Understanding Economics and Money

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Heading toward 9,000,000,000 Souls (on planet Earth)! Reflections!


Our world history is amazing. At my birth (1943) the world population was approximately 2.4 billion. I have now lived some 81.5 years (29,768 days) and my planet Earth is now at a population of 8.1 billion. Projections suggest that we could have 9 billion by 2037 (13 years from now). All is tentative, however, as life could change dramatically if our planet experiences a nuclear war. Billions could 'pass away' with this type of event. But let's focus on the positive for this missive...with some real-time observations.

America started in 1776 (some 248 years prior) with a world population of around 1 billion. Amazing. America had only some 2.5 million souls living at that time on our eastern coast. Our planet has grown in population some 7 billion since America was founded. Amazing. Today, is 2024 and we experience a planet that has grown much faster than most expected. Births exceed deaths and this produces new growth yearly. All is slowing down, however, as I write. Population was stagnant these past five years. Uncertainty about new growth will depend upon solving our relationship problems. This is unlikely as I write.

When I think of the war situation over in the Ukraine I witness a growing trend towards death. I estimate that some 500,000 Ukrainian military have died (passed away) since 2022. My estimate that some 300,000 Russian military have died. Add the civilian deaths and the injured and this would be much higher. War can create deaths quickly. Millions can die instantaneously with our bombs, drones, guns, and missiles. It can all happen suddenly and without warning. As I write the TREND is towards more death and this is ominous. We definitely need a New Model for this planet.

Our history suggests (to me) that we started our world population with two people some 6,000 years prior. From two people (one man, one woman) we have grown to over 8.1 billion (as I write). My estimate is that some 125 billion souls have 'passed away' during this 6,000 year period.. All is uncertain, but population clocks are now more accurate than in prior periods. Population has grown mostly in the past 200 years. At year 1 A.D. (time of Yeshua) the world population was only around 200 million. Growth in population was slow for centuries as death was our problem. Today, however, we live with abundance (comparatively).

Problem solving seems to be the goal of humanity. As we solve human problems, growth and prosperity can emerge. Today, our nations (some 200 on the planet) are not solving their environmental, social, and financial problems with diligence. America is technically bankrupt yet we ignore all our debt and deficit problems to continue the Circus life of avoidance. Most all other nations are in a similar situation. All this leads me to the conclusion that something BIG is on the horizon soon. Problems will WIN over living a status quo life. Problems are what make this world work and grow. We need to think and become PROBLEM SOLVERS.

Personally, I have many more human problems today than when I was young. At 42 years of age (my first trip to Sweden) I was mostly in perfect health. I jogged, played tennis, and went to the fitness center daily. My body fat was 11%. All has changed (gradually) these past 40 years. I am now 81.5 and my health problems are my real-time issue. I have had some 6 surgeries these past ten years. I have added new weight due to inability to jog, walk, and play. I now am dealing with lower back issues, neuropathy, and other health issues (all emerged spontaneously without my awareness). Amazing.

Many of my friends and relatives 'pass away' regularly. I live in a retirement community where death (we now call it 'passing away' happens continually). Two relatives in Sweden just 'passed away'. One in Goteborg and one in Dorotea. Both were my age. Both had their unique beliefs on life. Life is uncertain and the day of 'passing away' can happen suddenly. None of us can predict our future. WHO knows (who is our Creator God). Life starts with uncertainty and it ends with uncertainty. Knowledge grows but deception and confusion also grows. WHO knows (not us). Amazing!

I have lived some 29,768 days and my goal is 31,777 days (2030). I have traveled around our SUN at the speed of 67,000 m.p.h. and I hardly notice any motion. It's all a miracle beyond my ken to understand. I was born without any free choice on the matter and I have lived my destiny as our Creator God determined. All of life is determined (this is now obvious to me). Nothing happens via man's freewill independent of our Creator's direction. I am Clay and my Potter sets the program prior to my birth. Is it time to reflect on these realities? Life is not in my/your control. We are mere AGENTS. Our PRINCIPLE is in control (not us). Amazing!

So where are we going as the time clock is ticking? Are we heading for a RESET (at some point soon)? Is our current status quo mentality going to continue as our PROBLEMS grow and grow? My sense is that a culmination point is coming soon. We are at the END of a road with a fork ahead. Any thinking person must recognize that the status quo CIRCUS can not continue (indefinitely). Now is the time to prepare (mentally) for HUGE change and a NEW MODEL for this planet. The 6,000 year rule of man is essentially OVER. The Kingdom Age is arriving (after a period of contemplation). NOW is reality and the NOW says that we need to think a new. Have a great day!

Denial is the heartbeat of America as of today! This must change if we desire a future for our children and grand children!

The above is wise advise. But leadership is lacking as I write this missive!

Change is difficult but necessary. What the world needs now is awareness that our planet is one village. A decentralized village is necessary to produce freedom, liberty, justice, and happiness for the WHOLE. I seek a MULTI/MULTI/MULTI POLAR world system! Freedom demands decentralization!

The above value can start in the NOW (with America) and expand to the entire planet! This founding value has not been realized. The new motto needs to be ONE PLANET UNDER our CREATOR GOD! Amazing!

America started with men ruling the system. Today, we need equality of personhood for everyone! Male and female must relate as equals. God is our King and the only Sovereign over planet Earth!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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