Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

History: God uses 'current events' to change society!

It is obvious to me that Father God uses events in real-time to change society. This has been his modus operandi from the start. God used Noah and the events during this time period to change history. God used Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon to change society in real-time. God used Yeshua and Paul to change history in real-time. And today, Father God will likely do similar. Some real-time events to watch are the following:

1. The Supreme Court decision with re to Presidential Immunity. This decision is likely this week and it cound change the election events between Biden and Trump. 

2. The current financial condition within our markets could be used to change events for our society. As I write, the real estate sector of our economy is starting to crash. This sector is fundamental to future events for our economy. As this market changes (currently declines) our public will feel the consequences.

3. The election situation between two opponents who view reality much differently can be used by Father God to change real-time events later this year. Whoever emerges in the election of November 5 will likely change our markets permanently.

4. America's debt and deficit situation is now a clear issue which could change real-time events permanently. The Keynesian economic model of 1934 is now some 90 years old. This model has a limited timeline (generally 90 years was the original view) and when this issue blows up, it will change society and history permanently. It's a crucial issue to watch.

5. The War situation in Gaza and Ukraine is another issue which Father God could use to change our society permanently. This issue has no current solution and it will become a crucial issue after the coming election in November. Whoever wins this election will face a crucial issue on our War situation. It's worth watching as a key event which Father God might use to change society permanently.

6. The Agenda 2030 idea (a Uni-polar world concept) and the challenge to this Agenda by the BRICS, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, will be another crucial issue which could change real-time events permanently. Can our world live with this divisive factor going forward? My sense is NO. Watch this issue for big changes in the coming months and years.

7. The Gaza/Middle East war situation is another issue which could change our global society permanently. Will this issue get resolved so that all parties can live peacefully together? My sense is NO. The ideological/theological issues between the Arabs and the Jews has been festering for centuries. Will this issue get resolved by the current war situation? It's an issue to watch. Father God may use this issue to change our global society permanently.

History reveals that Father God does 'intervene' in our world to change events. He intervenes via our 'consciousness' (mind). A 'word' from our Creator's throne can change a select person's mind instantaneously. Witness the changed mind of Cyrus the Great after the Babylonian captivity period. He received a 'word' from Yahweh (Father God) and this resulted in freedom for those enslaved by the Babylonians. It all happens with one 'invisible' word from Father God.

The WORD of our Creator God can change events in a matter of seconds. Father God rules this universe/planet and his 'word' is what changes the MIND of a selected leader so that a new set of events happens. Amazing. Father God is in control and we humans are servants. The CAUSE transcends man's ability to change and/or control. This means that GOD rules ultimately and his goals will be achieved even as man thinks differently. The 'invisible' world rules over the 'visible'. Amazing!

Let's all watch the coming debate between Biden and Trump tomorrow. Will a 'word' arrive from Father God during this debate? It is possible. One 'word' from our Source can change events instantaneouly. It's all amazing and beyond our ken to comprehend. Father God is in control and it is worthless to assume otherwise. Our puppet politicians are SERVANTS/AGENTS of this HIGHER SOURCE! Watch and think for yourself on all these issues of REALITY!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


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