Understanding Economics and Money

Welcome to Kingdom Economics - the future is now

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Virtual Money Implies that a Spiritual Event is Emerging! Why?

Few to none understand our times IMO. For the first time in human history our global society lives with VIRTUAL money. Virtual money (like our $) is really also 'spiritual' money in that this type of money is without any substance (matter). All of our material universe is composed of MATTER. Matter has weight, mass, volume. An example is a silver coin. A silver coin is composed of 'matter' and it has mass, weight, volume, and substance. Throughout human history money has been composed of MATTER. Is our $ today composed of 'matter'? 

Today, a major revolution in money is occurring. The money unit in circulation is now virtual. This means that it derives from the human mind (consciousness). My consciousness is part of the spiritual world (which is also our virtual world). Money, in reality, is an 'idea' within the human mind. It is 'invented' to serve a purpose. Most of human history has been a period where 'scarcity' prevails within our marketplace. Human needs and products have been scare and money played a role so we could overcome scarcity.

Today, however, scarcity is being eliminated (gradually) via our high tech society. We now have automated production, robots, artificial intelligence, and a world where scarcity is gradually being eliminated. This new environment of 'abundance' will eventually lead to a world without money. This concept that we call VALUE (also) is a product of an economy with 'scarcity'. Air is not scarce and, therefore, we do not give units of air a monetary VALUE. Water (mostly) is not scarce and units of water also are not given a monetary VALUE. 

As our global society increases production and goods for the marketplace, abundance will emerge for the marketplace. There is no limit to this commodity that we call MATTER. In theory we can produce unlimited units of MATTER for conversion into goods. With automated production, robots, artificial intelligence, and computers...mankind can reach this state of ABUNDANCE for the entire planet. God has done all this for mankind over the past 6,000 years. God is now intervening in our world so that a NEW MODEL for our society emerges. Amazing!

Our world is heading for 'abundance' in all areas of production (after a reeducation of the public). Yes, we will need to solve our human relations problems for this to occur. We need to end our wars and conflicts so that this NEW world can emerge. This will happen (my view) as people wake-up to our new situation. What we now need to think on is this idea of eliminating MONEY from this planet. Money, in reality, is imaginary and virtual. Money (like our $) is invented to serve as a TOOL for a marketplace of scarcity. All this is ENDING and our Creator God is intervening to change our thinking and our MODEL (for the future). It's all happening in the NOW!

I can say with conviction that our world of virtual/digital money units will not LAST (long term). Virtual money is really 'imaginary' money and this type of money system will eventually collapse into 'nothingness'. We need to get current on the NATURE of money and the nature of 'virtual'. Money is merely an IDEA of the human mind. It does NOT exist in nature. Money (this idea) is invented as a TOOL that helps us calculate VALUE within a marketplace of scarcity. Value (or price) is now artificial and without any meaning. It's subjective and internal. There is no VALUE out there (in nature). We invent 'value', 'money', and 'currencies'.

What we now need is education on the NATURE of money and value in a world of VIRTUAL currencies which get created 'out-of-nothing' by our bankster community. It's all diabolical and without any meaning for our NEW economy now emerging. We will soon be living in a world of 'abundance' where everyone contributes to the PIE. Our automated machines and our computers will give us unlimited wealth. What we now need is NEW thinking and the promotion of a NEW model for the planet. Think on this concept called VIRTUAL money. What is it in reality? Why do we need to eliminate our corrupt system of virtual/digital money. All will change when the masses of people get EDUCATED on this concept called MONEY and VALUE (within a virtual environment of banksters). See my prior missive on why banksters now control our global economic system!

Bring on the change so that a NEW world can emerge for our children. What is happening today is a CIRCUS of political and educational DECEPTION. Illusion is what I witness daily as I purchase my needs for myself and my family. Virtual money is our problem. In reality we should call this money system a 'spiritual economy run by a cartel of elites'. It's not meant for our world of freedom, liberty, and justice for the many. Education is now the most important input that can CHANGE our world for our children. Give this some reflection at your convenience.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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