Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, June 10, 2024

The People want Change/Freedom. Politicians give us Group Think! Why?

Sunak and Macron could soon be out of POWER (will this produce freedom or more polarization)?

Can human power brokers give the people real freedom and self government? What is needed so that the 'individual' becomes totally FREE?

Big changes are now in motion over in Europe and also America. The voting public is about to elect new political puppets for their nations. France will trend 'right'. England will trend 'right'. Much of Europe will trend 'right'. America will likely trend 'right' later in 2024. This will produce new polarization within our man ruled system (our political puppets will create this coming division). It's happening as I write and my sense is that NEW group think mandates (this time from the 'right') will create this growing polarization of humanity. Is a Civil War emerging?

Yes, a Civil War is likely...in select nations within this 27 nation block (of countries) in Europe and then later in America with the election of 2024 in November. As I write this missive both Great Britain and France are being polarized with their new elections (now in progress). Macron will likely be stepping down and soon Sunak will also be out of POWER in Great Britain. New leaders will emerge so as to IMPOSE new mandates (group think) upon the divided public. Does this lead to freedom for the voting public (our growing body of individuals)? I don't think so!

Prior to any real FREEDOM (for the individual) we will have this continuing battle within our man ruled political system. The mindset of the voters will go from LEFT to RIGHT (back and forth) in many countries. But can a MAGA political system emerge for America? My sense is absolutely NOT. MAGA is over and we now need a NEW MODEL for this planet (and America). The people (obviously) want more individual freedom and this can not occur given our GROUP THINK political system. Impossible...given the current 'state' of our financial situation!

My sense is that Biden will lose his control over his version of Group Think (the Left mindset) in November. Will Trump's MAGA create a NEW unity in America? I don't think so! MAGA is over as our debt based financial system is also over. Trump can not resurrect MAGA given our financial condition. This is impossible IMO. Trump (and/or Biden) can not create a unified nation given our dire situation with our debt and deficits. My sense is that Keynesian economics is essentially over and this means that we need a NEW MODEL for America and the planet going forward.

Any NEW MODEL can incorporate some real freedom for the public (the individual). We can rid the planet of GROUP THINK (by our puppet politicians) and create EQUALITY (of personhood) for the world. This does not mean that we (individuals) will agree on all aspects of reality. We must continue to agree to disagree on many issues of reality and yet govern ourselves so that our world grows in freedom, justice, and prosperity. Everyone must have their input into all this coming change. A vote of the majority can settle any temporary disagreement (once a New Model emerges). Group Think by select puppet politicians will be eliminated. The 'individual' will be SUPREME.

Yes, Equality of Personhood can emerge for this planet if we all allow our Sovereign God to rule this planet/universe. This new mindset of thinking/acting as servants of a HIGHER POWER can change the entire planet (over time). Our Creator God (the Father) will be our SUPREME leader (even as this leader is invisible to the human eye). A new awareness will emerge within our 'consciousness' which will then produce unity (within diversity). Respect for difference will be accepted by everyone even as we all recognize ONE Supreme KING (invisible) over the planet. The Kingdom Age will emerge over planet Earth if our invisible KING actually intervenes to create this situation.

All this change may be difficult (at first). Our world has functioned with man ruled group think for millennia. Taking real responsibility for SELF government has not been allowed on planet Earth for these prior 6,000 years. Select political puppets have ruled over the majority. A minor percentage (less than 1%) has imposed their mandates upon the many. A Biden type mentality has been called Democracy (by the media) even as the real-time behavior of this Biden administration has been forced Group Think. If Trump emerges with his MAGA agenda then a similar GROUP THINK will be imposed by this puppet administration. 

Nothing changes the Status Quo until our Higher Power 'intervenes' and changes the Governing Model. My sense is that this 'intervention' is on the HORIZON. If I am wrong on this perception then I see no option but more of the same (man ruled group think for the marketplace...forever). We need our Creator's 'intervention' if real change is to occur. Will this 'intervention' happen in real-time (say in 2024)? This is what I envision. If wrong, then I have no real HOPE for any meaningful change going forward. My prayer is for God's 'intervention' so that REAL change can emerge (for the individual). Think on this idea as you reflect on events happening in real-time.

The time for 'intervention' by our Higher Power is essential IMO if real change is to occur!

Thomas Jefferson gave us this idea that we are all EQUAL in the sight of our Creator. America was founded upon this idea that the INDIVIDUAL is supreme (the STATE is subservient). To date this has not happened. America (as a STATE) has been Supreme and the 'individual' has been enslaved!

Can the above elites create a JUST system for America? Is reality subjective for each decision-maker? Can the World Court create justice for our 200+ nations?

Is God's 'intervention' about to occur for planet Earth? I don't know, but my perception is that this is our reality! What do you think?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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