Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Tyranny emerging: Be IN the world but not OF it!

It is now obvious, to me, that Satan rules this planet. This spiritual entity has probably been ruling since the days of our first parents. My sense is that his 6,000 years of rule is now ending. But prior to his END he may try to set up his false kingdom to reveal his character and intent. Those who support this current global system of tyranny may find that their voting is fruitless. Our political puppets do not really rule as they espouse. Is it time to reject all these servants of Satan?

Biden, Trump, Putin, Xi, and all the rest in positions of POWER may be unaware of who is BEHIND their rule. These puppets rule over us as IF they are in control (even as they are NOT in control). Amazing deception and illusions perpetrate our man ruled SYSTEM. The end of this system is near and our financial data reveals the nearness of this END. For evidence just look at: http://www.usdebtclock.org. This website shows the history of man's rule (in financial numbers) and points clearly to its coming END.

America continues to espouse its control over the planet as our rulers think they can spend unlimited $'s to continue this rule. Modern Monetary Theory is what Biden and his administration follows. Spend $$$$$ to continue the illusion and deception for as long as one can. The END is near but these politicians will not change their thinking until a REAL end emerges. This REAL end will crash the virtual/digital monetary system (within hours) and then these puppets will get the message. Voters will also get the message.

But as of today, the end has not arrived. Spending and bankster manipulations continue. Given the nature of our monetary system, computers (behind closed doors) can manipulate the numbers (prices and values) continually. I watch daily (on my smart phone) the daily data manipulations of various prices. The suppression and manipulation of silver and gold is now obvious to many. Our real monetary system was based upon these precious metals. But our central planners manipulate these prices to give the traders the ILLUSION of prosperity. The illusion that there is no problem. It's all a huge deception/illusion but few seem aware.

Few comprehend what is happening behind closed doors (via our master computers and select decisions of our banksters). It takes only one manipulator to manipulate the entire digital marketplace. With the stroke of a computer key select PRICES can be changed, distorted, and manipulated. The entire DOW index is only some 30 stocks. This index can be changed and manipulated easily (it takes only a few key stocks to effect the entire index). Look at your smart phone app (I use the CNBC app) to reveal the numbers. I watch the various 'tick charts' to discern what is happening to select prices. The price of silver can be SLAMMED in seconds (via these manipulators).

Why is silver so important to our banksters? Do you know that it was SILVER which originally defined our American dollar? Yes, Thomas Jefferson, was instrumental is setting up our original America dollar via silver. He based our American dollar on the SILVER Peso. One dollar was defined as equal to 371.25 grains of pure silver. The silver Peso had precisely 371.25 grains of silver within this coin. Our MINT (in Philadelphia/1792) was instructed to mint new dollars via this definition. Today, all this is a distorted reality as we have NO definition for our dollar. Today, our $ is virtual/digital and without any tie to silver. It's a no-thing unit of nothing! Ron Paul calls our dollar an item 'created out-of-nothing'. It's pure illusion/deception which FEW comprehend!

My sense is that our world financial system (run by Satan) will soon reveal its philosophical foundation. As these no-thing markets continue to operate, some black swan event will reveal the illusion/deception within all these markets. When this happens (say in 2024) then traders and voters will ask for understanding. As I write FEW seem ready for this understanding. We are all waiting for this black swan event to reveal itself. Until this happens most thinkers will ignore the causes which created this situation. All takes TIME to be revealed (in our markets). My sense is that some time in 2024, we will witness this black swan event. Tyranny is emerging as we watch and wait!

My personal advice is for everyone reading this missive to think about being 'IN this World but not OF this world' (the System). The people who trade and live with all these deceptions are not the people to BLAME. The elites to BLAME are those who operate behind closed doors in Washington D.C., New York, London, Tokyo, and Beijing (and also in Basel, Switzerland/the BIS). Select banksters who operate behind closed doors are the real operators of SATAN'S financial system. These elites run our financial SYSTEM. And its the SYSTEM which is our problem. Our puppet politicians need new education on these issues IMO. But do they even CARE?

Yes, we are heading for temporary TYRANNY as the system will create this RESULT. Those who want to act with wisdom might think as follows: BE IN the World SYSTEM but NOT OF this SYSTEM. Get yourself educated so you can be one of the select who UNDERSTANDS these issues. As of today, FEW seem to comprehend what is happening in real-time. Illusion and deception REIGN. Satan must LOVE this situation. He can run the SYSTEM with his puppets not KNOWING what he is DOING! Amazing! It all must END someday!

This video provides some food for thought on how our SYSTEM operates. It's one point of view!

That is my viewpoint! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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