Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, June 24, 2024

God's interventions are 'virtual'! Amazing!

It seems like few thinkers are discerning the nature of 'virtual' reality. In reality, God operates in the 'virtual' realm (also called our consciousness). Our consciousness is part of this 'virtual' realm and it is 'invisible' to our five senses. We could say that my consciousness is a sixth sense (really a first sense) as it operates as the CAUSE of all events during my lifetime. Yes, my/your 'consciousness' is key to understanding the 'virtual' interventions of our Higher Powers (God and his agents).

For the past 6,000 years of human history, God has been involved in ruling our society. But few seem to discern this SOURCE which operates invisibly and virtually. I can not observe my 'consciousness'. I can not KNOW what is happening within my 'consciousness' as the CAUSE transcends my perceptions. I perceive reality as a set of events which I can observe and comprehend (visually). But the 'virtual' realm is separate from this visual/observational realm. It operates BEHIND the scene and acts as the REAL cause of my destiny/behavior.

God is my/your POTTER and he/she has total control of his/her creation IMO. You and I are mere servants/agents of this POTTER (higher source). I like to say that God is our Potter and I am the clay. I assume that you are similar to me. We both think with our visual mindset and then assume that reality derives from this thinking. In reality, however, words and concepts are not part of our visual/observable system. Words and concepts (some) are derived from the 'virtual' realm (and then enter my/your consciousness without our input). After entering our 'consciousness' events happen without our real KNOWING. Amazing!

 God controls his creation (you and I) via his virtual 'words' and 'concepts'. This is essentially a form of INTERVENTION so that God's goals and plans are realized. Yes, God 'intervenes' continually in the AFFAIRS of man. After some 6,000 years of man's rule on this planet, it now appears that God is going to END this rule. This 'end' will be accomplished via an 'intervention' in the AFFAIRS of man (our political/economic system). A serious 'intervention' by our POTTER will change all our trends and our destiny. Who can resist the SOURCE who acts behind the scenes? I say NONE!

As human beings we must act out our destiny via our virtual 'consciousness'. I THINK therefore I AM, said Decartes. Thinking derives from virtual words and concepts which transcend oneself (brain/mind). What I THINK is what then creates my behavior/destiny going forward. An 'invisible' realm operates behind the scenes to create events on planet Earth. This is what seems obvious to me. I am not the CAUSE of my destiny as I did not originate my inner program (within my consciousness). I assume that YOU are similar to me. As human beings we operate AT EFFECT (mostly unknowingly). God's goals/plans happen without our full AWARENESS. Amazing!

I watch events on this planet (say the Ukraine war or the Biden/Trump election circus) and then I think about the SOURCE which controls the eventual outcome. It is the SOURCE which determines the eventual outcome of all these events. God is this SOURE IMO. The POTTER (our Creator) is this SOURCE which operates invisibly within this VIRTUAL realm (our inner self/consciousness). The real outcome of all events is DETERMINED by this virtual Source. You and I go along for the 'ride' (not knowing what is really happening behind the scene). That is my perception/discernment.

I am now waiting for some big 'intervention' by our SOURCE so that the coming Kingdom Age emerges. My perception/discernment is that the Kingdom Age is scheduled to arrive for planet Earth in the near future. My NOW anticipation is that this Kingdom Age (the Government of God) will be created by this virtual WORD of our Higher Source. Prior to this AGE, however, a transition period must happen. This is what many call the TRIBULATION. It's a period of time where events will collapse the existing corrupt SYSTEM of man...and then create the beginnings of a NEW SYSTEM which will be governed by our Creator God (not Biden/Trump/Putin/Xi, or similar). God will rule and man (you and I) will act as SERVANTS.

My entire philosophy is based on the above perception/discernment. Understanding the VIRTUAL realm is key to understanding this thinking. Understanding the reality of the INVISIBLE realm is also key. Cause/effect rules over our System and the ultimate CAUSE are these 'virtual' words of our POTTER (operating behind the scene). Wisdom and discernment are needed to comprehend the above philosophy. Seeking wisdom and understanding has been my mantra for most of my adult life. I must continue this SEEKING on a daily basis as I cannot KNOW precisely what our POTTER is saying/doing. It's all beyond my KEN to some degree! 

P.S. My sense is that some BIG economic event is brewing. Our Central Bank manipulators could soon lose control over their daily manipulations. Have you notices how silver/gold, the Dow, and other select indices are manipulated daily? This game of Central Bank manipulation must END at some point! It could be SOON!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

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