Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Three concepts to internalize (memorize/promote/accept)!

The above video has some excellent ideas (similar to what I present below). I do differ with some of the philosophy of Ekhart Tolle...but his general perceptions are totally valid IMO. I learned the concept of NOW and its POWER in 1975 (reading a book on psychology) called 'Playing the Game the New Way' by Karl Fredrick. It changed my view of reality and the below information reveals some of my thinking on this issue! Lesson 2 and 3 above are especially valid!

There are three concepts which I view as core/fundamental ideas for living life. I am convinced that these three concepts will be valid and useful when we live in the Kingdom Age (soon coming). But we all can internalize these concepts now (as they are also valid in the NOW/today) and then we can promote these concepts to our friends and associates as valid concepts. What are these three important concepts:

1. Viewing the NOW as the fundamental reality for living. The present moment is all we have to experience. I live my life in the NOW...and then as 'successive moment of NOW' (always).

2. Accepting 'NOW memories' as that which others call the PAST. In reality, there is no PAST that exists independently of the NOW. All my 'memories' are revealed in the NOW moment. There is no PAST which you or I experience. All experiences are NOW experiences. Amazing!

3. Accepting 'NOW anticipations' as that which others call the FUTURE. In reality, there is no FUTURE which we experience while living on this planet. What others call the 'future' is really a NOW anticipation. I anticipate events to happen (but this happens in the NOW (always). Amazing!

Most experts in religion, science, and education give us the impression that there was a separate PAST that we need to internalize. These same experts will also promote the idea that a coming FUTURE should be expected (different from what I experience in the NOW). This idea of a 'past' and a 'future' is really misleading and deceptive. In reality, I can never access any PAST and/or any FUTURE. I can only access the PRESENT MOMENT (the NOW). Amazing!

I live my life in the NOW continually and then I live with successive moments of NOW always. When I think of the PAST I am thinking about my NOW MEMORIES. Memories are really NOW events. I must access my NOW memories to express any idea about a PRIOR now moment (the so-called PAST). This happens because I can not separate myself from the NOW (as a human person). I am ALWAYS living in the NOW (even when I dream and sleep). My consciousness is in the NOW from birth to death. Amazing!

We are living in a world where education, religion, and science desire to promote some distant PAST as separate and distinct. In reality, this so-called PAST must be expressed and accessed via a NOW memory. NOW is what I experience as I live my life. It's impossible to separate myself from the NOW. This means that we all should internalize the idea that life is lived in the NOW moment continually (always). The idea that some life form lived millions/billions of earth years prior to today is pure 'imagination' (not anything which is real for our NOW living).

We need to internalize that this concept called TIME is a now invention. It derives from my consciousness/mind. Time is really 'imaginary' as it derives from a human mind (consciousness). Time is NOT a 'thing' which is separate from me/you. Time is 'within' us as a concept of consciousness. What TIME is it (in reality)? It's NOW...and successive moments of NOW! Those who espouse some distant time that transcends human living (like this Rapture concept) is proposing a fantasy of the 'imagination'. Who can understand millions and billions of earth years (prior to today), when we all live with a human history that is merely 'thousands' of earth years PRIOR to today? Who can 'escape' from the NOW (as these Rapture preachers espouse)?

Our first Civilization was likely the Sumerians. This people group lived only some 6,000 years prior to today (maybe less). This human civilization probably 'invented' time to bring their civilization order and regularity (say for their farming communities). The Egyptians also needed some order and regularity and this people group may have 'invented' time. The important point (to internalize) is that some existing human person must have 'invented' TIME. And this invention was only a few thousand years PRIOR to today. Amazing!

Human beings have experienced reality (including 'time') for merely some 6,000 years (give or take). If some educator enunciates that life is millions and/or billions of years OLD, I would suggest that this person is living in his/her IMAGINATION (not current reality). I would call this a mythical 'imagination'. Our scientists who espouse human macro-evolution and this concept called the Big Bang are also living within their IMAGINATION. Where is life today? Does life (today) reveal any macro-evolution from Ape to Man (right NOW)? Where is this Big Bang today? Is this pure human 'imagination' and a 'story' of those who espouse this viewpoint of reality?

Our SYSTEM is set up with many deceptions and illusions. Money is another 'illusion' of the human mind. This concept was also 'invented' (likely some 5,000 years PRIOR to today). We live today with many 'illusions' of the mind because our SYSTEM (via education) is promoting all these ILLUSIONS. In reality we live in the NOW (always) yet thousands of educators are PUSHING concepts of deception to the public and our children. It's amazing that people are not ALL mentally ill (similar to Biden and Trump). Illusion permeates the SYSTEM and this is then regurgitated by the public and our MEDIA. Amazing! Few seem to desire CRITICAL thinking. 

Think on these ideas as you live your life in the NOW. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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