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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Good - bye Joe! Trump/Biden debate revealed!


This song (video above) conveys the message that President Joe Robinette Biden will be history in 55 days (or less). The Democratic National Convention is August 19 - 22, in Chicago, Illinois. My sense is that JOE will be given the boot by his convention participants at this convention. His cognitive/character skills are diminishing (quickly) and all this was revealed to billions this evening in Atlanta. 

The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden revealed to the world that Joe cannot continue to govern America. Leaders around the planet are now aware of this situation. His cognitive skills are obviously missing. There is zero chance IMO that Joe will survive to represent the Nation come November 5. His demeanor, speech, strength of character, and his IMAGE were revealed as less than desirable. This seemed obvious to me!

I think the American people (some 200 million may have watched this debate) will reject his role as our President going forward. This does not mean that Donald Trump is much better. The Donald had a stronger image and his cognitive abilities are superior to that of Joe Biden. But the Donald also displays a weak character when it comes to leadership issues. What a MESS we have in America for this coming election cycle.

On July 11, the Donald will be given a sentence (for his 34 Felony counts in the hush money trial). He could end up with jail time for this legal issue. If not jail time, then probation time with a huge fine. His character is obviously less than ideal when it comes to dealing with America's problems. His economic philosophy cannot survive IMO. His foreign policy philosophy is also weak and unrealistic. America is now in DEEP do-do going forward.

The so-called debate (90 minutes) revealed nothing positive for American voters. Whoever gets elected on November 5 will have no chance of creating any UNITY for the Nation. The downfall of America is now evident for the entire world to witness.  Both Biden and Trump are losers and this will emerge (be revealed) between now and November. The America Empire is now over (in essence). Without a strong leader America will die quickly in world affairs.

The danger now is that world leaders will sense this reality of the ending of America. This could create a need for America to end with a Big Bang (WW III). Biden cannot provide America with any strong leadership going forward. His credibility is shattered. His confidence is gone. His IMAGE is gone. Get prepared for the END of the Biden regime in 55 days. I don't think the convention elites will vote-in this loser as their candidate for 2024.

Trump could get elected in November but he also has no real solutions for America's core problems. We must now recognize our DIRE situation and prepare for the coming TRIBULATION. It will all start after November 5 when the results of this coming election are finalized. The DEBATE of a lifetime happened tonight (June 27). The American people will now panic as the days of Biden END with a BANG. The days of Trump are also horrible to contemplate. Prepare for tribulation and trial going forward.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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