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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Freedom arrives when we fully relate as equals (in the NOW)!

This politician had the correct spin but he did not implement this spin for the American people! He merely IMPOSED new mandates (like Biden is now doing) and nothing changed for the common man! When will real freedom arrive for the common man?

I agree with the above rhetoric. However, real freedom (in the Now) is yet to arrive for planet Earth!

The mindset of our politicians is to promote political Democracy as if this brings real freedom to the people. In reality, this is an illusion/deception/mirage. Real freedom arrives when we all can relate as EQUALS (in the NOW). This has not happened in our history (to date). The power brokers (politicians) enjoy a form of freedom as they can set the rules for their rule (and impose their rules/policies/regulations/mindset upon the many). But the common man (male/female/You/I) can not obtain this freedom given the system of these politicians (we call it Democracy in the West). Biden now wants a uni-polar world system which promotes his vision of Democracy for the planet. Does his vision arrive for the common man? NO!

What I desire is to relate with you/anyone as an EQUAL (in real-time/NOW). We have 8.1 billion people on this planet and (as of today) only a few politicians have any form of real freedom. Biden wants more Democracy for the world but he is UNAWARE that this will not bring any real freedom to the people. Here in America Biden wants to create his vision of Utopia and impose this vision upon the 100%. His support is less than 40% (as of today) yet he continues to desire more POWER and rule so he can continue the mirage called Biden's Democracy. It's pure illusion/deception and it benefits none but Biden and his friends.

Biden (and his Western supporters) desire to use military might to force Putin (Russia) to fold/collapse so he can set up a new ruler in Russia (which favors Biden's vision of Democracy). He seems totally unaware that this mindset does nothing for the common man. A new ruler (in Russia) who bows to Biden (and the West) will not bring freedom to the people of Russia. It will merely transfer rulership and power to a new puppet who will impose new mandates and rules upon the Russian people. After 6,000 years of this mindset, when will Biden and our politicians get the message that this merely brings more slavery to the common man. The mindset of Biden, et al, is pure deception/illusion.

So called political Democracy is rhetorical spin for our politicians to espouse as they campaign for more time as a ruler. But this mindset does not bring any real freedom (in the NOW) to the common people. We all live in the NOW (continually) and it is this reality which needs to be recognized if REAL freedom is to arrive for the people. We need a NEW MODEL for the planet which recognizes the NOW as reality and then a vision of EQUALITY for everyone who lives in the NOW. America was founded upon the idea that we are ALL equals. We were created as equals by our Creator. Is it now time to realize this reality (in the NOW)?

Biden's political democracy (which he is espousing over in Normandy, France) is a complete illusion/mirage as this vision does NOT bring any real freedom to the common man. It merely transfer power from one political puppet to another (who continues the MIRAGE). It's total INSANITY and at some point the PEOPLE will wise up to this insanity. We now need NEW leaders who will promote REAL freedom for the many (the people). Bring on the Kingdom Model for planet Earth is my vision. Let God (the Father) rule this planet and man (You/I) serve this Sovereign King. All this must be done in the NOW!

Freedom will arrive when we fully relate as EQUALS (in the NOW). The illusion of freedom is what our global politicians are promoting. They call this DEMOCRACY. It's a total mirage/illusion. Watch this coming election campaign between Trump and Biden. Watch as they use rhetoric and spin which deceives the public. Biden will spin his vision of democracy and Trump will spin his vision of MAGA. It's all pure hogwash and illusion. The people will continue to be enslaved and as the economy turns down this will further enslave the entire populace. What has helped these spin artists (called Politicians) is a strong economy. When the economy falters, then everyone will get the message that ALL is merely ILLUSION.

Back in 33 A.D. our Messiah Yeshua desired that the KINGDOM of his GOD would arrive. He preached the KINGDOM message and it was rejected by the leaders of Rome and the Sanhedrin. God then killed this servant/messenger and a new age of the CHURCH emerged. This Church Age has lasted for some 2,000 years and freedom (under God as King) has not arrived. The Church tried to REPLACE historical Judaism (this theology) as it claimed to represent the Kingdom (here on Earth). The Pope was the new representative of this Kingdom theology. All was a lie and deception (now that we can reflect on this history). The Kingdom has not arrived as of today! 

My sense is that the 6,000 year rule of man is ending. This means (to me) that the real KINGDOM AGE is now emerging for planet Earth. Real equality (in the NOW) is emerging for the people on this planet. What we now need is this NEW MODEL for the planet to be implemented. God (the Father) must intervene for this to happen. Unless God (the Father) intervenes nothing will change for the common man. Biden and similar will continue with their SPIN and false rhetoric so as to continue the ILLUSION of freedom. Watch the election in America for more of this SPIN and false rhetoric. It's all about man ruling over man (with the common people in slavery to this false SYSTEM). Is it time to WAKE UP and smell the roses?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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