Understanding Economics and Money

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Physical Money removed for 1st time in human history! Meaning!

My estimate is that some 95% of all monetary transactions are now digital transactions. All this has happened (mostly) since 2008. Computers run our financial system and Central Banksters rule over this system!

Since the dawn of monetary history, money/currencies have been physical. In philosophy we call this 'thing' money. It's some object from nature which people think of as having VALUE. Wheat was money. Cattle was money. Tulip bulbs were money. God/silver were money for centuries. Money has never been some item from our MIND/consciousness which is 'imaginary' (in its nature). Never in the 5,000 years of money/currencies have we witnessed a 'non-thing' as our core monetary unit. But all changed after the financial crisis of 2008.

Today, the American dollar and most currencies on this planet are 'non-physical'. I call this imaginary money which gets created from the MIND/consciousness of banksters. Today, some 95% of all monetary transactions are 'digital' (also called virtual). This means that our money is within our consciousness/mind and this type of money can vanish/disappear/collapse in minutes. Why? because these digits are created and distributed by a network of electronic computers. The money units live in Cyberspace (a non-physical space). And the creation process is now via the human mind.

All this has happened (mostly) since the monetary crisis of 2008. After 2008 our banksters gradually took control over our monetary units with their QE and QT monetary policies. Trillions of monetary units were created (artificially) by these banksters to prevent a global collapse of the financial system. The 2008 financial crisis could have brought down the entire global Keynesian debt system. But our banksters saved the SYSTEM with their ability to create new digital monetary units out-of-nothing (their consciousness). We now live with a financial system which is 95%+ digital/virtual. This system is what I call an IMAGINARY financial system. It could crash within minutes/hours/days!

The entire SYSTEM could collapse with a decision of our FED (in accordance with their network of central planners) who control/run the system. It's based on NOTHING physical as these monetary units are now digital/virtual. Virtual means that these digits live within our consciousness/mind. This type of financial system is unstable/volatile and set-up to crash with the PUSH of a computer key. Computers run this system and control over the MASTER computer is mostly in NEW YORK (10th floor) of the New York Fed. Amazing!

The Central Banks of America, London, Germany, China, Russia, Tokyo, and a few others (all operating within a computer network) could bring this House of Cards down in minutes. As it says in Revelation, the system of financial Babylon could crash in ONE HOUR. It's all computer driven and the monetary units are non-things (merely units of our consciousness). Look all around you (right now). Do you observe/see any digital money? Do you observe/see any virtual money? Where are they/it? Think. It's all within us (in our non-physical consciousness). Amazing. Since the dawn of our financial systems (some 5,000 years prior) this situation has NEVER been as it is today. Money has always been some PHYSICAL item from nature...not today!

As of 2024, our digital/virtual monetary system is held together with HOPE and a PRAYER. At some point soon (maybe in 2024), this entire SYSTEM will crash and collapse. Prophecy says that this Babylonian financial system will crash in ONE HOUR. This is possible today. Money is essentially 'imaginary' and a computer key could crash the entire system. A Central Bank (like our New York Fed) could be the catalyst for this crash. My sense is that this will happen at the 'appropriate' time. No-one knows when this 'appropriate' time might occur. But my sense is that this EVENT could happen in 2024. That is my viewpoint and you would be wise to at least consider this scenario.

Our global financial system is now 95% digital/virtual and this system is held together by a network of computers (all monitored and run by select Central Banks). Banksters rule over today's finance! Both Donald Trump and Joseph Biden seem to favor this digital system going forward! Why?

A bankster cartel runs the financial system of planet Earth. Read and study the history of this centralized system. It all started over in England and then evolved in America.

Have a great day. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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