer cannot change the program. Only the PROGRAMMER can design/input and determine the final output.

If the above logic/philosophy is valid, then I would suggest that each and every person will ultimately be SAVED by our Sovereign Potter. Universal Salvation follows from this logic/philosophy IMO. Job did not choose his destiny and neither did Moses or Yeshua. All individuals who are BORN are living out their program which our POTTER created. This is hard determinism (logically) and I can not refute the logic which follows after I accept the premise.

My sense is that this means that God will eventually SAVE every person created and this may include all the demons which act to do the WILL of our Sovereign God. Both Good and Evil are part of God's Sovereign design (how could it be different)? As it says in Isaiah 45:7 (and after), God (the Father) is the source of light/weal and darkness/woe. Woe (says God) to anyone who strives with his MAKER (an earthen vessel with its Potter). Does the 'clay' say to him who fashions it, 'what are you making'? Will anyone question ME (the Potter) concerning the work of my hands?

Father God says "I made the Earth and created man upon it; it was my (the Potter's) hands that stretched out the heavens (universe), I am the LORD and there is no other! All this implies, to me, that our Sovereign God decides all that happens. This also implies that this Source (God) will most likely SAVE everyone who has lived...all those who lived on planet Earth (and also the entire life of the invisible forces which operate behind the scenes). UNIVERSAL SALVATION is implied when I fully comprehend the logic of our POTTER.

All happens within a realm of eternity as our Potter/Creator has a purpose for all his actions. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Putin, Xi, Biden, and Trump are all accomplishing the Sovereign Will of our Creator God. Man's 6,000 year history (including some 100 billion souls who were born/died) is all part of the Sovereign Will of our Potter. Who had the FREEWILL to challenge this Sovereign Source? Who can create their own reality when I/you have no CHOICE in our original Beginning? Can anyone bring us a World of Freedom for planet Earth? I say it's ONLY one! It's our living/eternal POTTER! I am mere 'clay'? How about YOU?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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