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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Reflections after 80 years from D-Day, Normandy, June 6, 1944!


After reflecting on the World War II battle for Normandy which started on June 6, 1944, I must conclude that the goals of this battle (or the subsequent battles) did not accomplish their objective. Freedom did not emerge for the people of Europe and Freedom for America and the Allies is yet to arrive (that is for the common people). What happened in June 1944 was a battle to get rid of Hitler, this tyrant whom the Allies did not like. Yes, Hitler was a tyrant (but not in his eyes or in most of the German's..at the time). Hitler was trying to create a NEW THIRD REICH for his people and the world. Many now think it is time for a Fourth Reich. It's called Biden's Uni-Polar World System!

After some 80 years of so-called Democracy there is still no real freedom, justice, and progress for the common man. France now has a new tyrant called Emmanuel Macron. This politician is not bringing freedom or justice to the people of France (now some 80 years later). Germany also has no real freedom for the common people. After killing millions of soldiers and millions of civilians this War of June 6, 1944, and the other World War II battles have yet to accomplish their goals. My sense is that this is now IMPOSSIBLE. Man's rule over man continues and NEW tyrants have emerged in all spheres of the globe. Soft tyrants and hard tyrants have emerged!

America has a tyrant called Joseph Biden (but not in his own eyes). He has the support of some 40% of the citizens. Mr. Donald Trump wants to succeed Biden in November but will he be any different from prior tyrants (soft tyrants and/or hard tyrants). All man ruled politicians desire to IMPOSE their vision or policies upon the many. Is this real FREEDOM for the common man? I don't think so! All the wars for so-called Democracy end up with a man ruled administration which tries to IMPOSE new mandates upon the common people. None of this leads to real freedom, justice, or prosperity for the many. It's all a SHAM when we reflect on the history.

Our politicians need to REFLECT on the goals which were espoused at Normandy. The goals were FREEDOM for all of Europe and the people of Europe. Did this occur? After some 80 years none of this has occurred. We now have new tyrants clothed in rhetoric which does not lead to freedom for the common man. Emmanuel Macron, Modi, Sunak, Putin, Biden, Kristersson, Scholz, Trump, etc. do not bring any real freedom to the common man. What they bring is new MANDATES that must be IMPOSED upon the people (the 100%) to govern their flock. It's a complete SHAM when I think about this history and when I observe real events in the NOW.

Normandy did not bring Europe any real freedom but it did bring some prosperity as our world economic system has allowed these politicians to claim that their Democracy is working. But financial wealth is not real FREEDOM for the common man. Today, this financial wealth is distorting reality as our stock markets are in HUGE bubbles...about to crash. It's all a MIRAGE when I think seriously about this history. Our planet has not progressed meaningfully for the common man. We have more wealth disparity today then in all of prior history. Select politicians get hugely wealthy and they buy their false freedom for themselves. But the common man has not benefited for all this wealth control. It's a complete MIRAGE!

What we now need is to REFLECT on our prior history and start to ask some NEW questions about why all the prior goals were NOT achieved. June 6, 2024, is a good time to start this reflection as it is now 80 years from this WAR for freedom (June 6, 1944). Our world is controlled by new tyrants in the name of Democracy but this is not bringing any meaningful results for the common man. Our planet has some 8.1 billion people and our rulers make up less than a fraction of 1%. The common man is enslaved to a system  which continues to perpetuate more enslavement. Real freedom has not arrived after these 80 years of political rhetoric.  Is it TIME for new reflection. Think on this as you watch the CIRCUS in Washington D.C. and around the planet.

Yes, many people are fearful of responsibility over their decisions and actions. This must change if people want real freedom. A new psychology needs to emerge within each INDIVIDUAL.

Alexander Hamilton was one of America's founders who ended up being killed over political decisions which he objected to. Aron Burr killed Alexander in a duel in 1804.

Why arms are necessary to challenge a man ruled system which tends toward tyranny over time.

Real freedom happens when the people promote the Kingdom of Creator God as their Sovereign King. This replaces a man ruled (false) freedom. Could this happen in our future?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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