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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wisdom: All is Vanity, a Chasing after the Wind! Why?

Many of us think that reality involves one's Freewill to create one's destiny independent of any Higher forces. But history reveals that this so-called Freewill is invalid when we witness the events which happen in real-time. The wisest thinker in history (according to many) was King Solomon (son of King David). Solomon lived around 900 BCE and he is credited with building the First Temple to his God (Yahweh) in Jerusalem. 

Solomon, however, tried to create his own destiny (while King) even as he was simultaneously acting as King of Israel. His behavior was to live life with extreme wealth, self-indulgence, and self-promotion. His life style was meant to show that HE was in control (he had freewill) and that he could create his own destiny so as to enjoy life to the fullest. All this was eventually a failure, however, and his later suffering was a consequence of this prior self-indulgent behavior.

At the end of his life period, Solomon finally repented of his prior behavior and acknowledged that all his self-promotion was worthless and a 'chasing after the wind'. He returned to his God (the God of Israel) and lived out his life with humility and subservience. Solomon learned that life is not some event which he could manipulate for his own desires (artificially). Forces bigger than he were in control of his destiny and the destiny of his kingdom. The concept of life being 'vanity and a chasing after the wind' expressed his wisdom about human action and God's higher providence. Solomon learned this reality from all his prior life experiences. 

Many think that they can create their own destiny (future) merely my thinking positively and acting with conviction. I tried this behavior during my earlier days. I discovered (over years) that forces (invisible and virtual) were BEHIND my life actions in the now. During my lifetime I have had THREE dire car accidents (where the probability of survival was next to nil). I rolled a Ford sedan in 1960 while driving back from Canada (early in the morning) at over 80 mph. This accident completely ruined by 1960 Ford (really Dad's car) and yet I survived (miraculously) with minor injuries. The car was upside down in a field next to the road.

Then in 1968 (early in the morning as the Sun was rising) I was driving my 1968 Couger to the dealer for paint repair. As I headed down a narrow road in the middle of city buildings (both sides) in St. Paul, Minnesota, I stopped on the railroad tracks to see if a train was coming. My temporary stop was not valid, however, as the train coming on the tracks (at some 30 mph)  hit my Couger on my drivers side (front fender) and rapped the car around the blinking red train warning sign. After some 20 minutes of unconsciousness (sitting in the car) the conductor arrived to check on my condition. He marveled that I was still alive. The car was totally wrecked and I survived with minor bruises. Another miracle happened IMO. Higher angels must have been involved with my survival. My destiny was beyond my personal control.

The third car accident happened in 1980, Madison, Wisconsin, as I returned from Minneapolis in a winter white out where the road was pure ice on select portions of the road. I lost control of the 1968 Cheve car and crashed into a group of cars (all which lost control on the pure ice of this highway). Another miracle. I survived along with my son and wife. My wife hit her head on the front windschild and had to go via ambulance to the hospital. Fortunately, she survived with a head wound. My son survived as he was in the back seat with some protection. Another miracle IMO. Was this my destiny? It appears that it was. I am still here in 2024.

All this history is meant to show that my life destiny was/is beyond my personal control. I should have died many times but my guarding angels (evidently) intervened so this did not happen. Was this destiny/providence!

Today, we have two Presidential candidates who think they can create a new destiny for America (after 248 years of a failed Empire). Biden wants to create a Uni-polar world with America in control of planet Earth. Trump wants to create a MAGA world (make America Great Again) so he can rule a new nation of yesterday. Is all this thinking 'vanity and a chasing after the wind'? I think so! America (now some 248 years since its founding) is unlikely to create a new destiny which is independent of Providence (God's determined goal). After the past 248 years of trying to create freedom (called Democracy) for the planet, America is broke and powerless. Her destiny is not in her own hands IMO. That seems to be the message of history. Life is 'vanity and a chasing after the wind'.

Only God's Providence will prevail seems to be the message. Biden has no freewill to change America and neither does Trump. That is my view of reality. It's all a 'chasing after the wind' and only God knows what will transpire going forward. As individuals the POTTER rules over the Clay. As a Nation the POTTER rules over the Clay. Forces (virtual in nature) rule this universe/planet...so it seems. Freewill is not possible with a Higher Cause behind the scenes (ruling). Solomon recognized this reality. Job recognized this reality. Jesus and Paul bowed to this reality. God rules in the AFFAIRS of man. It's all a 'chasing after the wind'. My wisdom for today!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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