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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Jesus and Paul were both Apocalyptic Preachers! Why were they both Wrong?

Most biblical scholars view the historical Yeshua/Jesus as an Apocalyptic thinker/preacher. Yeshua/Jesus preached that the END of man's rule was near (at the door). After the death of Yeshua at Golgotha, Paul emerged with his Apocalyptic beliefs. What is the common theme when we think of these Apocalyptic preachers/thinkers? Why was their viewpoint a failure?  Why were BOTH wrong in their perceptions/thinking? Let's think on this issue for today's missive.

Yeshua/Jesus thought (during his brief life on this planet) that his God was bringing an END to history and that this meant that God's Kingdom/Government would emerge for the planet. Yeshua/Jesus was a universalist in that he thought that his God (Abba/Father) had visited his consciousness with this message at his baptism (say around 29 A.D.). After this baptism in the Jordan River by his cousin John, Yeshua/Jesus started his ministry...focusing on the message that God's Kingdom was near (arriving). He assumed that this Kingdom/Governement would begin during his lifetime (29 A.D. and after). 

After his crucifixion at Golgotha (for sedition and blasphemy) this Kingdom of God did not arrive (as he had envisioned)...so a NEW vision emerged with the preaching and evangelization of Paul of Tarsus. This Jew (a Pharisee) received his vision during his experience with the risen Jesus on the Damascus Road. Paul then thought that the END was still arriving (soon) and that this would occur during his lifetime (say after 37 A.D.). Paul preached about this coming END...which he assumed would happen during his lifetime. His preaching was not valid however. Then what happened?

After years of preaching by both Yeshua/Jesus and later Paul, nothing emerged that we could call God's Kingdom (a New Government for the planet). What emerged in 70 A.D. was the complete DESTRUCTION of the Temple of Yahweh (the God of Israel) in Jerusalem. This destruction and killing of Jews/Christians was perpetrated by the Romans. Titus and his military leveled the Temple and killed millions of Jews/Christians who resisted this slaughter. There was no emergence of God's Kingdom at this time and/or after. The final death of the Jewish revolt and their idea of real change for them and their future happened at Masada in 73 A.D. The Roman legions laid siege of Masada where they witnessed the suicide of those who had resisted these Romans and their rule.

As time continued after Masada, Jerusalem was gradually changed into a Gentile city and the concept of a Kingdom of God arriving deminished over time. Both the perceptions of the historical Yeshua/Jesus and the perceptions of Paul (with reference to a coming Kingdom of God) were squashed. Why? Apparently, their ideas where not in tune with what our Creator God desired for planet Earth. As time moved forward, new beliefs emerged so as to form the Christian religion and also a new Jewish religion. God's so-called Kingdom/Government never arrived for planet Earth and its people (the Gentiles and the Jews). Is this dream/vision still valid?

Today, we live some 2,000 years AFTER this time of Yeshua/Jesus and Paul. God's Kingdom/Government is here (in the sense that God rules this planet in the NOW) but it is NOT here with respect to the entire planet. A NEW Kingdom Government has not yet arrived for the people of planet Earth (now some 8.1 billion). There were only some 200 million citizens on planet Earth back in the time of Jesus and Paul. So what is the problem? Is God's Kingdom still coming to our planet? Will a New Age arrive where man's rule is replaced by God's rule? This is my perception (as of today). After some 2,000 years of a Church Age the TIME is now here for the Kingdom of God Age to replace this Church Age. That is my view of prophecy and my discernment of the times. We are NOW at the time when God will intervene and establish his Government for our planet!

The Kingdom Age was probably delayed (purposely) as this Church Age was meant to play a role for these 2,000 years (4,000 plus 2,000 = 6,000 years). We are now at the point in God's history where some 6,000 years have expired (from the point of our first parents). The past 6,000 years is meant to fulfill the time period for man's rule. That is my perception. This means that we are NOW at the point where God's Government/Kingdom will arrive for our planet. All is determined, however, by our Creator God and his plan/goals. We servants cannot bring this Kingdom to our planet (on our own volition). God (Abba Father) must bring this new Government to our planet. Is NOW the time period for this Kingdom to emerge/arrive?

Naturally, know one KNOWS if this is reality or not. My sense/perception is that it IS our reality (that is emerging). The END of man's rule and also the END of this 6,000 year period since Creation of man gives me this viewpoint. There are many others who THINK similarly. Man's rule is soon over and God's rule will replace this prior rulership of man. That is what I think is emerging NOW and what I think will happen within the next ten years (give or take). But could God have other plans for our planet which I (we) cannot KNOW? Absolutely! We live without KNOWING anything with certainty. All I/You can do is think and hope. God must intervene if this NEW Age is to emerge in reality (the NOW).

Until there is an 'intervention' from the Throne Room, nothing meaningful can happen. The historical Yeshua/Jesus was WRONG in his perception. The Evangelization of Paul was also invalid as no Kingdom emerged during his lifetime. Today, we live some 2,000 years since these events were happening. The Kingdom is still here (but not here). God's rules this planet even as his NEW AGE is yet to arrive for this planet. The times, however, do imply that some BIG event is on the horizon. Man's divided rule cannot stand given our situation/condition. God must INTERVENE is my viewpoint. Think for yourself as we all WAIT and WATCH!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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