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Monday, June 17, 2024

2024 Reality: TRUTH is Subjective! This means FASCISM will arrive under Man's Rule!

What I witness in real-time are new opinions and differing viewpoints on any/all issues of reality. Our media asks an expert his opinion on our economy and the viewpoint expressed reveals uncertainty and subjectivity. This goes for science, religion, politics, education, and for all issues of man. No-one has any REAL truth on any issue in real-time (that is CERTAIN). All we have are opinions and subjective viewpoints. This is our reality in 2024 and I presume going forward (under man's rule of our planet).

The ONLY real TRUTH (capital T) is the invisible word of our Creator which gets funneled through each subjective human being (prior to any understanding). So, even the 'words' of our Creator God become somewhat subjective as people try to express what this SOURCE said (to them). I listen to experts in every area of knowledge and all I get are OPINIONS/viewpoints. Each person says: I think this, my viewpoint is this, etc. Who KNOWS anything with CERTAINTY in 2024? My real-time assessment is that NONE can enunicate ABSOLUTE TRUTH which is CERTAIN (for everyone).

So what does this mean for humanity in real-time? It means that I have my viewpoint/opinion and you have your viewpoint/opinion. No-one has FINAL (certain) TRUTH (which is valid for everyone). This type of world means that eventually a FASCIST society emerges. Some person MUST act as the OFFICIAL  (singular) viewpoint for the SYSTEM (under man's rule). This ONE person would then be our FASCIST leader for the planet. People within prophecy call this person the ANTI-CHRIST. He/She will overcome the SAINTS says scripture (those who think they have the TRUTH). This Fascist leader will conclude that all viewpoints are subject to this FINAL official viewpoint of this Anti-Christ. Is this our situation in 2024?

This fascist leader will SPEAK for the entire planet on the OFFICIAL issues of reality. He/She will determine if a WAR is necessary. He/She will determine what GOD is real (or which person speaks for God). If this person is an ATHEIST then he/she will conclude that he/she is GOD (who can challenge this Fascist leader? Who can challenge the OFFICIAL viewpoint under this FASCIST system of reality? Any real challenge will result in extermination to the person who challenges this leader. With ONE military this person can eliminate any real challenge to his/her AUTHORITY. Is this what is NOW emerging on planet Earth?

My sense is YES. Fascism is emerging and eventually ONE ruler will speak for the planet. This person will assume that he/she is GOD (or the final agent of God). Relativity will be eliminated as the FINAL word will emerge from this fascist official leader. We live on ONE planet and we live with uncertainty and relativity on issues of reality (truth). I have my opinion/viewpoint and you have yours. With some 8.1 billion voices on this planet (as of today) the BUCK will stop with this fascist leader who speaks for mankind. Today, we have many official voices who try to speak for mankind. We have many who would like to PLAY God for the planet!

Biden trys to speak for everyone (today) in 2024. Xi desires that his viewpoint be final for everyone. This also goes for Trump, Putin, Sunak, Kristersson, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Scholz, etc., etc. Each official leader will try to assert that their VIEWPOINT is the final/correct/valid viewpoint (for everyone). Uncertainty is reduced with the CHOICE of a policy decision by these leaders. Eventually, our planet will need ONE voice that speaks for the entire planet. God speaks invisibly to each person and this still results in uncertainty in real-time. We would need the living GOD to act in a 'human form' if this uncertainty were to be ELIMINATED. I don't view this as a valid assumption (however)! God sits on his invisible Throne 'outside' our physical universe! This, to me, is reality!

The theology of the Catholic church (and each/every church/denomination) asserts that THEIR official viewpoint is God's TRUTH. Just listen to a Pastor on issues of scriptural text (say David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Church, California) who writes his 'Turning Point' viewpoint daily on the internet. He asserts that his INTERPRETATIONS are God's interpretations. Thousands of Pastors do similarly. Science does this with their viewpoints on the nature of our Cosmos. Educators do this as they assert their viewpoint on an issue of reality. I do this as I assert my subjective VIEWPOINT. I assume YOU also do this as you assert YOUR viewpoint.

Today, we live with MUCH uncertainty and relativity. Each political leader wants their decisions to be UNIVERSAL for everyone. It's a FAKE system of viewpoints which I witness in real-time on planet Earth. We need to learn that reality is SUBJECTIVE and UNCERTAIN. Living with some GRAY is now necessary. WHO can/will be the FINAL voice for planet Earth? WHO will emerge as our ANTI-CHRIST? Will it be Biden, Trump, Xi, Putin, Netanyahu, or some new/unknown person who emerges when PUSH comes to SHOVE? We live in interesting and chaotic times. Your viewpoint is JUST as valid as MINE. All is somewhat UNCERTAIN in 2024! Amazing!

Many believers assert the above mantra. They now desire a 2nd Coming of this person (in human form) so final truth can be asserted for everyone. What does this mindset reveal? Does it reveal that mankind (each and every person) is not capable of asserting FINAL truth? I think so! Subjectively we all seem to 'know' that man's truth is LESS than fully valid. We LOOK for a 'final' TRUTH giver for planet Earth! But is this valid thinking? So far, it has not been valid thinking! That is my VIEWPOINT!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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