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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Biden/Macron view of Democracy and total MIRAGE! Why?

Two Western leaders are meeting in France to promote/advance their vision of Democracy for the planet. I say that this vision is a complete MIRAGE/DECEPTION/FALSEHOOD. The means (for Biden/Macron) promoting their Western Democracy for the world is to promote more military conflict with nations which they view as Tyrannical (like Russia). What this philosophy means in real-time is that our world will grow in conflict and destruction (not any real democracy for the common people). Both Macron and Biden want more military aid for Ukraine so this nation can continue its war with Russia. Will this mindset create a world of freedom?

In other words, Ukraine (with Zelenskyy in control) will be asked to promote more military conflict/destruction/war so as to produce this Western Political Democracy envisioned by these political puppets. It's a complete mirage and a deception of the most EXTREME level. Ukraine will be used as a PROXY for this Western (Biden/Macron) idea...called Democracy for the world. Just what is Democracy as envisioned by these two leaders? It's creating a Western uni-polar world system where select Western leaders can IMPOSE their mandates upon the many. It's a complete/total MIRAGE when understood in real-time.

Western Democracy has been in practice for hundreds of years and this has not produced any real freedom for the common man. Real Democracy is when I/You can relate as EQUALS with each and every other person. This will arrive when we do not live under a GROUP THINK agenda of imposed mandates by select leaders (such as Biden/Macron). We relate with Biden and with Macron as EQUALS. This can ONLY happen if we all are under the SOVEREIGN rule of our Creator God. One planet UNDER God would be necessary. Any man ruled system (with Biden/Macron ruling...or similar) can not produce any REAL-TIME freedom for the common man. Male and female (the common man) is not free with Biden/Macron running the planet.

Their plan is to promote MORE violence and destruction (via using Ukraine as a proxy) so as to force Putin (Russia) to submit to their ideas of Western Democracy. This is ludicrous and diabolical and can NEVER give us any REAL democracy (equality of relationship with the other). This mindset creates a CONTINUAL conflict of man ruled leaders and man ruled mandates for the common man. It's totally diabolical and corrupt to the core. Biden/Macron democracy is not freedom, justice, or progress for our planet. It's a form of enslavement to those in control (select Western leaders/puppets). We need to REJECT this mindset of Biden/Macron which is now being espoused over on the Normandy beaches of France.

Given this mindset of Biden/Macron I can say with conviction that our world is heading for Armageddon (not any real freedom for the people). Biden/Macron are totally DECEIVED in their heads (mind's) and their strategy of supporting more military might for Ukraine (to challenge Russia) is not a viable strategy for our planet. It will lead to more killing/destruction/chaos for this planet and for the millions of people who desire some real change. I can say with CONVICTION that both Biden and Macron are barking up the wrong tree with their thinking (philosophy). Democracy (as espoused by these two) leads directly to MOB RULE (not to freedom). Read the words of real thinkers from our history.

What we desperately need today is NEW leaders with a non-violent mindset for this planet. Might makes Right is what Biden/Macron are advocating. This philosophy has been practiced for nearly 6,000 years with NO success. It's a diabolic philosophy that produces more negativity and more destruction for our planet. I am saddened by the words coming from the mouths of Biden/Macron over on the beaches of Normandy. The war for Democracy in 1944 did not create freedom for the common man. We have experienced some 80 years of Biden/Macron democracy (their Western view) and it has not improved our planet. Western political democracy merely leads to Western forms of Mob Rule and chaos (as we all witness in today's world NOW). There is NO real democracy (freedom for the common man) with this MINDSET!

It's shameful that so few THINK about what our leaders are espousing in real-time. Reality is a NOW experience and we need leaders who LIVE and THINK in the NOW. I'm sorry to say that this is not happening as of today. We need a NEW MODEL for this planet and it is NOT the model of Biden/Macron or any other political puppet on this planet. It's the Kingdom MODEL which gives rulership to our REAL KING and SOVEREIGN. We then can relate as EQUALS and create a world of PEACE and HAPPINESS! Give this some thought at your leisure!

Biden/Macron say democracy at risk and this means they will use WAR to promote their vision of democracy. Ukraine will be a proxy for their idea that Russia is a tyrant. This is diabolic thinking!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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